A Form of Quantum Gravity Unification with the General Theory of Relativity

A Form of Quantum Gravity Unification with the General Theory of Relativity


The problem still remains (in theoretical physics) of how gravity can be unified with quantum mechanics, in as much as it would be possible to explain a consistent theory of quantum gravity. Which, this unification theory should (to a sufficient extent) adhere to the Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker metric. In the preceding work, a universal model is formulated, considering the results of the theory of quantum gravity, as well as the General theory of relativity. The space-time continuum is modelled to arise from the gravity quanta. This is by allowing the universe to retain its homogeneous nature at scales near the plank scale in (relativistic) difference from the time of the Big Bang and treating the gravity particle as behaving, both as a wave and as a particle (as of the theory of wave-particle duality). Once space-time is modelled, the field equations of general relativity are considered, and briefly mentioned, in the modelling of repulsive gravity as being the cause of the expansion of the universe. The space-time metric is considered, as possibly moving at faster than the speed of light. This is considered as suggesting, an event (as of the Special theory of relativity) of which its occasion supersedes the symmetry of which the Special theory of relativity was modelled, this is considered with no changes to the frame of reference of the Special theory of relativity.

Keywords: Physics Beyond the Standard Model, Cosmology, Theoretical Physics, General Relativity, Special Relativity


In the late 1890s, physicist Max Planck proposed a set of units to simplify the expression of physics laws. Using just five constants in nature (including the speed of light and the gravitational constant), everything in the universe could arrive at these same Planck units. The basic Planck units are length, mass, temperature, time, and charge. The proton is about 100 million trillion times larger than the Planck length. To put this into perspective. The Planck scale’s purpose of invention was as a set of universal units, so it was a shock when those limits also turned out to be the limits to where the known laws of physics applied. Quantum gravity and superstrings are also possible phenomena that might dominate at the Planck energy scale. The Planck scale is the universal limit, beyond which the currently known laws of physics break.1 The discovery of the universe’s acceleration made a real sensation in the science world which led to the creation of the cosmological model 30/70. In astronomy (cosmology), Ω refers to the average density of the universe, also called the density parameter. In astronomy (orbital mechanics), Ω refers to the longitude of the ascending node of an orbit.2–4 In Sir James Clerk Maxwell’s time, It was known that Maxwell’s electrodynamics—as they were usually understood at that “present time”—when they were applied to moving bodies, led to asymmetries that did not appear to be inherent

in the phenomena. “Take, for example, the reciprocal

electrodynamic action of a magnet and a conductor”. The

phenomenon that was observed depended only on the

relative motion of the conductor and the magnet, whereas

the customary view drew a sharp distinction between the

two cases in which either one or the other of those bodies

was in motion. For if the magnet was in motion and the

conductor at rest, there would arise in the neighborhood

of the magnet an electric field with a certain definite

energy, producing a current at those places where parts

of the conductor were situated. But if the magnet was

stationary and the conductor in motion, no electric field

would arise in the neighborhood of the magnet. In the

conductor, however, they found an electromotive force,

to which in itself there was no corresponding energy, but

which gave rise - assuming equality of relative motion in

those two cases discussed - to electric currents of the same

path and intensity as those produced by the electric forces

in the former case. Examples of that sort, together with

the unsuccessful attempts to discover any motion of the

earth relative to the “light medium,” suggested that the

phenomena of electrodynamics as well as of mechanics

possessed no properties corresponding to the idea of

absolute rest. They suggested rather that, as has already

been shown to the first order of small quantities, the same

laws of electrodynamics and optics would be valid for all

frames of reference for which the equations of mechanics

hold good. They rose that conjecture (the purport of which

was thereafter to be called the “Principle of Relativity”)

to the status of a postulate, and also introduced another

postulate. This was only apparently irreconcilable with the

former, namely, that light is always propagated in empty

space with a definite velocity -which is independent of the

state of motion of the emitting body. Those two postulates

sufficed for the attainment of a simple and consistent

theory of the electrodynamics of moving bodies based on

Maxwell’s theory for stationary bodies.5

Semi-Riemannian manifolds have applications, particularly

to modern gravitational theory and electrodynamics. Semi-

Riemannian geometry is a branch of differential geometry,

similar to Riemannian geometry. In fact, Riemannian

geometry is a special case of semi-Riemannian geometry

where the scalar product of nonzero vectors is only allowed

to be positive. From a mathematical perspective, Semi-

Riemannian manifolds proved theorems of geometry such

as the existence and uniqueness of the covariant derivative

of the Levi-Civita connection, and some properties of the

curvature tensor. The Einstein tensor:

is a symmetric, (0, 2) tensor field with vanishing divergence.

