The FORT Life. 20 for 20. 20 Lessons from 20 Years of Business Ownership, Hardship & Success.
Fran?ois Damián Aristhomene Martínez
January 2024. Vol 24
Humanly written by: Franc?ois Damian Aristhomene Martinez
CVO & Founder FORT International
*Please enjoy the contributions made by the entire team of FORT International.
EDITORIAL: 20 for 20. 20 Lessons from 20 Years of Business Ownership, Hardship & Success.
?Dreams; A very personal compilation of illusions and fears from our subconscious begging to be liberated or controlled.? We all have them, some experience them more vividly than others, yet very few take the time to really study them, analyze them, let alone chase them to reality.
20 years ago this month life took a chance on me. It literally opened up a lane on a highway reserved for a few, while simultaneously taking me under its wing and guiding me through a complicated maze of choices, hardships, and triumphs.
Over this time period, and at the age of 45 as of this publishing, I have found that this road at times is full of solitude both in triumphs and defeats. You often celebrate and suffer alone for very few truly relate to the struggle and success that accompanies this path; to be extreme, think of childbirth; unless you are literally the one pushing, all you can do is sympathize.
I am big believer that as individuals we all have a responsibility to contribute to society in some capacity outside of taxes, as this not only raises our own personal self-worth, but also provides an internal sense of accomplishment which ultimately leads to a fulfilled life.
In this 20th year edition, I’d like to share as humbly as possible, 20 of the most important lessons I’ve picked up along my journey in an effort to assist you from perhaps making some of the same harsh mistakes I’ve made, or perhaps propel you to similar triumphs regardless of their magnitude as success is truly subjective to each individual.
1) Be grateful: ?
I arrived in the States at the age of 11. Graduated high school at the age of 16. Became a father at the age of 17. A College dropout by the age of 19, and for almost 7 years of my life I tried every shortcut possible to establish a life for myself until one day I found myself in Wilkesboro North Carolina, broke, with no car, no girlfriend, no home of my own, all while being the lowest paid worker laying tile amongst a bunch of individuals who had less opportunities than me due to their immigration status. At this very bottom place in my life, I realized that no one was coming to save me from my horrible choices. It was then, during this extremely cathartic moment I realized I had endured 7 years of self-punishment and 7 years of lack of self-love. Yet in that motel room, crying my eyes out like a toddler while staring at the broken version of myself in a dirty mirror, while releasing all the tears of pain I had accumulated inside, is when I felt a tremendous sense of gratitude to my God for seeing me through and not abandoning me in my darkest times.
I was so grateful for him being patient with me, I figured it was time to let go of blame, anger, and the resentment I held inside which prevented me from seeing and identifying the beauty and the opportunities which certainly lie in the struggle.
2) Define your Principles:?
Ray Dalio wrote in his book Principles; “Think for yourself to decide 1) what you want, 2) What is true, and 3) What you should do to achieve #1 in light of #2.?
Defining what we want and working hard to achieve it in a way which doesn’t compromise your essence is one of the biggest struggles in life. It takes a ton of self-reflection just to decide what we ultimate want in life as human beings are like wind. Today we go North only later to decide that Antarctica is a far better fit. Now to act on said decision in a way where we don’t negotiate with ourselves takes a completely different mindset, and that my dear friends is a recipe each one of us must concoct on our own at some point in our lives if we are one day be fulfilled.
3)? Do not expect of others that which you do not expect of yourself:?
Many are dear to the slogan “Life is not fair” and although the phrase may very well be true, it doesn’t mean you can’t be fair with your own life and your treatment of others. Before judging and criticizing, please remember to look at the stains on your own shirt before looking at other’s. You too given any set of circumstances may make heinous decisions as no one walking this earth is above error or reproach.?
4)? Don’t chase money, but rather the reasons behind the need for it:?
What good is a hammer when you need an ax to cut down a tree. Many believe that money is the answer to all, but money without discipline is a recipe for disaster. Money is nothing more than a useful tool for specific tasks. Nothing less, nothing more. Identify what your immediate need is for it and utilize it accordingly.??
