Forming a Neighborhood Watch Program

Forming a Neighborhood Watch Program

In these perilous times we are living in, have you thought about how you will protect your family during a crisis situation? How secure is your home? How secure is your neighborhood? How secure is your community? How well have you stocked provisions? Do you own weapons for self defense? Statistics show that people standing alone tend to not fair well during times of trouble becoming victims. Form a Neighborhood Watch.

By creating a neighborhood watch program, you create a form of self defense. Get to know your neighbors. This is one way to be able to protect against anyone trying to cause harm while securing your neighborhood. There is strength in numbers.

We are law abiding citizen's that are willing to stand up and fight for our neighbors and our Constitutional rights.

Do you know our US and State Constitutional rights are being stripped away right in front of your eyes on a daily basis? You and your family need to take a stand now. Fight for your civil rights, freedom of speech, protection against unreasonable searches of your home as well as the right to keep and bear arms.

Join in making our neighborhoods secure and safe before a natural or man made crisis arises…

United we stand, Divided we fall!!!


Michael (Twisted Eagle) Ranney的更多文章