From the Einstein tensor, it can be defined as a set of

nonlinear partial differential equations solved for the

geometry of the semi-Riemannian manifold M called the

Einstein field equations, given by

Where T is the stress-energy tensor, which represents

the energy-momentum content of the universe in the

physical model.6 Space is generally considered to be a

three-dimensional continuum. This means that it is possible

to describe the position of a point (at rest) by means of

three numbers (coordinates) x, y. Also, there is an indefinite

number of points in the neighbourhood of this one, the

position of which can be described by co-ordinates such as

x1, y1, z1, t1 which may be as near as chosen to the respective

values of the coordinates x, y, z of the first point. In virtue

of the latter property we speak of a “continuum,” owing

to the fact that there are three coordinates to speak of

it as being “three-dimensional.” Similarly, the world of

physical phenomena, which was briefly called “world”

by Minkowski is naturally four dimensional in the spacetime

sense. It is composed of individual events, each of

which is described by four numbers, namely, three space

coordinates x, y, z and a time coordinate, the time value

t. The “world” is in this sense also a continuum. For every

event there are as many “neighboring” events (realised

or at least thinkable) as it can be cared for to choose, the

coordinates x1, y1, z1, t1 of which differ by an indefinitely

small amount from those of the event x, y, z, t originally

considered. To have not been accustomed to regard the

world in this sense as a four-dimensional continuum is due

to the fact that in physics, before the advent of the theory

of relativity, time played a different and more independent

role, as compared with the space coordinates. It is for this

reason that it has been in the habit of treating time as an

independent continuum. In fact, according to classical

mechanics, time is absolute, i.e. it is independent of the

position and the condition of motion of the system of coordinates.

It can be seen expressed in the last equation

of the Galilean transformation t1 = t the four-dimensional

mode of consideration of the “world” is natural in the theory

of Relativity.7 What are the values: x1, y1, z1, t1 of an event

with respect to K1 (a reference frame in motion), when the

magnitudes x1, y1, z1, t1 of the same event with respect to

K (a reference frame at rest) are given? The relations must

be so chosen that the law of the transmission of light in a

vacuum is satisfied for one and the same ray of light (and

of course for every ray) with respect to K and K1. For the

relative orientation in space of the co-ordinate systems,

this problem is solved by means of the equations:

This system of equations is known as the “Lorentz

transformation.8 If a stone was picked up and then let go

of, why does it fall to the ground?” The usual answer to this

question is: “Because it is attracted by the earth.” As a result

of the more careful study of electromagnetic phenomena,

it has come to be regarded that action at a distance is

rather a process impossible without the intervention of

some intermediary medium. The effects of gravitation

also are regarded in an analogous manner. The action of

the earth on the stone takes place indirectly. The earth

produces in its surroundings a gravitational field, which

acts on the stone and produces its motion of fall. As it is

known from experience, the intensity of the action on a

body diminishes according to a quite definite law, as a

body proceeds farther and farther away from the earth.

From a point of view, this means that the law governing

the properties of the gravitational field in space must be a

perfectly definite one, in order correctly to represent the

diminution of gravitational action with the distance from

operative bodies. It is something like this: The body (e.g.

the earth) produces a field in its immediate neighbourhood

directly; the intensity and direction of the field at points

farther removed from the body are thence determined

by the law which governs the properties in space of the

gravitational fields themselves. In contrast to electric and

magnetic fields, the gravitational field exhibits a most

remarkable property.