5) Pay attention to detail:?
If you can’t spot that which is wrong for lack of attention or fail to address the missing pieces in any endeavor, be prepared to fail, and fail hard you will.
6) Movement is determined by motion:??
Everyone can train themselves to speak extremely eloquently, but your actions over a prolonged period of time will tell everyone who you are.?
7) Keep your word regardless of the task:?
This ties to number 6, but the importance of this relates to trust. If you do what you said when you say you will, you will become a reliable and believable person, one people can count on when needed.
?8) All problems have solutions - Don’t Panic:?
?Yes, every problem has a solution, and some solutions are more painful than others, but they serve as valuable lessons for your? future or that of others. On the flip side if you are responsible for the problem, make sure you present ample solutions. So, when faced with disheartening odds….
9) Breathe and then move:?
Decisions are best made after a good night’s rest and happy heart. Don’t rush or allow yourself to be rushed into making decisions with potentially large consequences under duress. Someone’s timeline shouldn’t affect yours if both have a vested interest.
10) Look Beyond the Horizon:?
To some, vision is a gift, but with age I have noticed that vision can also be a developed skill fueled by the curiosity to understand the reason for things. Curiosity for life and its principles will lead you to study life, which in turn will lead you to understand the mechanism and ways of the world. Times change, human nature does not, so…
11) ?Invest in your growth and never stop learning:??
Imagine the best version of yourself; What do you look like, where do you live, what do you drive, what do you eat? How are you seen by your peers, your family, your children? Would you be friends with you? The best version of yourself is never fixed, it always changes, and it should, because if internally you are the same as 10 years ago, something is wrong. You’ve let go. You’ve stopped growing and learning.? If you are still performing tasks in the same manner you did 10 years ago, you’ve let go. If your body is not where you know it can be, you have let go. Growth is work, and work is hard… but we never appreciate the easy, do we???
12) ?“Do not let your ambition be more than your worth”.
I love this quote although it is a hybrid from the original “A man's worth is no greater than his ambitions.” Marcus Aurelius. Plain and simple, don’t be greedy by letting your ego allow you to believe you deserve more than what you should. I have seen so many individuals talk themselves into a place of entitlement literally ruining their careers, marriages, and friendships.? No one owes you anything, so become indispensable by investing in yourself and help others do the same.
13) ?Learn from everyone:?
Every single person in your life is there for a reason. Sometimes we learn what to do from some and what not to do from others. For this you have to be diligently observant and…?
14) ?Listen more than you talk:?
My mother has always told me, you have lips, and teeth… They are both walls to guard your tongue and keep it in check. Our tongues have the power of life and death so don’t gossip, stay neutral, and listen to what others have to say. In doing so and as the Proverb says, even a quiet fool can seem wise.
15) ?Seek progress not perfection:
In sports, many of my coaches always stressed the importance of progress. Being perfect is impossible. Nothing created by mankind is without flaw and it takes a tremendous emotional toll to walk daily trying to be perfect. Rather focus on daily progress, as doing something a bit better every day requires a tremendous amount of discipline and consistency of its own, and it’s both feasible and sustainable.
16) ?Elevator friends / If with wolves you roam, to howl you’ll learn:??
You are who you hang with and will share their habits in some form or another. Be selective of the company you keep. The people in your life should share your same values and principles, they should inspire you to do better and to be better. If they don’t you must question the relationship as…
17) ?Success in one thing does not equate to success in all things:
?Hence who you surround yourself with during your personal and professional time is crucial to your overall development as a human being. You cannot straddle both sides of the fence, and if you play that game long enough, you’ll soon impale yourself alienating members on both sides.
18) ?Be Kind:?
If there is one thing struggle teaches you is kindness.?
Today you can be on top of the world, and tomorrow you may be diagnosed with a disease that will put you in the same building as the people you once shunned, and all you will want is the kindness you never gave. A kind word today is a planted seed for a time of need.
