Is There A Formula For Success In Sales? - Part II
FocalPoint Business Coaching of Lincolnshire, IL
Accelerate Business or Career Success! 1) Double Business Profits in 1-3 Years 2) Accelerate BioTech Career Success
YES! …it's called the “Way To Wealth”
If you improve by just 10% per year, less than l% per month in each of these seven areas, the cumulative result will be that your sales and income will double or more over the next twelve months, or even faster.
If you know the numbers and the sequence you’re able to open the combination lock the same is true, particularly with respect to the sales process.
1. Prospecting Power: Finding more and better-qualified people to talk to about your product or service.
2. Relationship Selling: Building high levels of trust, rapport, and credibility with each prospect.
3. Identifying Needs Accurately: Ask good questions to learn exactly how and why your product or service is the ideal choice for this customer.
4. Making Persuasive Presentations: Showing the customer clearly why he should buy your product or service now.
5. Overcoming Objections: Dealing effectively with the questions and concerns of the prospect that holds him or her back from buying.
6. Closing the Sale: Confidently ask the prospect to make a buying decision and take action.
7. Getting Re-sales and Referrals: Take such good care of your customers that they buy, buy again, and tell their friends to buy from you as well.
Interested to learn more?
Contact us for a free consultation.?Direct: 847-916-7230 | Main: 847-551-5106