Bodies, which are moving under the sole influence of a

gravitational field, receive an acceleration, which does

not; in the least depend either on the material or on the

physical state of the body. For instance, a piece of lead

and a piece of wood fall in exactly the same manner in

a gravitational field (in a vacuum), when they start from

rest or with the same initial velocity. This law, which would

hold most accurately, can be expressed in a different form

in the light of the following considerations. According

to Newton’s law of motion: (Force) = (inertial mass) x

(acceleration), where the “inertial mass” is a characteristic

constant of the accelerated body. If now gravitation is

the cause of the acceleration, it then had that (Force) =

(gravitational mass) x (intensity of the gravitational field),

where the “gravitational mass” is likewise a characteristic

constant for the body. From these two relations follows: If

now, it’s found from experience, the acceleration is to be

independent of the nature and the condition of the body

and always the same for a given gravitational field, then the

ratio of the gravitational to the inertial mass must likewise

be the same for all bodies. By a suitable choice of units, it

can thus make this ratio equal to unity. The following law

is the present: The gravitational mass of a body is equal

to its inertial law. It is true that this important law had

hitherto been recorded in mechanics, but it had not been

interpreted. A satisfactory interpretation can be obtained

only if it’s recognized that: The same quality of a body

manifests itself according to circumstances as “inertia” or

as “weight” (lit. “heaviness”).9

Formulation of Theory

In some other analogous, space-time itself becomes a direct

solution to Sir Isaac Newton’s action at a distance. When

coming to think that all the mass in a Galaxy, e.g. the Milky

Way Galaxy must be connected by the action at a distance

that pulls all the mass in the Galaxy towards a specific

gravitational centre within the Galaxy. All other galaxies

in the same Galaxy cluster are moving towards the Great

attractor, and thus, connected by the action at a distance

field force. When this action at a distance is caused by some

kind of quantum particle (gravity particle) accelerating a

certain mass, and with the addition of the cold dark matter,

the whole universe becomes interconnected by gravity.

The gravity becomes so great, that from the field equations

of general relativity, it could become repulsive when a

universal metric is introduced into the frame. The series

of mathematics, later on, modelled the gravity particle as

the makings of the space-time metric, and repulsive gravity

resulting from this. The natural positioning of the cold dark

matter and ordinary matter in the universe would allow

for the flow of the gravity particles in a circular motion, or

spin from here on. The spin is of the gravity particle along

the matter in the universe without the particles being

directed towards a specific great mass in the universe. As

mass in the universe is accelerated by the gravity particle,

the speeding gravity particle could as very well become the

inertial frame of acceleration by which mass must deform

as it’s accelerated by the inertial frame. In this frame of

acceleration, gravity by Sir Isaac Newton’s action at a

distance becomes so great that it can become negligible.

When the mass in the universe is positioned so that the

net force is equal at all points in this frame of acceleration,

when these gravity particles are moving, the space-time spin

arises and unifying geometrical curvature of space-time as

a force of gravity with Newtonian (quantum) gravity. This

universal model would not break down at the small-scale

observations of Newtonian net gravitational field force when

the net field force is zero. This is through the insight that

the inertial frame of acceleration is a quantum system, thus

exhibiting the properties of quantum mechanics, such as the

“wave-particle duality”; in which the inertial frame behaves

like a particle and a wave at the same time. From the inertial

frame of acceleration behaving like a particle point of view,

at the observable small scale, the net gravitational field

force between masses can be calculated to be at zero and

the masses attract each other at the same rate and with

the same intensity. Although, not necessarily contradicting

the spin of the inertial frame of acceleration. The quantum

particles/ waves causing the acceleration of the masses

must flow along the masses in such a way that the spinspin

(the intrinsic form of angular momentum carried by

particles) of gravity particles from multiple masses do not

pull a certain mass in multiple directions. Instead, the mass

is accelerated in a single direction, which can be said as

an interference between the gravity particles, resulting in

the mass being accelerated in a single direction. Although

the net gravitational field force of gravitational masses

is calculated to be at zero, this same gravitational field

force is increased by the factor equal to the gravitational

sphere of influence between the masses. In this way the

gravitational force behaves like a wave; the amplitude of

the gravitational field force is increased by the addition

of a mass although causing a net gravitational field force

of zero between the masses. In this way, the spin of the

inertial frame of acceleration can occur at the grandest

scale of universal interconnected gravity, with the natural

positioning of matter that would allow for the spin. More

on how this inertial frame of acceleration could cause the

observed expansion of the universe: space-time in this

universal model becomes the direct consequence of a

large gravitational field. One such candidate, which could

be causing the expansion of the universe is gravity itself,

or repulsive gravity to be more exact. Repulsive gravity

as it is a suspected candidate, that caused the inertial

universal expansion, could be modelled to be the cause of

universal expansion in the inertial frame of acceleration,

where gravitational fields are the makings of space-time.

The notion that space-time as gravitational field forces

can be modelled to have existed when repulsive gravity

came into effect from the Big Bang. An expansion of the

universe in this inertial frame of acceleration becomes

eminent. The recent observed increase in the acceleration

of the expansion of the universe, could as very well be

caused by an increase in the mass density in the universe,

such as the formation of stars from their nebulae, causing

an increase in the gravitational field force, in a system

with a great enough gravitational field that it’s repulsive.

Similarly, the moving away of certain galaxies from other

galaxies could very well be the cause of cold dark matter

outside of galaxies.

