There Is No Formula For Success — Only Mindsets

There Is No Formula For Success — Only Mindsets

I’ll be the first to admit: I’m so eager to grow my business that whenever an opportunity presents itself, I want to do it all by myself.

But here’s the thing: when we’re building success, we can and should take all the time we need.?

Take your time with it and make it yours. Any time we start to do something successfully, our mindsets are all going to be challenged.?

So how can we emerge in a way that is authentic and natural so that it’s a creative process and not a goal-based process??

When I follow my intuition, I feel so much more creative and connected with an audience, with my team, and with my journey toward success. Here are my top 7 mindset shifts for you to follow so you can better find yourself and follow the truth of who you are.??

1. Understand Beliefs and Experiences are Intertwined

??We also need to remember that we create our experiences and our experiences reinforce our beliefs. When we change our beliefs, our experiences change.?

2. Acknowledging and Recognizing Positive Beliefs

??If we’re always focusing on what’s wrong, we’ll naturally end up focusing our attention on this negativity. And what happens when we pay attention to what we don’t want? We invite more of it into our lives.?

3. Connecting With Others?

??None of my successes happened without the support of others. And the times in which I did try to do things all alone? It only led to burnout and isolation.?

??Success on your own, by yourself, with you at the center of your efforts, is not sustainable.?

4. Trusting in Your Own Version of Success

??To find what’s right for you, look for resonance, and follow what feels right. When something resounds within you, things are easy and obvious. We can recognize ourselves in these situations. We intuit when something is meant for us.

5. Accepting Failure?

??Having the courage to fail is freaking hard. In order to take it to the next level, we have to do something we haven’t done before. Whatever your goals (or wherever you are in your journey), we must make peace with being uncomfortable and not knowing.

6. Believing You Have Everything You Need

??Allowing your true self to step forward is better than creating something (or someone) new. Seeing ourselves in our true light is essential for success.?

7. Timing Your Success

??Your success is yours alone. And it will come in its own time. Don’t compare yourself to anyone else. There is only one you. When you bring something to life, when you bring something forward and offer it to the world, it has never been offered before because YOU are the channel.

Feelings of uncertainty and overwhelm are only natural when embarking on major life goals. What is meant for us will become ours. We just have to trust that we can and we will achieve these goals in our own time and in our own way.

Which mindset shift hit the deepest for you? Do you have any personal methods for getting back on the right track when these feelings surface? I’d love to know!??