19) ?Peace of mind is Priceless:
?Quoting another proverb; “The thief flees though no one pursues”.? Restless nights and constant worry are nothing more than self-affliction we bring upon ourselves with greed, lust, and egocentric choices. We all fall to this. We spend so much of our best years chasing that which only brings temporary happiness, by the time we realize it was all vanity and our best years may have passed, many unfortunately succumb to either alcohol, drugs, or antidepressant medications just to numb the pain and remorse of a wasted life. Our relationships with those who matter require one thing above all… time, so spend that which is your most valuable possession with those who really matter.
20) ?Give Back:?
You will leave this earth as naked as you came. It is said that after 3 generations most of us will be forgotten, and our accomplishments will be nothing more that fables and tales told to the children who may still carry our name. But what we do with the gifts and blessings we receive today have the potential to affect others who may very well go on to cement their names in the history books, if not our own.??
It is imperative we find the balance between ambition and gratitude to not lose sight of the universal purpose of mankind…to help one another become the best version of ourselves.??
Bonus: Never Give Up*?
I shared these 20 lessons with you because I genuinely feel extremely blessed and lucky to be here. I have seen both the beautiful and ugly side of the world. I have experienced tremendous pain but also extreme joy. I have fallen time and time again yet have found just enough strength to get up each time.? From California to Singapore, to the Middle East, and South America, I have learned that there is beauty everywhere around us if we just take the time to look.
Life is truly what you make it and we are all responsible for our own happiness. If you focus on the positive, positive you will be. Don’t be proud of things which were given to you, but rather find satisfaction in developing them for the greater good, and when in the trenches, never ever give up. Nothing put on your path is for your detriment but rather for your growth.
As Socrates once wrote:
?“The greatest way to live with honor in this world is to be what we pretend to be.”
??Isn’t that the dream!
Keith Conerly - Sales Trends for 2024
Welcome to 2024! With the start of the new year, it’s a good time to look at what’s new in sales. To do that comprehensively, I looked at several different articles and combined them with my own knowledge. In doing that, I came up with a shorter and more refined list.
In summary, here are five (5) sales trends for 2024.
1. Artificial Intelligence
No one should be surprised to see this on the list. Artificial intelligence (AI) is taking over almost every facet of our society, and sales is no exception. Conservative estimates say AI is used to perform up to 40% of sales tasks, with this number expected to exceed 125% in the next three years. From a sales perspective, AI allows users to predict consumer behavior (based on historical) and future trends. It also can reduce infrastructure costs in selling. In fact, when AI is fully implemented, 44 percent of firms report a reduction in business costs. That’s why it cannot be ignored, and progressive businesses in growth mode should investigate.
2. Influencer Marketing
Never in our history can someone have a position as Influencer as a career choice. This also ties very closely to social media trends, and the need to have a presence. The influencer marketing industry is a $21 billion (yes, with a “b”) industry with Instagram the preferred vehicle. It’s time for companies to investigate partnering with influencers to help promote their products and services. Recent studies show that over 60% of consumers trust influencers’ opinions of products and services more than what brands say about themselves. Additionally, there’s another >55% of people who bought a new product because an influencer gave a recommendation. This trend is still hot and likely to remain so for the foreseeable future.
3. Social Selling
Social media has emerged as a powerful channel for engaging with potential customers, building relationships, and ultimately driving sales. This year, businesses are smart to focus on building their presence on social media platforms and using customer data and insights (can you say AI) to tailor their messaging and offerings to the needs of target audiences. Social selling helps build better relationships with customers for businesses. To leverage social selling, businesses need to invest in social media management tools and platforms that can help them manage their social media presence more effectively. Additionally, train your sales teams to use it as a sales channel to engage with potential customers. But you can’t sacrifice being authentic and genuine in those interactions.