Predictions of Theory

The curvature caused by the inertial frame of acceleration

as it accelerates matter can be said as

c < c’(c’ is the known speed of light that is 299 792 458 m/s)

because light has to travel a longer distance between the

two points that can be said as

k = 0 Between,

where the curvature:

k < 0

can be observed.

c < c’

Becomes an outcome of gravitational time dilation. tanθ

represents the path that the gravitational field force wave/

particle must take as it accelerates a mass. This path can

be said as:

λ Is the wavelength of the interconnected gravitational

field force of the universe, where the wavelength is

directly proportional to its amplitude. The momentum in

the equation

of a wavelength, when it’s that at this scale, it becomes

the proportionality resultant by which the inertial frame

of acceleration is causing acceleration to the matter in the

universe and multiplied by the mass in the universe (as

all the mass in the universe is now connected). With the

natural positioning of the matter in the universe causing

a net gravitational field force between the matter in the

universe, all the gravitational force must be directed

towards the centre within space-time; it has a greater

Newtonian gravitational field force activity in that direction.

R is the repulsive intensity of spacetime. It’s c ≥ because

the gravitational field force waves/ particles might be

moving faster than the speed of light, as Newtonian action

at a distance happens faster than the speed of light. The

speed of the gravitational field force waves/ particles is

included in the equation because the waves/ particles are

the inertial frames of acceleration. The equation also shows

that Newtonian gravity might make for a small correction

that the geometrical curvature wouldn’t be able to account

for, with total net zero influence of Newtonian gravitational

field force, due to the direction of acceleration of the inertial

frame of acceleration. Factors such as the angle at which

a mass hanging in space must fall, inside the gravitational

field. This is when the repulsive nature of gravity is less

than its attractive nature in a region with mass density. At

the plank scale, all the energy in the universe was repelled

(this is the understanding of Big Bang cosmology). The

inertial frame of acceleration is from Plank time, from the

plank scale, this acceleration reduced over time and is

now increasing. Although, there is a tremendous amount

of gravity present, the mass in this universal wouldn’t

necessarily collapse under gravitational field stresses from

the plank scale due to repulsive gravity.

Modelling Mathematics of Gravity/ Repulsive


The intensity by which the universe repels matter, by a

form of repulsive gravity can be modelled as

Where is the region compactness of matter in a region

in space-time, is the region compactness of cold dark

matter in a region in space-time and g is gravity. In this

model, gravity is limited by the amount of energy and cold

dark matter in a region in space-time, as it is shown below.

When the gravity in a region in space-time is repulsive, and

when the gravity in a region in space-time is attractive. > g

Is a resultant of repulsive gravity adding a negative value to

gravity, as it acts in the opposite direction of gravity. The

Einstein field equations can support the claim of gravity

being repulsive at the Plank scale, as being part of an

observable universe. This can also be the case, by saying

When the Plank scale is the inertial frame of observation,

in the driving force of repulsive gravity, when the amount

of gravity in the universe is acting at the Plank scale; in a

proportionality difference. When the frame of difference is

that of the amount of gravity in the universe and the distance

by which it is acting. At the Plank scale gravity becomes

repulsive, this being a solution in the field equations of

General relativity. Repulsive gravity is a suspected candidate

for causing the initial expansion of the universe. This can

be modelled as

In order to yield real-world observations. The gravitational

repulsive intensity of this model is constant when the

amount of gravity in the universe and the scale of frame

of reference- the Plank scale, are constant. The repulsive

intensity of repulsive gravity reduces with the increase in

size of the scale factor, so repulsive gravity and the scale

factor are inversely proportional. Using the plank scale as

a reference, from the time when all the mass and energy

in the universe is from this point (from Plank time), it can

also be modelled as a transformation that is;

Both gravity and repulsive gravity are acting in opposite

linear directions.

Extra Gravity Within Galaxies

More on the extra gravity within galaxies. The virtual

particles (quantum fluctuations) in space are a form of

energy with momentum, from general relativity they will

have the ability to constitute gravity. Also from General

relativity, events happening for a large mass are happening

at a relatively slower rate than for another relatively less

compact mass. This can be seen from the two relativistic

clocks which are t = 0 (which is a clock at rest) and the one in

a space-time curvature at t = -1. From this, once a quantum

fluctuation is created in the frame of t = -1, the time that the

quantum fluctuation could take to decompose could as very

well be much less than for an event of a quantum fluctuation

in the t = 0 frame. If the time the quantum fluctuation is

created is independent of the events of the curvature. As

the quantum fluctuation is not affected by gravity when it

is not created, this could constitute a relative gravitational

field contribution of the quantum fluctuation from the time

after the virtual particles are created to the time they are

destroyed, and the relativity of which corresponding to

the amount by which the time in the curvature is slowed.


