Former Police Sergeant Turns Adversity Into Strength
Haven Health Management
Advancing recovery through evidence-based care nationwide.
To honor PTSD Awareness Day, I want to share my story and a message of hope. Before I had the chance to retire, my career was tragically cut short. And, I remember it every day.
In the 13 years I served, I was never being formally disciplined, sued in court, or accused of any on-duty misconduct—never late to a single roll call.?
I made the rank of Sergeant and wanted to one day be in Command Staff to use my experience and make things better for my fellow officers. Crime was on the rise, and there was so much more I could’ve done to help.?
The sound of sirens still makes my heart race.?
When driving, I still glance down where my radar used to be, thinking to run a plate on an MDT that isn’t there. I can still give physical descriptions of people that pass our family walking down the street an hour later.
And, oh yeah, I still bump my right side, checking to see if my weapon is there—the weapon I can no longer carry or own. The inability to protect my family, and others, now that truly hurts. So, there's not a day that goes by that I'm not reminded of my failure to seek help when I desperately needed it.??
In May 2020, I was arrested for several alcohol-related misdemeanor crimes.
I had no idea at the time, where, or how to seek the kind of help that I needed. But, with the help of Rich Wistocki and the Fraternal Order of Police, I went straight to a dedicated First Responder Treatment Program.?
It was there, under Carlos Farina, that I learned the tools I needed to get my life on track. I learned that I had made my job the priority, not just over my own life, but the lives of my family. I had forgotten about my human side, and focused only on being a “Cop.” I felt the hard way the true dangers of allowing the profession to take over whom I truly was.
Two years later, not only am I sober, but I have my life back.?
I am also in a position to help.? I now work with Rich and Carlos as an Outreach Specialist for a dedicated First Responder Treatment program, fittingly titled “Haven for Heroes.”?
Haven Health Management knows I “walk the walk” and could “talk the talk.”? They have the confidence in me to show our nation's heroes that help—the help they need and deserve—is here.
I'm so proud to be a part of this program for veterans, first responders, EMTs, firefighters, and all the brave souls our country is blessed to have. Haven for Heroes helps heal alcohol and substance use disorders, as well as mental health issues.
Please, share this on your post with someone you believe needs to hear it. There is hope.?
Thank you to my loving wife who fought endlessly by my side the whole time. I love you, Miryan!