[See rule 48DD]

Statement to be registered with the competent authority under

section 269AB(2) of the Income-tax Act, 1961

1. Name and address of? the transferor

2. Name and address of? the transferee

3. @ Detailed description,? location and other particulars of the

property transferred

4. Whether land is freehold or leasehold

5. In the case of building-

(a) floorwise plinth area

(b) year or years in which the building was constructed

6. Where the? transfer? of? property? involves? transaction of? the

nature referred to in section 269AB(1)(a)—

(a) date of transfer

(b) date on which? possession of the? property was? taken by

the transferee if the date at ( b) above is prior to the date

at (a) above and the transferee retains the possession of

the property in part performance of the contract and does

some other act in furtherance of the contract—

(i) the nature of the act performed by the transferee in

furtherance of the contract

(ii) the? date on? which? such? act was? performed? by the


(Also attach copy of the contract)

7. Where? the? transfer? of? property? involves? transaction? of? the

nature referred to in section 269AB(l)( b)

(a) name and address of the co-operative society,? company

or other association of persons

(b) date of becoming a member of? and/or? acquiring shares

in co-operative society,? company or other association of


(c) number and face value of the shares

(d) if the transfer is otherwise than by way of transfer of

shares in a co-operative society, a company or other as-

sociation of persons-

(i) the nature of act having the effect of transferring or

enabling the enjoyment of property

(ii) the date on which such act was performed

(Attach statement setting out the terms? of the agreement or ar-


8. Name and address of person(s), if any,? in occupation? of? the


9. *Name and address? of any other? person(s)? interested in? the


10. Consideration for? transfer

11. Estimated fair market value of the property

12. If? the? transfer? is by way? of? exchange,? description? and? loca-

tion of? the thing or things for which the property is exchanged

13. ^Fair market value of? the thing or things mentioned against

?item 12

14. If the consideration for transfer is less than the estimated fair

market value, whether the transferee is a relative of the trans-

feror,? and? if? so,? indicate? relationship? and? state? whether the

transfer? for a consideration which is less than the fair market

value is on account of natural love and affection


Signature(s) of the person(s)

making the statement


I/We, ............…………………………………………, do hereby declare that what is stated above is true

to the best of my/our knowledge and belief.

Verified today the............………. day of..............? .....




1. @ If? the space is insufficient, separate enclosure may be used for? the purpose.

2. *“person interested”,? in relation? to? any? immovable property, includes? all? persons? claiming? or en-

titled to claim an interest in the compensation payable on account of the acquisition of the property

under Chapter XXA of the Income-tax Act,? 1961.

3. ^ “Fair market value”, in? relation to any immovable property transferred,? means the? price that im-

movable property would ordinarily fetch on sale in the open market on the date of execution of the

instrument of transfer of such property.

4. This? statement? should? be? signed? by? each? of? the? parties,? to? the? transaction? referred? to? in? section

269AB(1) of the Income-tax Act, 1961, or by any of? the parties to such transaction acting on behalf

of himself and on behalf of the other? parties,? if the statement is signed only by one of such parties,

certified copy of document evidencing authority to act on behalf of other parties should be attached.

5. Verification should be made by all the parties signing the statement.

6. The statement should? be made in? duplicate and? should be? accompanied by? two? copies of contract

resulting in the transaction of? the nature referred to in section 269AB(1)(a) of the Income-tax Act,

1961, or as the case may be, of? a statement setting? out the? terms of the? agreement or arrangement

resulting in the transaction of the nature referred to in section 269AB(1)(b) of that Act.