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Symmetry of Space-Time

Aspects of the 4 dimensions overlapping in such a way,

that the tesseract folds inward (and the 1 dimension of

time that adds an extra dimension to the 3 dimensions is

overlapped by the 3 dimensions), that the 1 dimension is

the one carrying the negative value on the linear line of

space-time. This aspect will allow for the 4 dimensions

of space-time to exist. Operations of the Hilbert vector

space arise from this factor; this is a Hilbert space given

by the vectors

This operation then also generalises the dot product in

Euclidean vacuum space, as a product moving towards the

vacuum, or as a decomposing string in the vacuum. When

this operation is present; the dot product in Euclidean

space becomes a vector towards the dimension carrying the

negative value on the linear line. Generalising this operation

in Euclidean space, when the first 3 vectors are that of a

vibrating string, the 4th vector becomes the vacuum that

would allow for the decomposition of the vibrating string.

In 3 space the 4th vector also can be the null set, as it is

carrying a negative value. A manifold of space-time folding

in this way would mean that, although not directly observed

in the special 3 world as being so, the 1 dimension of time

could very well be a physical entity that is experienced in

more ways than through the interaction of mass and energy.

The below diagram is a representation of a relativistic frame

of reference known as a light cone, in which space-time is

represented in causal terms.

where the inertial frame of acceleration for the universe

is moving faster than the speed of light. Allowing for the

addition in the angle of the slope of the light cone’s gradient

would allow for the accommodation of events happening

for the inertial frame of acceleration, as it is moving faster

than the speed of light. In this case, the inertial frame of

acceleration when the events are happening in a frame,

where faster-than-light (or ct > frame) becomes a causal

event, the faster-than-light body accelerating the universe

changes from being the inertial frame to being a causal

event in this frame, as indicated in the diagram below.

Figure 1.Relativistic Light Cone in the CT Frame,

Where Nothing can Travel Faster than the

Speed of Light

Figure 2.Relativistic Frame of Reference of the Light

Cone with a CT > Interval Reference. In this frame,

an event that would have been paradoxical in the CT

frame becomes a casual event.

By observational means, when to say the vacuum that would

allow for causality to be, within the inertial frame. When the

inertial frame is moving faster than light (c >). This would

allow for the modification of the Lorentz transformations

and adjusting of the world lines of the light cone, in order to

compensate for a relativistic frame of reference, where the

modification is by the gradient of the slop of the world lines,

In Figure 1, the dot at 0, 0 cannot proceed with the dot

at 4, 5 as this would cause violations in causality in the ct

frame of reference. In Figure 2, this dot is able to proceed

to the corresponding dot without any causal violations

and this is possible by adjusting the speed of light limit,

in the event were the space-time Metric is moving faster

than the speed of light. Both frames can be observed

simultaneously, in which the events occurring in the ct >

frame are observed as a paradox for an observer in the ct

frame. Such paradoxes that an observer in the ct frame

would observe would include the space-time continuum,

in which the space-time Metric is moving faster than the

speed of light, another paradox would be the vacuum

that facilitates events in the ct frame, and allowing for

the inertial frame to be an event in the ct > frame, now

facilitating events as causality in both the ct and ct > frames.

In this way, the vacuum facilitating both events becomes

of higher-order symmetry and can be said to be of higher

dimensions, depending on the geometrical displacement

observed on the Lorentz transformations caused by the

paradoxes in which it’s facilitating 2 frames of reference,

in which one is paradoxical for the other. From the field

equations of general relativity, it can be determined that

both the inertial frame of acceleration and matter occupying

space-time, as being in relative motion to one another. By


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J Adv Res Appl Phy Appl. 2024; 7(2)

mass curving space-time the time interval of the mass is

also slowed so all processes move slower for this mass.

When both the inertial frame of acceleration and matter

curving space-time are in relative motion to one another,

it becomes a possibility that a paradox can be within the

ct frame. This paradox could explain why the space-time

Metric is not visible. If the relativity in motion between a

light ray and the inertial frame of acceleration was sufficient.