4. Virtual Selling
We can thank COVID-19 for some of the innovations we have today, including virtual selling. It has become very popular (and sometimes mandatory) and that trend will continue in 2024. As companies become more solidified in their return-to-work policies, and allow more remote or hybrid work situations, they are likely to embrace this way of selling. Success in virtual selling isn’t possible without technology that enables necessary activities, such as sales meetings and presentations, and training for the traditional sales teams. While it’s more acceptable these days, the specific strategies employed will determine effectiveness. Sometimes, there’s nothing
like walking in and having a company deal with your presence. On the other hand, virtual selling allows your target audience to better plan the time your information is in front of them.
5. Value-Based Selling
Gone are the days of low price gets the sale. In today’s markets, it’s important to take time to
understand the exact customer requirements and show how your product or service exceeds those requirements. You need to explain things from a value perspective that considers the sales price and brings into the conversation the return on investment (ROI) and timing of the ROI. In fact, over 90% of consumers want this information early in the sales cycle.
Advanced-level sales professionals focus on selling the outcomes their product/service creates for the buyer, not the features. Highlight the benefits of your product/service, and how moving forward without is to neglect overall value to the organization. For example, it may cost 10% more, but the benefits they receive exceed 25% in total value. Know your product/service and understand why it works for customers.
Helina- Day in the Life
Morning Routine?
Walk through a work day with me. My name is Helina Awayehu and I am the Jr Social Responsibility and Community impact associate here at FORT International. I know it's a lot of words but it's a glimpse into what my role involves. I want to say I act as a liaison between the company, our staff and outside organizations. It doesn't just stop there,?
My day to day varies on several factors so each day doesn't always look the same but they are similar.?
First, I log in and say good morning to all. See what everyone is chatting about. Then I’ll move over to checking any emails I might’ve received. Both my personal and scholarship email. Remember folks, FORT’s KSA scholarship is open and accepting applications! If we have any new applications I take that information into account and add it to our database. I also keep in contact with our voluntary committee members who are responsible for evaluating the applications. If we have to meet or give updates then I will communicate with all to do so.?
Social Media Management
From here, I typically take some time to respond back to everyone during this time. I’ll log into our social media accounts, if I have something to post for the day now is when I would do that as well. I spend some time responding to posts, commenting and keeping our social media presence active.?
Depending on the day of the week I would be relaying our posts for the following week to our graphic designer Sebastian! Sebastian and I work together very closely. We make visual updates on the fort international website, the fortnews website, create posts for our social media accounts, presentations or anything that revolves around a creating visual aspect. I also have taken on a large portion of crafting our monthly newsletter. I curate the language for the articles of the newsletter and sebastian works on the visuals for each topic. We work alongside each other to make content that is easy to digest but still interesting.?
Community Outreach
From here it's a matter of time management. For example, if I wanted to reach out to someone or an organization via phone call I would do so now before the lunch hour. This includes organizations such as FATHER’s MIA, Miami Rescue Mission/ The Caring Place. We keep a line of consistent communication so that we are aware of any events going on in the community. As a result, we often look for opportunities to work alongside our friends and give back to the community. I also take some time to follow up with my contacts regarding the KSA scholarship. Reaching out to HBCUs and previous contact from highschools. This role definitely requires a lot of outreach.?
This is what a “typical” day often looks like for me. However, like I mentioned before it can change. Leading up to the end of the year I was responsible for facilitating donations from our warehouses to organizations in need. We managed to donate supplies from our Baltimore and Tampa warehouses to homeless shelters. This included finding a specific shelter, sharing the size of the inventory to know whether they can accommodate the load, contacting and scheduling a pickup day and time between warehouse staff and shelter staff, and obtaining proof of delivery after all is said and done.?
My days often reflect whether I am working on a short term goal at the time or a long term one. Short term goals can often be completed within a week and can be checked off as complete. Whereas some long term goals take more time to complete and require time from each day dedicated to the task. Nonetheless, the mixture of roles and responsibilities have made me great at the pivot!?
In the hustle and bustle of each day as the Jr Social Responsibility and Community Impact Associate at FORT International, one thing remains constant – the ever-evolving nature of my role. Juggling short-term goals that offer quick wins and long-term projects demanding dedication and time management, I find myself in a dynamic position that requires adaptability and a keen eye for collaboration.
