The Formula for “Leveling Up”.
There is much noise about this topic. So much struggle. Over the years I’ve witnessed a lot of bad behaviors from people with good intentions who want to get to the “next level” in just about everything from career to recreational sports to gaming.
Between neurology, how our brains are wired, and society, the pressure we feel to succeed, it’s become a toxic way of being. An unconscious way of being. It feels hardened, constricting and not at all fun.
I’m much more interested in a person's growth. Whether it's professional, personal or educational shifting the conversation to how we grow in mind, body and spirit is a much healthier way to approach this subject.
Things grow when they are nourished and free to expand. Leveling up becomes a byproduct of growth rather than the outcome.
Let’s for a moment presume you already have “the goods”, you are technically sound. And you are coming from a healthy place of service and a willingness to make space for others to grow. My formula for growth requires a new way of thinking.
“Leveling Up” = Let Go + Add-In
Step 1: Let Go
The first step involves the concept of gifting. You’ve worked hard to create something for your company. It’s got your “stamp” on it so to speak. It’s something you are known for. And now, it’s time for you to let it go. Gift it to someone who is also ready to grow. Notice that I’ve not used the world delegate with intention here.
Give someone else the opportunity to grow by letting go of something you are incredibly good at. Energetically it feels better to receive a gift than to get dumped a task. (Delegating is important too and I've spoken about that before.) Note: you cannot skip this step and merely pile on another project here. Avoid spreading around the peanut butter. True growth comes first by creating space.
As an example, I asked my client William to identify 3 initiatives he leads by way of a recurring meeting on his schedule.
- Which one of them is the most important?
- Which one runs the smoothest?
- Which one are you most pleased with?
Ironically, he responded to each question with the same project. “Great”, I said. It sounds like you are ready to gift that project away.
Step 2: Add-In
Now that you’ve gifted away a project (initiative, workstream, process, etc.) you have created space to grow.
Adding-in can be a bit more challenging because you need to do this with intention rather than unconsciously grabbing the next project on the list or the urgent but not strategic initiative.
- What are you interested in?
- Why? (they why is really important)
- How will it be in service to others?
- How will it help you grow?
As an example, I asked Elyn to answer these 4 questions. She identified a desire to lead a bigger team doing essentially the same thing technically. The growth wouldn't be overwhelming rather, she felt energized by it.
We then began to socialize her desire and enroll her sponsors in finding her this growth opportunity. As she approached each person she set the intention of gifting and growth, enrolling them by consciously coming from a place of service. In less than 90 days, she was given a new initiative that required hiring a new team of 20 people.
She let go by way of gifting a high-visibility project to her subordinate and set an intention to add-in something that would energize her. Yes, she did get the promotion and she achieved it by keeping the conversation about growing her company, her team and herself rather than by getting to the next level.
“Leveling Up” = Let Go + Add-In
Things grow when they are nourished and free to expand. Leveling up becomes a byproduct of growth rather than the outcome.
This week, look for one project that is ready for gifting. Happy Growing.