Being that the inertial frame of acceleration was moving

faster than light, it becomes apparent that even if the inertial

frame was able to emit a form of light ray, an observer in

the ct frame would not observe the light ray, firsthand, as

the light ray would be sent into the observer’s future. The

vacuum in which causality is facilitated for the 2 frames of

reference represented in the figures, this vacuum can be

said to be of higher-order symmetry. Evidently, because

causality is different in the 2 frames of reference. In the ct

frame of reference, nothing can travel faster than the speed

of light, while in the ct > frame of reference, faster than light

becomes a casual event. This could very well be evidence

of higher special symmetry, in which both the frames of

reference are part of a high-order special symmetry. Like

how the 2 dimensions are part of the 3 dimensions, but

are special geometrically restricted.

Relativistic Aether

It then becomes clear that adjustment to the Lorentz

transformations by the world lines will imply an addition

to the number of translatory relativistic frames in order

for spacetime to remain relative in all these frames, with

increasing velocity. By the introduction of the present

unknown candidate to the symmetry of the vacuum

facilitating the relativistic frames, it could very well be

translated to be that the axis of the relativistic frames are

simultaneously present in this vacuum, in which they are

translatory measurable by light velocity reflected at points

with resting clocks present, in all present frames, due to

length restrictions-that a light wave has superposition

because of its quantum size. A light ray propagated through

space has a constant velocity


It then follows that the present unknown candidate:

can be introduced in the number of relativity frames and

complimenting the order of symmetry of this vacuum, it

then follows that

In which case this symmetry translates to a Hilbert vector

space, so that the translatory motion of light, allows for the

measurements of (relativistic) clocks that are synchronous

in their own respective frames. In which case for this to

be observational, the light waves are propagated in a

translatory motion perpendicular to the frames, it then

follows that

This series would now allow for length contractions

of a wave of length propagated through space. Given

that the speed of light in vacuum remains constant in

each frame, as it superimposes in/ on the frame. With

decreasing frame space in each axis direction as observed

in the 3 or 4 dimensions. The propagating wave must

travel perpendicular to the present frames. With increasing

frames, the more perpendicular the wave has to traverse

and the more its length contracts, so that with much space

the wave takes on a spherical shape with decreasing length,

as the number of frames increases. The mechanics of

relativistic length contraction translate to this wave given

the increasing symmetrical spaces of the vacuum act as if

(it was/ they were) a sort of Aether for the propagating

wave. With increasing frames-meaning increase in the

velocity of the additional frames these frames are a sort

of medium through which this wave must traverse. This

could as very well result in a waveform of the light ray

propagating through this Aether, due to the quantum size

of the propagating wave, and the symmetrical positioning

of the frames in the vacuum. This wave is propagated

in spherical form parallel to the observer in the 3 or 4

dimensions. With the addition of a continuity factor to

the propagation of the spherical wave, a number of them

are emitted in sequence from the emitting body and the

emitted spherical waves have wave energy as well as angular

momentum. The absence of the Aether for a body at rest

in the 3 dimensions remains true as this body is unable to

access the high symmetrical spaces (frames) due to “length


On the note of black body radiation: It can be stated that as

two of the spherical waves approach, the present unknown

candidate can be introduced, in which case the two waves

either translate their spaces to each other due to at present

unknown relativistic mechanics, as they merge, increasing

angular momentum, or they don’t and the interference is

angular, in which case when the interference causes an

increase in wave frequency it very well causes an increase in

angular momentum and thus relatively translating the two

spherical wave frames. In this case, when the spherical wave

passes through a medium, the translatory consequence

can either be a loss in angular momentum relative to a

decrease in the frames traversed by the spherical wave at

the same time. As the spherical wave transverses through

the particles also, or the spherical wave breaks down into

the individual spherical waves by means of the equation


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J Adv Res Appl Phy Appl. 2024; 7(2)

in which n is the number of spherical waves adding up in

the same waveform and


representing the frames traversed by the spherical wave,

so much that the clocks in the frames remain at rest when

measured relativistically.

is on the left-hand side of the equation because it’s only

known whether the spherical wave momentum will

decrease, or whether it will split into individual spherical

waves after the values on the righthand side of the equation

are found.

It’s now established that light rays can result from the

relativistic Aether. It then becomes consistent in this article

that space-time can exist in a vacuum where all bodies

present are in free fall (in which case both relativity and

Newtonian mechanics complement each other) on the

note that the number of spherical waves are squared, so

that it’s represented as n2.

So that a traversing spherical wave is capable of producing

a secondary spherical wave outside its traversable space.