Brian- Favorite Tools/Strategies
We all know time management is very important at work, it can help us increase productivity and make our life easier, so any tool or trick we can use in order to save time is always welcome. Here are some of the things that I do to be more productive and waste less time.
Manage energy, not just time.
Oftentimes we hear about managing our time, which of course is important, but a less discussed topic is managing energy, we all have energy highs and lows during the day. If we can identify when we are more energetic, or “in the zone” we can increase productivity by allocating that time for our more creative or heavy work and leaving the moments when we feel more drained to focus on our more repetitive tasks.
Don’t multitask as much.
Although multitasking is a great skill, and many times necessary, is not always the best for productivity. Focusing on one thing at once and giving it your full attention will get it done better and quicker. We should try to work this way when possible.
Use technology to make your life easier.
It’s 2024, we have plenty of tools to make our lives easier and save time. In my personal case, one of the tools I always use is Magical, a text expander which allows you to set shortcuts that automatically expands into longer predefined text, I use it to create templates. Another great tool that I have used is Calendly, which helps you let other people schedule meetings with you within the time you set, you will skip all the back and forth of finding a good time for both parties.
Ely- Book/Movie/Podcast Recommendations & Upcoming Goals
To Embrace or Resist the World of Podcasts...
Anyone familiar with me knows I have a profound passion for podcasts. Initially, I saw them as an excellent and straightforward avenue for learning (a term with broad implications). However, I later discovered that what truly captivated me was delving into diverse perspectives on seemingly random subjects, which, in reality, often proved not so random. Why? Because, at some point, we all find a connection with the topic, or at the very least, a fragment of the discussion. It's akin to participating in a group chat with strangers, where your role is solely to listen and engage in internal discussions. What I've come to realize is that hearing the thoughts of both unfamiliar individuals and experts on everyday matters creates a sense of unity—I feel like we're all navigating this journey together. It's an exploration of this thing we call life, and more specifically, our individual lives.
Through podcasts I have come to the realization that, fundamentally, having everything neatly figured out is a myth. There's no ultimate destination, no single eureka moment where suddenly every facet of my life and existence becomes crystal clear. We're all actively engaged in the ongoing process of deciphering it, and that's perfectly OK!
Why is it OK? Because opting to have everything perfectly figured out (yes, it's a choice) would halt the processes of learning and growth. In this life, our continual evolution—mentally, spiritually, and professionally—is the essence of our journey. It's not about reaching a conclusive understanding; instead, it's a perpetual practice of actively absorbing diverse perspectives and integrating those that resonate most with our principles.
This brings me to my next point. While acknowledging that we can't possess all-encompassing clarity, it's crucial to commit to daily self-improvement. Ensuring that our actions align with our values and engaging in pursuits that bring happiness and fulfillment becomes paramount.
Setting Goals - So What Do You Really Want??
Appears deceptively straightforward, doesn't it? Sure, if you're merely addressing it at a superficial level. However, delving into the depths of your true desires isn't as simple.?
So, here's the twist – how can you actively pursue what you want if you haven't clearly identified those desires? Here's a hint: it doesn't necessarily have to be something grand or monumental.
Recently, I've found myself captivated by Mel Robbins. She wears multiple hats – a podcast host, author, motivational speaker, and former lawyer. Her energy and authenticity resonate with me profoundly. In one of her recent podcast episodes, she delved into the topic of setting goals. If you find goal-setting challenging, you might find value in listening to this particular podcast, where she provides science-backed steps to guide you. Click here to give it a listen, and continue reading to discover more about the insights I gained.
According to a Professor of Psychology at the University of Oregon, who is also Co-Director of the Center for Translational Neuroscience.“A goal is any desired outcome that wouldn't otherwise happen without some kind of intervention.”? – Dr Elliot T. Berkman.?
Put differently, achieving your goal takes action, and this journey will involve resistance. If there's no resistance, can it truly be considered a goal?
