Registration No. of Company ……………… Nominal Capital Rs. ……………………


Form of application to the Central Government for approval to amendment of provisions relating to managing, whole-time or non-rotational directors

[pursuant to section 268]

  1. Name of the company, date of registration and its principal business.

  1. Maximum and minimum number of directors prescribed under the articles and the names of directors in the board of the date of application.

  1. If the company has Managing /Whole-time Directors4 or Manager , full particulars thereof.

  1. Proposal for which Government’s approval is sought.

  1. Reasons for the proposal .

  1. Whether the proposal has been approved by the board of directors/the company in general meeting ; if so, one copy of the resolution passed should be furnished

  1. Names of newspapers in which and the dates on which notice under section 640B of Companies Act, 1956, were published; one certified copy of each notice to be attached.

  1. Name and address of the present auditors of the company.

  1. Whether a copy of this application together with the enclosures thereto has been forwarded to the Registrar pursuant to rule 20A(1).

  1. Declaration------ I/We solemnly declare that the facts stated in this application true to the best of my/our knowledge and the other facts are true to the best of my/our information and belief



Dated this …………………….. day of ………………. 19 ………….

  1. State whether Director, Managing Director, Whole-time Director , Manager or Secretary.

Note: (i) One copy of the memorandum and articles of association in which the amendments are to made along with one copy of the revised version of the relevant articles should be attached to the application; if the amendment is in respect of a provision contained in any agreement entered into by the company or in any resolution passed by it or by its board of directors, one copy of such? agreement or resolution, as the case may be, original and revised, should be furnished.

(ii) Pursuant to the Companies (Fees on Application ) Rules, 1968, fees as prescribed therein is payable on your application. Amount involved should be paid into the Reserve Bank of India or any other Bank acting as the agent of the Reserve Bank or into a Government treasury for credit to the public Account of India under the head “104------ Other General Economic Services, Regulation of Joint Stock Companies -------Fees realised by the Central Government on applications made to it under the Companies Act, 1956.” The account head has since been changed. The appropriate treasury Challan in token of the payment should then be forwarded to this Department along with the application.



