[See section 194-J and rule 37]

Annual return of deduction of tax from fees for professional or technical services, under section 206 of the Income-tax, Act 1961, for the year ending 31st March,……………..

  1. (a) ? Tax Deduction Account Number

? ? ? ? (b) ? Permanent Account Number

2.? Details of the person responsible for paying any sum referred to in section 194J:

? ? ? ? (a) ? Name /Designation

? ? ? ? (b) ? Address

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Flat/Door/Block No.

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Name of premises/Building

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Road/Street/Lane

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Area/Locality

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Town/City/District

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? State

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Pin Code

? Has address of the person responsible for paying any sum referred ? Tick as applicable Yes ? ? ? ? ? No.

to in section 194J changed since submitting the last return

  1. Details of? fees for professional or technical services referred to in section 194J credited/paid and tax deducted thereon :


Gross amount of fees for professional or technical services credited/ paid during the year (Rs)

Total? fees for professional or technical services credited/ paid on which no tax deducted (Rs.)

Total? fees for professional or technical services credited/ paid on which no tax deducted (Rs.)

Total amount of tax deducted

Income-tax (Rs.)

Surcharge (Rs.)

Total (Rs.)







1. Companies

2. person other than companies

? ? Total

  1. Details of tax paid to the credit of the Central Government :

  1. By or on behalf of Central Government:

Sl. No.

Amount of deducted

Transfer Voucher Number

Date of Transfer Voucher






(b) By person responsible for paying tax other than Central Government

Sl. No.

Challan Number

Date of payment

Amount of tax paid

Name and address of the bank







  1. Details of fees for professional or technical services referred to in section 194Jcredited/paid during the year and of tax deducted at source at the prescribed rates in force :

(a) In the case of companies:

Sl. No.

Permanent Account Number (PAN)

Name of company

Address of the company

Amount of fees for professional or technical services credited or paid, (Rs.)

Date on which fees for professional or technical services credited or paid whichever is earlier

Amount of tax deducted (Rs.)

Date on which tax deducted

Date on which tax was paid to the credit of Central Government

Tax deduction Certificate Number

Date of furnishing of tax Deduction Certificate to the company














??(b) In the case of person/payee other than companies:

Sl. No.

Permanent Account Number (PAN)

Name of person/ payee

Address of the person/ payee

Amount of fees for professional or technical services credited or paid, (Rs.)

Date on which amount of fees for professional or technical services credited or paid whichever is earlier

Amount of tax deducted (Rs.)

Date on which tax deducted

Date on which tax was paid to the credit of Central Government

Tax deduction Certificate Number

Date of furnishing of tax Deduction Certificate to the person/ payee













  1. Details of fees for professional or technical services credited/paid during the year and of tax deducted at source at a lower rate or no tax deducted in accordance with provision of section 194J(2):

(a) In the case of companies:

? Sl. No.

Permanent Account Number (PAN)

Name of company

Address of the company

Amount of fees for professional or technical services credited or paid, (Rs.)

Date on which amount of fees for professional or technical services credited or paid whichever is earlier

Rate of deduction of tax (%)

Amount of tax deducted (Rs.)

Date on which tax deducted

Date on which tax was paid to the credit of Central Government

Assessing Officer’s Certificate Reference Number

Tax deduction Certificate Number

Date of furnishing of tax Deduction Certificate to the company















  1. In the case of person/payees other than companies:

? Sl. No.

Permanent Account Number (PAN)

Name of person/ payee

Address of the person/ payee

Amount of fees for professional or technical services credited or paid? (Rs.)

Date on which amount of fees for professional or technical services credited or paid whichever is earlier

Rate of deduction of tax (%)

Amount of tax deducted (Rs.)

Date on which tax deducted

Date on which tax was paid to the credit of Central Government

Assessing Officer’s Certificate Reference Number

Tax deduction Certificate Number

Date of furnishing of tax Deduction Certificate to the person/ payee
















I, ………………………………………………………….., certify that all the particulars furnished above are correct and complete.

Place: Name and signature of the responsible for deducting tax at source……………………………………………………

Date: Designation: …………………………..



