The formula of Malcolm Prentice...
We continue our series of '10 min chats' with MTMS, Managing Director, Malcolm Prentice.
How did you get into the rail industry?
I have always had a passion for engineering of various sorts but I actually got into the industry through chemistry. I have a chemistry degree but was working in the electrical component industry at a time when we had started supplying products like drive cleaners and screen cleaners to keep computers running.?
I suggested that we should move into supplying the transport industry, from where I returned to my chemistry roots and developed the first biodegradable, green train cleaner. The product was a huge success, but I eventually left that company, only to return to the rail industry sometime later with Garrandale Limited in Derby. I helped to build the company up and eventually I split off the maintenance side of the business - and MTMS was formed.
What is the best thing about the rail industry
It’s a very well-contained industry that is a bit of an institution in its own right and is different to every other industry I have been in. The people who work in it stay in it, which means there is a lot of camaraderie with great friendships and relationships, while it’s enabled me to meet a wide range of people.
What is your proudest achievement at work?
I am incredibly proud to have built up a business with a team that is fully motivated and self-reliant and which has brought the company through a global pandemic. All the way through the last year the business was strong and everybody at MTMS has given 100%.
What was your first job?
I had a Saturday job repairing TVs and electrical equipment. I had always enjoyed making and mending things and I went on to become only the second VRC colour TV engineer in the country.?
If you weren’t working in this industry what would you be doing?
I would be doing something practical with wood or metal. I’m a frustrated engineer and I’ve got a passion for blacksmithing. I’ve got a Victorian forge with all the tools and when I was 14 I could shoe a horse. I also love repairing things.
Do you have a quote or piece of advice that has inspired you?
Be true to yourself. Never try to be something you’re not.
What is your secret hobby, hidden talent or party piece?
About 20 years at the Derby Freemason Lodge they had a fire which destroyed a lot of the contents of the library, such as books and regalia.?I have made it my task ever since to replace as many of the books and other items as possible so that we can build the collection back up again. It’s a lot of work but it has given me a lot of pleasure and I have met so many interesting people along the way.?
What is top of your bucket list?
I consider myself lucky enough not to have a bucket list. I have a nice life, a wonderful wife and my dogs, so perhaps the only thing I would want is for other people to enjoy life and for there to be more laughter in the world.
If you could meet a famous person dead or alive, who would it be?
Leonardo da Vinci. He was so ahead of his time and inspirational. He pulled his ideas out of nowhere and was an incredible person.
What's the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten?
I spent some time over in China and although during that time I’m sure I ate many weird things unknowingly, I remember being served chicken feet. Refusing to eat them would have been very impolite. They were very crunchy, and you were given a toothpick at the end of it.
What three words describe you best??
Honest, respectful, happy.
About MTMS
MTMS is the maintenance company of choice for the rail and transport industry. We are a specialist provider of depot maintenance. Delivering a platform of excellence which encompasses the full gamut of engineering, chemical, consumable, paint and coatings programmes; across the private, public and third party sectors.
With over 30 years of engineering experience, providing total solution packages for design, build, inspection, repair and maintenance. Our capabilities range from Carriage Wash and Electrical design and Installation through to Fuel and Oil testing, making MTMS your ‘One stop shop’. With a truly market leading UK wide 24/7 service, you can be assured you're in safe hands.
Our vision is to provide solutions that drive excellence, inspired by innovation.
For more information about MTMS, please visit