Former Spy "Tortured" For Million-Dollar Internet Espionage Secrets!
Former Spy Tortured For Million-Dollar Internet Espionage Secrets.
Want to Build Multiple Streams of Passive monthly Income? TOP SECRET - FREE training
Understand something here and now. What I am about to reveal to you is without a doubt the most revolutionary information ever exposed.
The first time I ever was aware that there were very wealthy people was when I was held for questioning by nefarious people I didn’t even know because I had secrets.
Business secrets they wanted.
They wanted information and they were willing to stop at nothing to get it.
I will never forget the passion in their eyes as they attempted to extract it from me at any cost. I have experienced the same circumstances in business since that harrowing experience.
I was compelled to review my life and the value I represented to my family as I was questioned. Was I good enough? Did I have enough? Was my value worth something?
When it was all over and I was back home again, I realized that my life took on a new meaning.
I learned crucial lessons on survival.
Money was one instrumental factor I needed to share my experience.
The lack of money made that difficult. (And eventually business).
As I look back I realized that if I were to be recognized for my sacrifices I needed steady, recurring income. It would need to be the type of income that would make my life worthwhile. I had to reevaluate my worth to my family. I had to do it fast as well.
I started to wonder what my value was. I had to figure it out without help.
Why was the next guy with no little life-experience making a killing and I wasn’t?
Then it came to me.
I was an asset to the information that other people wanted. Desperately wanted! They were so desperate that they would do anything to get it.
I stuck my neck out and got caught.
I took risks.
Spies are usually single with no assets and little to lose. Do you know why?
If caught they have less to be tortured for.
But a good spy remembers their value to their family or their “Company.”
The same as with entrepreneurs, right?
But when you have more to risk, there is more at stake and more to lose and more to be held accountable for.
It’s the same for business. The same as with entrepreneurs, right?
In 1996 I made over one Million-dollars!
In 1997 my partner took off with over $300,000…and my secretary. Lol. He paid a hefty price for that too.
By 2007 I was bankrupt, foreclosed, widowed, unemployed, out of business and clinically depressed.
What saved me was my unstoppable training as a spy.
What saved me? It was my ability to take anything and bounce back even stronger.
I did so with even greater force and resolve.
That’s when I knew I was an entrepreneur.
I went on to build a dynamic, online, digital, virtual-passive business. A lot being a spy.
I could run it from any location in the world…just like a spy.
I could do it almost undercover…just like a spy.
I could do it almost alone…just like being a spy.
I didn’t require recognition for my success…just like being a spy.
P.S. The best evidence of success is measured at the bank!
I discovered the ultimate business!
I made my fortune back…and more!
My mentor was the “Company”. (Here unnamed for security reasons.)
Your mentor can be me with years of experience and unrestrained passion for success.
This is the start you may be looking for.
Want the reward? It takes a risk dedication, calculation, planning, effort, cooperation, and action. …just like a spy.
When the path is determined and the action is taken, anything is possible. Success is possible. Your success is possible. When you know what the risks are and the reward is then the effort and the action are predetermined and set up for success.
You can skip the pain of torture, (the kind you experience trying to keep up with bills and demands of life when there’s never enough money to go around) when you follow a prescribed plan and take appropriate action. You will know what works and what doesn’t.
It sometimes takes risks to be successful but it is always minimized with training, mentoring, guidance and support. (You can get that from me).
Just like being a spy!
The point is to always get your man or information and you get to come home a success.
Just like being an entrepreneur!
If you fail along the way, you can rely on your training, resolve, dedication, calculation, planning, effort, cooperation, and action. …just like a spy.
When it’s all over. You will have triumphed in the end. Taken the torture, lost and gained because you are of value to someone and everyone.
Share what you learn from the experience like I do. Make every day count like it is your last.
Stay safe,
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