Formula Algorithm for Compiler:

Advantages of this algorithm:

-????????? It replaces stack prefix infix and postfix algorithm.

-????????? It enables using large formula without affecting execution time.

-????????? It makes the compiler faster

-????????? It is simple and can be taught in school before university.


Covert the formula into string for further processing.

calculate number of operands or number of operators.

Construct an 1d array of number of operands -1

Or number of operators.

(i.e in C++ type *A = new type[Operators -1];

Or type *A = new type[number of operands -2];

Such that type is the type operands (i.e : int, float, double).

Find out the most internal parenthesis calculate them

As A[0]= most internal parentheses from left to right{the greatest one got number of ( in string or number of ) the max one in string). And so on until including all them.

Replace the parentheses by calculated on (I.e A[0])? ?

Seeking for highest precedence from left and right(i.e if(operator == ‘*’ || operator =’ /’)

Replace them by A[i] and A[i+1]……………..etc. (it may calculate it with previous A[m] such that m < I;

Keep incrementing the index for each calculate pairs and replace them.

Use generated equations instead of formula.

Stop when one is left. Or index ==? NumberOfOperators -1, or NumberOfOperands -2

Tracking Algorithms:

Suppose we have y = (x1-x2) + ((x3 – x4)/x5 )– x6 *x7 / x8 – x9

Y = (x1-x2) + (A[0] /x5 )– x6 *x7 / x8 – x9

A[0] = x3 – x4;

Y = A[1] + (A[0] /x5 )– x6 *x7 / x8 – x9

A[1] = x1- x2;

Y = A[1] + A[2]– x6 *x7 / x8 – x9

A[2] = A[0]/ x5

Y = A[1] + A[2]– A[3] / x8 – x9

A[3] = x6 * x7

Y = A[1] + A[2]– A[4] – x9

A[4] = A[3] / x8

Y = A[5]– A[4] – x9

A[5] = A[1] + A[2]

Y = A[6]– x9

A[6] = A[5]– A[4]

Y = A[7]

A[7] = A[6] – x9


Now replace the formula with following equations:

A[0] = x3 – x4;

A[1] = x1- x2;

A[2] = A[0]/ x5

A[3] = x6 * x7

A[4] = A[3] / x8

A[5] = A[1] + A[2]

A[6] = A[5]– A[4]

A[7] = A[6] – x9

Finished []

Now this equations are recursive let’s generate associative shape from the end to beginning

A[7] = A[6] – x9

A[7] = (A[5] – A[4]) -x9

A[7] =(( A[1] + A[2] – (A[3]/x8) -x9

A[7] =(( ( x1-x2) +( A[0]/x5) – (x6*x7)/x8 -x9

A[7] = (x1-x2) + ((x3-x4)/x5) – ((x6*x7)/x8) -x9

Same as we have y = (x1-x2) + ((x3 – x4)/x5 )– x6 *x7 / x8 – x9








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