Fort Worth PMI Newsletter - What's New This June!
President's Address
Do you want to learn new things? May I suggest volunteering for the Fort Worth PMI?
Here at Fort Worth PMI we are all about volunteering. As a 100% volunteer-driven organization our chapter volunteers fulfill much needed roles in education, operations, communications, membership benefits, community outreach and governance. One of our goals in 2023 is to grow our volunteer base to ensure we can continue to deliver our promise to you, our members, of providing high quality educational events and networking opportunities.
In addition to helping our chapter, your volunteer experience can also benefit you in your personal and professional growth!
June In-Person Networking Event
Topic: Customer Requirements Traceability for Quality Improvement and Project Success with Dr. Sherri Williams
IT projects may require more governance, quality improvement, and oversight before the phase endings, revealing missed target dates, and administrative or project rework, resulting in additional costs.
This presentation addresses some of the methodologies used in IT and how each correlates, overlaps simultaneously, and requires customer requirements traceability.
Fort Worth PMI Board Officer Election is Happening Now!
Fort Worth PMI Board Officer elections have started and will end on July 2nd so get your vote in! Elected officers will serve a two-year term from Jan. 2024 through December 2025. On the ballot are Kim Collins for Vice President Operations and Dr. Sadu Shetty for Vice President External Relations. Election ballots were emailed on June 15th – look for an email with subject line “Election Open - PMI Fort Worth Chapter 2023 Board Election” from [email protected]
Save the Date: 2023 FWPMI Annual Professional Development Conference!
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