The inherent difficulty in achieving goals doesn't stem from their impossibility, but rather from the resistance they present. For instance, it's far simpler to binge-watch a series on Netflix or brew a cup of coffee in the morning—activities with minimal resistance. On the contrary, if your goal involves shedding 8-10 pounds and necessitates hitting the gym at 6 am, waking up at 5 am to prepare introduces resistance. It's not as effortless, is it? Goals inherently carry friction; they demand engaging in new actions and exerting effort.
According to research from Dr. Berkman, goals must have two main components,
the Will and the Way.
The Will; this is the motivation and emotional part of the behavior, Mel Robbins simplifies it The WHY! Why is behavior change important and why now??
The Way; this is the cognitive and informational aspect of the behavior change.
How is this going to unfold? What skills are needed? What is the plan??
A common error in goal-setting, both on my part and among many many, is the tendency to establish an excessive number of goals simultaneously. This time, a crucial shift occurred when I took the time to prioritize my goals and pondered the WHY factor. Specifically, asking myself, "Why now?" proved to be a profound reflection. This inquiry aided me in discerning which goals warrant my concentrated focus in the upcoming months.
So, what does this goal mean to me? It involves engaging in activities that bring me joy and foster a deeper connection with myself—namely, painting and creating art. The essence of goals lies in their personal significance to you, not in pursuing something generic merely for the sake of it; that wouldn't make sense.
Keep in mind that goals don't have to be colossal, almost insurmountable feats—yes, you heard that right. Why? Because those are not goals; they are dreams and aspirations. While these terms are often used interchangeably, they are distinct. Achieving dreams requires hundreds of small goals, so it's crucial to concentrate on those. Focusing solely on the overarching dream without tangible short-term goals can make the journey appear overwhelming and unattainable.
One of my dreams is to sell my art, but I recognize the need to start small, which entails the possibility of encountering failed pieces of art along the way. The fear of failure is a significant obstacle that prevents some from embarking on their goals. There's often an ingrained notion that perfection is mandatory, and the fear of what others might think can be paralyzing, leading us to hesitate and avoid starting, all fueled by the anxiety of potential "what if's."
Consider the possibility that it could be phenomenal! I can't predict the outcome, but I've taken the first step, and so should you! Here's a glimpse of an ongoing project—a sculptured canvas piece titled "My Path." Now, what about your goal? What's the motivation behind it, why now, and how do you plan to achieve it? I recommend tuning in to Mel Robbins' podcast to explore the (5) common mistakes we frequently make when setting goals. It's a valuable resource worth checking out.Click here!
Sebastian- Graphic Design Trends?
Challenges in graphic design with AI integration
We are living in a new revolution: the digital revolution. As in previous revolutions, many jobs that are now common will disappear, and others will mutate and adapt to new needs.
In the field of marketing, evolution is not something new. With the appearance of the internet and later social networks, advances in new trends have been constant, rapid, and sometimes overwhelming. However, the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) in recent years is a question for many people. While AI promises to improve efficiency and innovation, it will be a challenge for certain groups if they want to remain relevant in the market. The challenges of implementing and living together between new and traditional technologies will be demanding and it is still being determined which path it will take, or if it will give favorable results.
Perhaps you have already seen images of art or designs that, at first glance, seem very high quality, striking, and impressive, only to discover that they were made by AI. Although these designs made by a computer can still be differentiated from a real person, the truth is that the differences that reveal them are increasingly smaller. For all this, many artists or designers have asked themselves: is it still worth working on this?
One of the main challenges is achieving the delicate balance between human creativity and the automated capabilities of AI. While AI tools can speed up mundane tasks, designers must contend with the risk of over-reliance, which could sacrifice the particularity and emotional force that human creativity brings to design projects. The challenge lies in using AI as a tool to augment, rather than replace, the designer's creative intuition.
Integrating AI tools requires advertisers to learn new skills and adapt to evolving technologies. Overcoming the learning curve associated with implementing AI can be time-consuming, and not all marketers or designers may be prepared to take advantage of the full potential of these tools, just like the previous revolutions. As AI continues to advance, the challenge lies in fostering a culture of continuous learning within the advertising community.
