Form DPT-3

Form DPT-3

The DPT 3 is a Return of Deposits that companies are required to submit in order to provide information on deposits and/or unpaid loan or other types of money other than deposits.

According to?Rule 16?of the?Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules, 2014,

  • Every company to which these rules apply
  • is required to file a return of deposits or
  • Particulars of transaction not considered as deposit or both in Form DPT-3 with the Registrar
  • on?or before the 30th June of every year, along with any applicable fees, and
  • to provide the information (duly audited) as of the last day of the F.Y., i.e. the 31st day of March.?

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NIL Return

There is no requirement of filing Nil return.

DPT-3 is a Non STP form, which means that it needs approval of RO.

Who is exempt from filing the return?

The only exception to this filing requirement is government-owned businesses.?The following businesses are further excluded pursuant to Rule 1(3) of the Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules 2014:

  • Banking Company
  • Non- Banking Financial Company
  • A Housing Finance Company registered with National Housing Bank.
  • Any other company as notified under proviso to sub section (1) to section 73 of the Act.

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Transactions not consider as deposit

  • Any sum received or guaranteed by the government, foreign government/foreign bank.
  • Any loan or facility acquired from a public financial institution, insurance company, or bank
  • Any sum received by a firm from another corporation.
  • Securities subscription and call in advance.
  • Any sum received from the company’s director or a relative of the company’s director who held the positions at the time of lending.?
  • Any money collected by the firm from an employee that does not exceed his yearly wage as specified in his work contract, such as a non-interest bearing security deposit.
  • Any money received as an advance for the supply of goods or provision of services or as a security deposit for the fulfilment of the contract for the supply of goods or provision of services in the course of or for the purposes of the company’s activity.
  • A startup firm receiving Rs.25 lakh or more in the form of a convertible note in a single tranche.
  • Amount raised by issuing secured bonds or debentures with first charge, non-convertible debentures with no charge on the company’s assets.
  • Promoters’ unsecured loans.
  • Any sum received by the corporation from Nidhi Corporation or as a subscription for chit under the Chit Funds Act, 1982.
  • Any cash received by the firm from a SEBI-registered collective investment plan, alternative investment funds, or mutual funds.
  • Any other money that does not qualify as a deposit under Rule 2(1)(c).???????????????????????

As a result, any sum, whether secured or unsecured, that is outstanding money or a loan that is not deemed a deposit.

Information to be Furnished & Documents to be Submitted:

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The following documents are required to be Submitted when company has accepted the deposits: –

  • Auditor’s Certificate
  • Copy of Trust deed
  • Deposit Insurance Contract, wherever applicable and mentioned in the form
  • Copy of Instrument creating the charge.
  • List of Depositors- List of deposits matured and cheque issued but not yet cleared to be shown separately
  • Details of liquid assets
  • Optional attachment

Normal filing fees

In case of company having Share Capital

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In case company not having share capital

Normal fee applicable (INR)???????????????????????????????????????????????????200

Additional fees in case of delay in filing of webforms.

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Consequences of Non- Filing

The firm may experience the following consequences if it disregards the DPT-3 criteria and continues to accept deposits:

  • Under Section 73:?A fine of at least?Rs.1 crore upto Rs.10 crore, or?double the amount of deposits,?whichever is lower.
  • For any officer who is in default, punishments of upto?7 years?in jail and fines starting at atleast?Rs.25 lakh but upto Rs. 2 crore?are possible.?

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If you have any questions to wish to know more about “Form DPT-3”, kindly?Contact us.


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