The Formula for Riches / The Difference Between Rich and Poor - by
Dr. Hannes Dreyer / Introduction.

The Formula for Riches / The Difference Between Rich and Poor - by Dr. Hannes Dreyer / Introduction.


Dear Wealth Seeker,

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Hannes Dreyer. I am 51 years old and The Formula For Riches has been helping me find wealth and happiness as a Wealth Creator since I was 37. It has been an incredible journey; a most fascinating, satisfying, instructive, and rewarding experience.

I would like to welcome you to the same journey of discovery as you find out how the amazing Universal Formula for Riches can change your life forever!

I know what is in store for you because it was the same for me when I began to change my life from a highly paid slave to a Wealth Creator, by which I mean someone who creates abundance and enjoys fulfillment in all areas of life, not just financial, but also health, relationships, and spiritual.

And because I know what you can expect if you follow the steps I have pioneered for you, I am excited for you! I know that by following The Formula For Riches you have so much to look forward to! Not only to financial transformation and the end of “wage slavery” and financial stress ... but also to seeing the world with new eyes, understanding why things are as they are, and why you can read every newspaper and watch every episode of the news on TV, and never make sense of this world or this life you are living.

I know you can make sense of both, for amazing results, and the first step is to stop following the crowd when it comes to how you think, live, spend, save, invest, get your news, understand the world, and literally everything else!

This is what makes the Formula for Riches so incredibly exciting!

As you read this book, you will find that the only reason why people are poor, is because of ignorance. 

This book’s intention is to give you a roadmap you can use to help you get on track to riches ... and stay there.

Becoming rich is a decision.

If you decide to become rich, all you have to do is take the responsibility of investing in yourself and understanding how to apply The Formula For Riches. By learning how to apply this amazing wealth creation strategy, you will put yourself in a position to accumulate financial riches of any scale ... up to and beyond your wildest dreams!

This makes investing in this book the most important financial decision you have ever taken in your life and I want to welcome you to the ranks of Wealth Creators.

It is my passion to help people create wealth, but I know that it only works if the person is willing and takes action. You have proven that you qualify, and because of this decision, I will assist you in the pages of this book to reach your financial and other goals by applying the greatest financial secret of all times.

You will not learn this secret anywhere else or from any financial or educational system.

Simply because they do not want you to know how easy it is to become rich. It is not the job of the educational system or the financial institutions to truly educate or enlighten you.

It is their job to train you to stay in your place in society – as an obedient consumer making profits for corporates. Until you understand this, you will continue to be confused about the truth. 

Even understanding this paragraph means you need to develop an independent mind!

You will come to see that having an independent, questioning mind is absolutely central to freeing yourself from wage slavery. In the pages of this book, you will see how I did it and you will see that you can too, once you give yourself permission to trust your own judgment and reject the conditioning you have been subjected to.

You will discover that the educational and financial systems were designed to keep you financially ignorant. As long as you are financially ignorant you will not be able to build incredible wealth: in other words, get growth rates of more than 1000% guaranteed without taking any risks!

I have been doing this for many years and the result is that I have built great wealth in all areas of my life. I have everything my heart desires and it is richly fulfilling! Now my passion is to help others do the same.

If you would like to read more about me and some of my achievements you will find more information in the final chapter of this book – “About the author”.

What is a Wealth Creator?

Is it a rapacious entrepreneur who grabs everything for himself and couldn’t care less about the effects on his relationships, his reputation, or the world?

Is it a boom-and-bust entrepreneur who is rich one day, loses it all the next, up and down like a yo-yo, living the high life one day, living in someone’s garage the next?

Is it a charismatic, dynamic figure, always in the public eye, doing daring, bold, fascinating, newsworthy things?

Is it a super-bright nerd, hard at work in the family garage, absorbed in flickering screens and pages full of numbers, a complete unknown until one day his name is on everybody’s lips?

Or a canny investor who works behind the scenes, making deals, living quietly, building up a mind-boggling row of zeros behind his growing net worth?