Of which the secondary spherical wave effects are linearly

opposite to the effects of the producing spherical wave; as

of Newtonian mechanics. It then follows that the effects

of gravity; being caused by quantum particles, the gravity

quanta would then produce a secondary spherical wave of

which its effects are linearly opposite and outside its sphere

of influence. What then is to stop the proposed spherical

wave from producing a third one, and so on?

becomes a candidate for this case; for which the definite

number of the produced spherical waves is unknown. In

this case, it becomes the same as saying that the number

of produced spherical waves is proportional to the present

frames in the vacuum; for one quanta. On the note of

the gravitational quanta communicating faster than the

speed of light! This can be translated from the Newtonian

vacuum being infinite to the spaces or frames present in

the vacuum. The capability of which becomes that when

the length of the spherical wave reaches zero and it can

no longer traverse perpendicular to any more additional

spaces, its angular momentum can be translated linearly

and the spherical wave can then be relativistic observed

as travelling faster than light. In this case, it must remain

parallel in its own frame. The spherical wave can no longer

produce any more quantum waves at this point and this

is inherent in Newtonian mechanics. Because there are

no other spin-spin possibilities for any more produced

spherical waves it’s no longer able to traverse any more

spaces. In this case, the spin-spin nature of a spherical wave

can be a possibility following in all its traversable spaces.

With different spherical waves having different spin-spin

potentials, it then becomes a possibility that two spherical

waves superimposing at the same point in space may not

interfere that their wavelengths shorten or grow longer.

This means that the wave path of the two waves can be

drawn that-their superpositioning becomes asymmetric

and nonlinear. That an angle of


can be drawn from a point of intersection (the centre of

the spherical waves) between the two waves and the angle

of the waves is found to be unequal. In which the spherical

wave has angular momentum so may be able to alter the

direction of another spherical wave, as it approaches. It

can then be that

producing relativistic length contraction at faster-than-light

speeds; in which the spherical wave splits in two. So that

the spin-spin of the produced spherical waves are linearly


Applications for the Formulation of an Equation

for Gravity

The applications of gravity can be transformed from the

mathematics of the theory of Relativity (since gravity in

this case results from relativistic effects). The going about

transforming the equations of the theory of relativity into

an equation for gravity is as follows. The series

translates the symmetry of space-time that the point x

appears elongated as the length of the propagated wave

contracts. For deriving a mathematical form for gravity-in

this case, only the 3 relativistic (linear) frames are needed

for the mathematics to remain partially linear throughout

the formulation. To start off, a wave propagating through

space appears to be linear in direction when the 2 frames K’

and k are neglected. By Newtonian mechanics, it becomes

almost an impossibility for this wave to propagate in the

y-axis of the stationary system when the second frame

is introduced that ct is now transformed into c2t2. The

impossibility becomes possible when the 3rd frame is

now introduced and (like the second frame) is not at all

empty. So that c2t2 now becomes a linear function, in which

the wave is propagated in a linear direction through the

frames k, K + 1 and K′ + 1 to a point x’ or x in the stationary


Sikoka J

J Adv Res Appl Phy Appl. 2024; 7(2)

systems. For applications where the wave is observed in

the axis x, y, and z for an observer at x, the linear function

is transformed. In which case the velocity of the observer

at x is increased to that for K′ so that K′ + 1, and -v is the

observer stationary in the K′ frame; that the observer now

takes the position of a point in K′ + 1 and the observer’s

position in the stationary system is at x + 1, ?y. In this case,

this observer is now enclosed in a space where the 3 frames

are linear to the observer. In this case, the observer can be

seen as the one in motion and the frame k being stationary.

In this case, the motions of the observer in the K′ + 1 frame

can be relativistically translated to the k frame in order to

avoid the addition of any more frames. So that c2 = v2 can

now be said as

c2 = c


v2 = v ? u

u ? v is the initial and final velocities of the moving observer

in the K′ + 1 frame. In which case when a second body in

the K′ + 1 frame gets close enough to the observer in the,

it is then represented as

(c2)2 = c2,

(v2)2 = v2 ? u2

following the equation for gravity is now obtained from

length contraction, where the contraction of the x-axis in

the second frame influences the length of a point in the K′

+ 1 frame relative to the other frames. So that when

(c2)2 = c2,

(v2)2 = v2 ? u2

is obtained, the equation for length contraction becomes

proportional to

= m/m

for each of the gravitating masses. So that for 2 gravitating

masses, it becomes

and the smaller mass is observed as relatively gravitating

towards the larger mass with a certain force at a point on

the x-axis. These implications require a stationary system

moving with the observer and the body in K’ + 1 (the second

frame) so that with sufficient distance

(c2)2 = c2,

(v2)2 = v2 ? u2

is transformed into

c2 = c,

v2 = v ? u

and gravitation doesn’t necessarily occur. The equations

of gravitation measure gravity by the gravitating potential

of one mass towards the other. Since the observer and the

second body can’t move at the speed of K′ + 1, their position

in K′ + 1 is translated to their corresponding gravity wave

that is capable of superimposing into the K′ + 1 frame and

represented in the equation for gravitation as M1 and M2.

