Fortesium expanding - again!
The Fortesium team continues to expand through our in-house talent search and development program – Fortesium Academy.
This month saw us hire our third graduate straight from university as those which have come before are promoted to more senior positions within the organisation.
Our Academy programme sources graduates directly from UK universities looking for those who show the aptitude and attitude to join the team.?As a new member, they spend several months getting to grips with our specialist line of products for Regulators, moving on to supporting our clients with day-to-day issues.?Providing a grounding, not only in how our products function, but in dealing with clients face-to-face and advanced problem solving.
At the end of their first year or so, we look to promote them into one of the teams (development, support, or configuration) and to find areas they particularly enjoy adding value across the entire organisation.
Those who have come before are both still with Fortesium and after moving through our Academy system are respectively now our Head of Support Services and one of our Configuration Specialists dedicated to onboarding new Regulator clients and configuring our products to their bespoke requirements.
At our current rate of growth, we will likely be expanding our Academy programme to bring at least one more graduate into our team this year, and perhaps even two.
We are hugely proud that even as a small business, we can play our part in developing new talent.?In an industry that is all too often filled with jobbing contractors, being prepared to invest in and foster the future stars of our industry is important and as fulfilling for us as it is for them.
About Regulator Online
Our core product, Regulator Online (ROL), has all the functionality a regulator would need. It’s been built with the Microsoft suite of products, giving confidence to regulators looking to run software on any device using cloud or local infrastructure, and remain responsive to future changes. The platform is based on a modular design, so complexity is reduced, and only those modules that are specifically required (for example to manage complaints and integrate or communicate with third parties’ systems) need be bought – therefore significantly reducing costs.
ROL has been developed to fully enable a move from after-the-event regulatory enforcement to pro-active measures. Personal data mobility, interoperability and data access are all standard, with functionality such as e-Portfolio (which automatically tracks registrants’ qualifications and CPD and allows them to create their own bespoke e-portfolio. It also highlights gaps in an individual’s knowledge and recommends training courses or qualifications to fill those gaps). Data analytics and intelligence capabilities?(including the ability to identify trends and indicators) can be enhanced, for example by online entry and update of required information, utilising simple “plug-ins” for content management systems, and AI algorithms to enable photographic identity checks.
The platform is extremely scalable (it manages over 1,000,000 UK registrants – that’s 1 in 3 of the nation’s regulated workforce), meets the highest security standards and has excellent integration capabilities – so it can evolve as regulatory strategies are further developed and refined, and serve as a single unified platform for wider stakeholder engagement.