Former Wartime and CIA Personnel's Data on Probable Terrorist Attacks in Americans Future

Former Wartime and CIA Personnel's Data on Probable Terrorist Attacks in Americans Future

Information from former military and CIA personnel on the probable terrorist attacks that the American public can expect to encounter in their future,greatly enabled for several decades by their leaders in government: in full view of the American people.

This is not intended to incur fear, but another attempt to shift the attention of much of the American public from trivial matters to mature reality. Also, to look into the conduct of their leaders in the most powerful positions in government.

Ronald Angell

Civil Engineer Project Manager

9 年

The bus bombings in Israel may very well be an act of corporate terrorism. Women should not be having breast implants - and in fact its a danger to everyone - The Russian plane that crashed may have been downed with a women on board with false breasts. She would never even know she was a carrier of plastic explosives. The RFID chip in her breast implants also would locate her exact location and directed energy star wars weapons could trigger the plastic explosive breast.

Ronald Angell

Civil Engineer Project Manager

9 年

The Russian plane that crashed may have been downed with a women on board with false breasts. She would never even know she was a carrier of plastic explosives. The RFID chip in her breast implants also would locate her exact location and directed energy star wars weapons could trigger the plastic explosive breast.

Ronald Angell

Civil Engineer Project Manager

9 年

False breast implants in women can be filled with plastic explosives and be remote triggered by the RFID chip inside the breast. Sampling of Types of Group or Lone Terrorist Attacks That Can Be Expected Against Americans Terrorist attacks upon worldwide U.S. airline operations. The number of attacks could spread horror, resulting in greatly reduced passenger travel, and possible airline bankruptcies. Airliners are vulnerable to: Surface-to-air missiles downing U.S. passenger aircraft departing or arriving at airports throughout the world, including throughout the United States. Bombs placed on board various parts of an aircraft by any one of dozens of people having access to the aircraft, including maintenance personnel; service personnel; baggage handlers; baggage checkers, including those that routinely steal items from the bags they are checking for explosives; or unauthorized personnel. Bombs carried on board the aircraft in hand-carried bags, or the huge carry-on suitcases, made easy by the FAA allowing huge bags that are difficult to check to be carried on board. Carry-on baggage should be limited to something the size of a toilet kit. In-flight attack on passengers from a terrorist using a weapon easily concealed in the massive size of carry-on luggage allowed by the Federal Aviation Administration. Bomb material sewed, or molded, into the side of checked or carry-on baggage. Bomb material sewed inside clothes that is difficult to detect. Bombs placed in freight carried on airliners or on cargo aircraft. Biological weapons easily carried on board an aircraft, or placed in a compartment that allows the distribution of this form of weapon while the aircraft is in flight. Suitcase nuclear explosions in major U.S. Cities, from suitcase nuclear devices smuggled out of the former Soviet Union armories as the union was collapsing, or possibly in such Western-hating nations as Pakistan or North Korea. Blowing up vital bridges or tunnels, such as the George Washington or Golden Gate bridges, the Holland Tunnel, and dozens of others. Placing poison in reservoirs throughout the United States. Heavily-armed group attacking and killing people at large gatherings, such as hotels, shopping centers, or other large events. Cyber warfare sabotaging national necessities, such as air traffic control, power distribution; or an endless number of other attacks disabling vital services. Russia suddenly sending its arsenal of nuclear missiles to destroy entire cities in the United States as the result of war mongering by U.S. politicians, as in the sudden start of World War I. The constant agitation against Russia and China. Among the Prior Terrorist Attacks Upon Americans At This Writing Blowback Retaliation: Bombing Pan Am Flight 103 Contrary to the line used in the United States for the people, that terrorist attack the retaliation that was promised after a U.S. Navy captain ordered the downing of an Iranian Airliner, killing 290 people. The Iranian airliner was a schedule flight flying a civil airways, carrying mostly people going on a hajj pilgrimage from Abadan, Iran to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, on the hajj on a civil airway. (Captain Rodney Stich, the major person behind this site, flew, as airline captain, many flights carrying Muslim pilgrims on that same hajj.) Standard DOJ Culture Following the downing of Pan Am Flight 103, Department of Justice personnel: Placed bogus evidence, a thumb-size timer, miles from the crash scene, months after the disasters, in a scheme to blame Libya for the bombing. (The timer fragment was obtained from a former employee of the manufacturer.) Bribed several witnesses to give perjured testimony. Threatened other witnesses to withhold testimony revealing the DOJ tactics. Protected the actual terrorists responsible for the bombing, for political reasons. Falsely charged two innocent Libyans for the bombing. Created conditions conducive for more terrorist attacks on U.S. airliners. Evidence of these corrupt acts were in the appeal papers scheduled to be released in November 2009. Allegedly on compassionate grounds, the Libyan charged with the murders was released a month earlier—but only on condition that he withdrew the appeal, thereby preventing this information becoming known. Libya's leader, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, repeatedly defended the two Libyans U.S. Department of Justice personnel sought to take blame for the deadly bombing, and then associate their blame with Libya. If the Scottish authorities and the FBI were not covering up for these crimes, they would have insisted upon the information in the appeal papers be released and further investigation made. But the object was to keep the information from becoming known. The matter of the deaths of several hundred people from terrorist attacks was obviously a sufficient reason for making public the evidence that was hidden from public view. Al Qaeda's 1993 World Trade Center Bombing—Success Despite Prior Notice Given to FBI Agents In the New York City Offices Prior to the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, a source with close ties to terrorists in the New York City area, and a female FBI agent, provided to FBI-DOJ management in the New York City offices the following detailed information: The bomb that was being fabricated in a self-storage unit in Jersey City, New Jersey. The names of the bomb fabricators. The Jersey City residence of the al Qaeda bombers. Warning that a terrorist attack was in the making. In those same New York City FBI-DOJ offices for several decades existed conduct that totally reversed the lawful function of that powerful government department: FBI-DOJ personnel, with the approval of top officials in Washington, engaging in criminal activities, including murders, with a brutal Mafia capo known as "the killing machine." One of the tactics used to prevent these activities from being known to the public was to file a criminal charge against a highly-decorated Vietnam Lt. Colonel, Richard Taus, who was then an FBI agent working under a FBI supervisor involved in the murders with a Mafia capo, and then used its power to have local prosecutors manipulate sex charges with teenagers against that FBI Special Agent. That same prosecutor's office was widely reported in the New York City papers with huge numbers of sham criminal charges. The reason for criminally misusing federal power against a patriotic government agent followed the agent's letters members of Congress exposing some of the serious crimes of his supervisor. Among the members of Congress receiving those letters was Chuck Ellis Schumer. None investigated the charges, and simply forwarded the letters to the DOJ personnel involved with the murders. Former Wartime and CIA Personnel's Data on Probable Terrorist Attacks in Americans Future Nov 18, 2015 Information from former military and CIA personnel on the probable terrorist attacks that the American public can expect to encounter in their future,greatly enabled for several decades by their leaders in government: in full view of the American people. Former Wartime and CIA Personnel's Data on Probable Terrorist Attacks in Americans Future Nov 18, 2015 Information from former military and CIA personnel on the probable terrorist attacks that the American public can expect to encounter in their future,greatly enabled for several decades by their leaders in government: in full view of the American people.



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