While AI allows for mass customization of design elements, the lack of human touch in its creations is, for the moment, still very evident. Striking a balance between automated personalization and personalized customer or target audience requirements remains a complex task.
Being able to count on AI to create a marketing plan for our business and even to reproduce the graphic pieces that we will use on our social networks, runs the risk of homogenizing the visual aesthetics, which consequently leads to a lack of distinction and a lack of personality. Making use of these tools (AI) is not an easy task. It takes time to implement it properly, and just as much to find a result that we are happy with.
In the dynamic marketing landscape, AI integration introduces a spectrum of challenges that require careful consideration and expert navigation. Striking the right balance between automation and human creativity, addressing ethical concerns, acquiring new skills, managing customization, and preserving design authenticity are formidable tasks for AI adopters. By proactively addressing these challenges, advertisers can harness the power of AI to elevate their creativity and redefine the boundaries of graphic design in the digital age.
Danny- Lessons Learned (Sense of Urgency)
Developing a sense of urgency has many benefits for productivity and morale. It’s important for accomplishing tasks and making progress as a group. Some of the main reasons to maintain urgency in your workplace are to help maintain deadlines, planning ahead, driving productivity, and improving problem solving. Lessons I wish I knew but learned from many mistakes.
Taking on a new role in Operations wasn’t an easy task for me. I had to develop stronger organizational skills instead of just winging it. Time management for instance wasn’t one of my strong suits. In the past I would get by just through pure luck, but luck wears thin over time. One of my responsibilities was to make sure we were always fully stocked for our clients. All I had to do was check our inventory for any alerted discrepancies and restock. This should, for the most part, be checked daily, so you’re never low on inventory. Instead of seeing the alert and restocking immediately, I would reorder a day or two later. This delay would cause several close calls where I would be short on product for a client and at the mercy of an inbound to arrive to fulfill an order the same day. Pure luck…..My thought was to let a few more sales orders come through and I would restock a larger amount at the end of the week so I’d have to order less frequently…..I didn’t have any systems in place. I was trying to make my life easier without considering the client, making my life harder, and full of stress.
Cutting corners never works in the long run. Once I got into the habit of making sure the client came first, everything else was easy. I was overwhelming myself with the worry of storage space, warehouse costs, and delivery fees. I wanted to keep costs down. I lost sight of the client. I changed my aim to make sure the client is always handled properly. Whether it be making sure we are always fully stocked or making sure deliveries are made on time. Everything else is an afterthought.
Goretty- Outside the Office
I believe that balance should be part of our daily routine, working with enthusiasm during the day and then thinking about activities that nourish the spirit.
One of my favorite pastimes is to go out into the garden and enjoy tending the plants in the vegetable garden. Feeling the connection with the earth, planting the seeds that several weeks later will be a vegetable we can eat and feeling proud of that.
I also enjoy having a good cup of coffee, reading or listening to good music.
Learning new things is something that I like very much, especially what has to do with the human being, his brain, his capacities, his emotions, etc. I really enjoy books or audio books, also watching some videos about those topics specifically.
I like to watch series or movies, especially comedy series or movies with funny or family situations. In general, those with valuable content that allows me to free myself from the worries of everyday life and to reconnect with the essence of oneself.
I practice Yoga, because I like the silence, being able to feel the strength and softness of the postures. ? I love cats and dogs, so spending time with them is an important part of the balance of my day. And of course, whenever I have the opportunity to talk to my loved ones I do it, I like to share with them a good meal, a long talk, I like to talk but more to listen, I learn a lot about how people think and why, I love long conversations about projects and illusions personally, listen to life testimonies to validate how beautiful life is, even with all the difficulties that we can experience at times.
8 个月Great Job Francois!!
Founder & CEO Accountable Impact
11 个月Thank you for sharing your 21 tips for leading good and meaningful life - Francois Damian Aristhomene Martinez