I would suggest that the media gives you the idea that the above list is accurate. I would also suggest that a Wealth Creator is probably none of these people except perhaps the last.


You will understand this as you get to know The Formula For Riches, but just in order to wet your appetite about what a Wealth Creator really is and isn’t …

He’s not unscrupulous because he has integrity, and he knows that unethical behavior doesn’t pay off in the long term, because it is based on negative emotions like fear and greed, and these are low in energy.

This means that if you act according to them, you need to break through things with great force, which can lead to burnout, not to mention bad relationships.

Wealth Creators have good relationships built on trust, respect, sustainability, and positive emotions that are high in energy and they do not lead to burnout.

He’s not living the high life one day, and living in someone’s garage the next, because Wealth Creators simply do not take risks so they do not put themselves in a position where they could lose it all!

Being super-bright has nothing to do with it either – he simply knows how to build a business or investment, and sticks to the formula. This means he probably seldom hits the headlines (unless he wants to)!

He could be the canny investor, quietly building wealth by knowing what to do and when, and getting on with it.

Essentially, a Wealth Creator is a person with the ability to make his money work for him, not the other way around. 

A Wealth Creator is a person who knows how to create, preserve and enjoy wealth.

In 2004 I started a Wealth Creation Mentoring Course? in order to teach people how to do this. You can read about it here

Here, in the form of weekly lessons, I teach students how to empower themselves by accepting responsibility for their future and thus become Wealth Creators. 

During my years as a Wealth Creator, I have developed, tested, and perfected a system for Wealth Creation, of which The Formula For Riches is the central concept. 

It is a simple concept, and by applying it you can become as rich (make as much money) as you want.

But while the Formula is simple, it is not as easy as it seems to implement it because you need to take full responsibility and be willing to put in the time and effort required to make your dreams come true.

By applying The Formula For Riches you will learn to question and then jettison almost every belief you hold relating to investments and money. 

This is because the educational and professional systems teach you investment strategies that cannot work.

Keep reading – because I will prove it! Their aim is not to empower, because then you would reject their ineffective products and teaching. Their aim is to keep you ignorant and in your place.

So if you are asking a lot of questions about your life and your financial future, they want you to stop. They will fob you off or make you feel inadequate or at fault. If anyone ever makes you feel that way, alarm bells should start ringing.

Why is it important for financial institutions to keep the masses ignorant?

The answer is both shocking and logical: “It’s easier to make money out of ignorant people”.

As long as a person feels inadequate (not qualified to deal with his own financial future) then he is ignorant, then he is an easy target to make money out of.

Financial institutions put vast numbers of people to work for monthly payments. 

People believe they work towards their great financial future but are actually very easily replaceable slaves improving corporate profits.

How do they do this?

Advertising, tells you how crucial financial planning is – too important to do yourself – the responsible thing is to put it in the hands of an “expert” who will give you “free financial planning”. What a relief! What a weight off your mind!

Articles in the personal finance section promote the same ideas.

Expert: the consultant or expert is really just a salesperson who doesn’t know the truth any more than you do (yes, it’s true – I was one myself until I started to ask questions!)

Free financial planning: The consultant spends his time with you, selling his employer’s retirement, insurance, and savings products. Did you know this “free” session actually costs you ±$2,500 in hidden commission and costs in your monthly installments?

You may now be in a position to answer this question: What would you say is the biggest risk regarding investments?

The biggest (and only) risk is ignorance.

The only financial risk there is for you as an investor is a risk of losing capital. The only reason why people lose capital is that they are ignorant. They do not know what risk is, how to define it, how to manage it, and how to eliminate it completely.

They think...

“You must have money to make money”

“The bigger the risk, the bigger the reward”

This is simply not true but too many people go bankrupt as a result of these beliefs.

They do not know how to make their money work for them or how to get exceptional growth on investments. Perhaps more importantly they do not know how to manage their financial risks down and at the same time increase their growth.

In this book, you will learn it all and a good deal more.

Your intention is important.

It all starts with what you want. Your life will never be the same if you want to understand and then apply what you learn in this book.