In this case, the force of gravity can be viewed as caused

by a spherical wave influencing the other frames where a

force of attraction occurs between 2 masses.

For a more accurate estimation of the valid distance, the

contraction of length for 2 masses is capable of supporting

a gravitating effect of 2 masses, this distance can be limited

within the space of an emitted light ray. Where there’s

energy there’s gravity. The going about limiting this distance

is as follows. The shortening of wavelength evokes the

shortening length of the mass emitting the light ray so

as for the principle of relativity to remain true for all the

observers. The shortening of the emitting mass follows the

compression or the stretching of the other frames and the

principle of relativity is once again valid for all observers.

The established fact that gravitation can result from the

aforementioned relativistic effects is enough to establish

that with reducing distance from the emitting mass the

weaker that the gravitational force gets as the wavelength

increases in size. Furthermore, all present relativistic frames

add that the symmetry of space-time remains simultaneous

in all its postulates. For all the symmetric spaces introduced

herein to remain simultaneous with those based on the

theory of relativity, the cosmological constant is introduced

and increased by a factor so much as with the increasing

symmetry of the light ray-the principal of the constancy of

the velocity of light in vacuum remains true, but the principle

of relativity is momentarily broken as the light ray contracts

faster than the emitting mass. This asymmetry is corrected

by the introduction of that the length of the emitting

mass isn’t contracting linearly but in a quadratic manner.

The emitting mass and the mass absorbing or reflecting the

light ray both contract in length towards each other. In this

way, the principle of relativity approaches towards being

true for both gravitating masses. Yet no claim has been

made as to how the k frame remains relative to the others.

In this instance, the k frame is viewed as contracting with

the present mass, in as much as the cosmological constant

remains true for the contracting light ray. So to prevent

any infinities caused by the cosmological constant and the

contraction of the light ray; the k frame contracts in such a

way that the approaching light ray is slowed by a factor that

the contraction of the k frame remains relative to the other

frames. In other words, it’s said that an increase in energy


Sikoka J

J Adv Res Appl Phy Appl. 2024; 7(2)

would cause an increase in the curvature and matter must

follow this curvature in order for the principle of relativity

to remain for all observers. And it has been established that

the presence of energy constitutes gravitation.

And now it can be deduced as action at a distance having

a postulate. This postulate is anchored to the principle

of relativity. For a practical approach to how the other

frames are able to pose negative mass as the symmetry

of space-time increases; the velocities in the equations of

relativity are transformed into the distance the deliberations

of an observer at rest are the same when the body in

so-called motion has velocity. While the speed of light

“c” is transformed to be p (the perceivable limit of the

observer) which is the point beyond which the observer

can’t perceive anything. With increasing distance of the

so-called body in motion, the more that the observer at

rest views the size of the body to reduce. With sufficient

distance, the body vanishes to the observer at rest but

appears to grow larger in size to a second observer far from

the first observer, and the body approaching the second

observer is being moved closer to the second observer as

it moves further from the first. It then emphasised that the

decreasing of length as velocity increases only has to do

with the principle of relativity and because a certain body

vanishes as it approaches the speed of light and faster,

this does not necessarily mean that this body also ceases

to exist as it can still be observed elsewhere. Then exists

the observation that with increasing distance the less there

would be a sort of linear interaction between the observer

at rest and the body with increasing distance. That with

sufficient distance the body even ceases to be perceived.

So now the distance in the practical approach is relative

to the velocity, and the interaction with distance is the

same with velocity. There then exists a limit between the

interaction of the observer at rest and the body in motion,

and this limit is within the energy of the two. More energy

would constitute faster velocity. As the speed of light is

approached the interaction with a body moving faster than

light becomes more observable. Now the light wave would

have a medium of negative mass to travel through. Also

there now exists a medium mediating length contraction.


The universal model described above tries to unify gravity

with quantum mechanics, in order to derive a universal

theory in which gravity is quantised. The results of the

theory were attained by unifying General relativity with

Quantum gravity.

Conflict of Interest: None


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