Format for an Tribunal Submission
One of my contacts recently asked for guidence on how to present an extesnsion of time narrative.
This was my grief response:
My usual format is based on the following sections - remember that I am submitting as expert witness.
1. My declaration and experience
2. My clients brief and instructions
3. Broad outline of the matters in dispute - sometimes called an Executive Summary
4. Reasons for my selection of delay analysis
5. Presentation of individual claim heads in a "Book" format:
5.1 Contractual Justification
5.2 Presentation of facts - embed relevant documents to prove each statement in Jpeg format.
5.3 Show summarised bar chart analysis - using Jpeg.
Note At this stage I prefer to use Landscape format.
5.4 Brief description of what is on the chart and the significance of each aspect.
6. Repeat 5. for each event in chronological order.
7. Summarise the inter relation of the events on a spreadsheet.
8. Review concurrency.
9. Address Loss and Expense if so instructed.
10. Address disruption - acceleration costs if instructed.
11. Add statement of truth.
12 Prepare supporting appendices - always present programmes in their electonic format.
Main rules:
Keep it simple - Avoid technical jargon and acronyms - tell the truth and do not distort facts to suit a theory.
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