In Chapter 1- 9 - I will explain The Formula For Riches and how to interpret and apply it.

In Chapter 10 - I will show you how I set myself a challenge to invest less than $143 and turn it into $1,500,000 in less than five years.

In Chapter 11 - I will show you how you can start an investment with ZERO dollars.

Because The Formula For Riches tells me I must minimize risk, I made a rule that I would not put any more than $143 into it. I could apply all of my knowledge and experience, which includes the application of The Formula For Riches.

Once you understand the basics of The Formula For Riches you will understand why I was so confident to accept the challenge. The formula is a fail-proof system and if you follow it correctly you can make as much money as you want.

The trick about becoming rich is to understand The Formula For Riches on a really profound level, which includes understanding why you can never break its rules.

Why is it so important not to break The Formula For Riches?

I have studied money, savings, and investments for the past twenty-five years and I have yet to meet a single person who has been able to become and stay rich while breaking The Formula For Riches.


The formula is deceptively simple. The closer you stick to the rules, the faster you create wealth. If you break the rules, you ruin your chances.

I have traveled all over the world, and I have studied the outcome of the formula in every country I have visited, and I have observed that there is no country in which this rule is not applicable.

If you break The Formula For Riches you cannot become or stay rich. No matter where you are or who you are. This is because The Formula For Riches is based on a universal principle.

I did not invent its power, just like no one invented electricity or magnetism. All I did was to formulate this principle and make it understandable so that anyone who wants to learn and change their life can understand and apply this enormous power.

I hope that this book will introduce you to a fascinating new way of life!

The underlying purpose of this is to empower you and supply a framework to become a Wealth Creator without risk and without spending any of your money.

“Without spending any of your money?”

If this statement surprises you, then I have news for you! The moment you think you must put a lot of your own money into any business or investment you are breaking the formula by increasing your risk. The truth is you must minimize the risk!

I know this goes against conventional teachings. Let us take a moment to think about who and what conventional wisdom serves?

It serves the status quo which is based on you as a consumer knowing your place and staying there to generate profits for big business.

The fact is, most of what we know about finances is not true and it does not serve our best interest. We are bombarded by direct or indirect messages paid for by someone who wants us to think and act in ways that serve them.

“It takes money to make money” is but one such message, so commonly heard that we accept it without question. But if you really want to change your life, you will need to examine these beliefs.

They contradict the rules of the formula.

So by now, you get the idea that creating wealth and riches requires a change of mindset. In fact, what it takes to create wealth is a burning desire to take responsibility for your life and invest the necessary time and effort to dream, plan and then create your perfect life.

This is a challenge for you. 

Read this book, study it and use it as a guide to help and motivate you to apply The Formula For Riches to your own life. Then go on and become a Wealth Creator and experience a life of wonderful abundance.

I have to tell you too that most people will not do this. Most people would rather stay in their comfort zones, complaining about their misfortune.

Some people are experts with excuses. It suits a lazy mind. It is up to you the reader. If you want true wealth in all aspects of your life, you need to take responsibility and you will have to give up your negativity. You need to see it for what it is, a habit that keeps you poor.

The most important aspect of this journey is to take action and that is why I am going to give you three practical applications on how anyone can apply The Formula For Riches.

This is to help you kick start your journey down the road to riches and you will find it in the last three chapters of this book. I will show you how to create riches. How not to take any risk and how to get more than 1000% growth!


You will have to learn and apply The Formula For Riches. The more you practice the better your results will be.

My personal guarantee to you:

If you can prove that you have applied The Formula For Riches in the exact manner that I have taught you, and you cannot get at least 1000% growth on your “investment” within a year of applying the formula, I will refund you 1000% of the book’s value! You have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Why do I put “investment” in inverted commas? Because you will find that an investment that adheres to the rules of the Formula For Riches is nothing like an ordinary investment.

One last word of advice, Don’t be deceived by the simplicity of the formula, it will lead to spectacular results!

Enjoy the process!

For more information on the Formula for Riches ebook


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