Fort Mac and the Restoration Industry
Fort Mac and Restoration:It will be very important for the folks of Fort Mac to verify the credentials of the vendors they retain to restore their property. It will also be important for the restorers to properly monitor and train their crews. With the demand for short term labour and limited supervision will the consumer be assured of adequately trained personnel.. The consumer should insist on securing a remediation protocol detailing the steps the restoration firm will undertake to remediate their property this should include details of any health concerns addressed. Those closest to the fire damaged properties should insist on an in depth examination of the property for smoke in wall cavities, attics, ventilation systems and tests for the presence of toxins should be carried out. Folks need to remember they will be the ones living in these homes and they should not accept a quick wipe down and nothing more. There are stringent protocols that should be adhered to. If in doubt retain a certified industrial hygienist. Those choosing to remediate themselves without expert advice are looking for trouble down the road. Granted with the economic downturn it will be tempting to take a cash out but remember the health consequences and think of the little ones that will be living in a maybe not so safe environment. I hope everyone ends up with a healthy clean environment within which they can sleep soundly knowing they are safe.