Formaldehyde Toxicity
Craig Latson, MBA, ThM
MBA, ThM, HIRING MUSIC INSTRUCTORS, Global Internet Entrepreneur, Home Business Coach, Collectables, Music Education Director, Wellness Health Pro, Prayer Warrior, Band & Choir Director, Musician, Author, Speaker.
The article below points out the nightmare that exposure to Formaldehyde can present. It is prevalent in many products, including many household products that, ironically, we use to clean and disinfect in our homes and laundries.
Formaldehyde causes many minor and sometimes major health symptoms and is especially harmful to children and adolescents. So even if you do not work in a manufacturing environment, you are still exposing yourself and your family to its toxic effects. Formaldehyde is everywhere and virtually unavoidable, although its use in many building supplies like insulation is slowly being banned.
Not to be morbid, but I have heard that undertakers have said we have absorbed so much more Formaldehyde and other preservatives in the last 50 years that they are able to postpone cadaver preparation by as much as 72 hours than in the past. Incredible!
It just makes sense to look around your home and eliminate as much exposure to this toxic “demon” as much as possible. There are companies that manufacture lines of household and laundry products that is completely Formaldehyde free. You can convert your home gradually or all at once for less than $200. I would be happy to tell you about them and how they can be available to you immediately.