A FORMULA, whether actual or conceptual, is USEFUL because it provides a method for solving a problem, a way of approaching a dilemma and optimizing your choices.
To increase USEFULNESS, especially to provide the most useful information to healthcare professionals at the point of care, a FORMULA that has been used many times has been the USEFULNESS EQUATION:
As I am now focused on providing the most useful information for healthcare decision-making, and extending USEFUL efforts to decision-making support I have been trying to find the FORMULA for the CORE of this effort. What can we do to provide the most USEFUL information for any form of supporting decision-making -- guidelines, clinical decision support, shared decision-making, quality improvement?
The Validity concept can be expanded to consider accuracy in the information (getting it Right) and appropriateness of the process (an Evidence-based approach).
Relevance will be determined by the user but to provide the relevant information you have to cover the factors the user finds important - this could be evidence, guidance, opinions, experience -- this could require comprehensive awareness of the information and comprehensive perspectives or understanding of that information -- this approach to consider so many factors could be considered Omniconsiderate
And it is a lot of Work to put it all together, but what happens as it keeps changing? If not Current then it would be a lot of Work to repeat it.
Perhaps a FORMULA for the expanding on USEFULNESS for the CORE of information needs will be a combination of Current + Omniconsiderate + Right + Evidence-based.