Forks and Fridays—Taking the Path with GitHub Branches

Forks and Fridays—Taking the Path with GitHub Branches

“If You Ever See a Fork in the Road, Take It.” Some say Yogi Berra, some say Jack Handey. Whoever said it, the idea applies perfectly to GitHub branches: they let you explore different paths without messing up your main project.

Branches: Why They Matter

Branches allow you to:

  • Experiment Safely: Tweak code or configurations in an isolated environment.
  • Collaborate Easily: Multiple people can work on features simultaneously.
  • Clean Reversibility: Don’t like your experimental branch? Delete it—no harm done.

Manual Reference

  • The RAG_Local_HF_Weaviate_v3 Manual covers environment setup (Step 1). Branching isn’t a separate manual step, but as you start creating new files (like Python scripts or readme updates), you may want to branch out to keep your main codebase stable.

Step 1: Creating a Branch

Check Current Branch

git branch        

  • Likely you’re on main.

Create & Switch to a New Branch

git checkout -b feature/experimental        

  • This creates a branch named feature/experimental and checks it out.

Make Changes

  • Edit your README, create a script—go wild!

Stage & commit as usual:

git add .        
git commit -m "Add experimental readme section"        

Step 2: Merging Branches

When you’re satisfied with your experimental changes, merge them back into main:

Switch to Main

git checkout main        

Merge the Branch

git merge feature/experimental        

  • If there are no conflicts, your changes are now in main.

Delete the Branch (Optional)

git branch -d feature/experimental        

  • Clean up if you no longer need it.

Pull Requests (For Collaboration)

When working with others (or even as a solo dev wanting structured review), you’ll use pull requests:

Push Your Branch

git push origin feature/experimental        

Create a Pull Request (PR) on GitHub

  • Go to your repo on GitHub.
  • Click Pull requestsNew Pull Request.
  • Choose your branch (feature/experimental) as the source, and main as the target.
  • Fill in a title and description.
  • Submit the PR for review.

Review & Merge

  • Team members can comment, request changes, or merge the PR.
  • Once merged, you can optionally delete the branch.

Relating Branches Back to the Manual

  • You won’t find an official “branching step” in the manual yet, because branching is more about your Git workflow than specific RAG architecture instructions.
  • As you add Python scripts (, following the manual’s Step 1, consider branching if you want to test new features or reorganize files.
  • Once we move on to Docker (Step 2 in the manual), you might spin up a new branch for your Docker configs to keep them separate from your main code until you’re confident everything works.

Homework: Branch & Merge

Create a Branch


Add a File

  • Put some notes or ideas in it, commit your changes.


  • Merge it back into main via the command line or a pull request.

Looking Ahead: Docker & the Manual

Next week in TicTec, we’ll take the leap into Docker. The RAG_Local_HF_Weaviate_v3 Manual will introduce Step 2—running Weaviate in a Docker container—so all the branching and version control skills you’ve practiced this week will come in handy. You’ll have a safe place (a branch) to test your Docker configs without breaking your entire project.

Until then, keep branching, keep merging, and don’t be afraid to explore multiple paths. After all, it’s Friday—you’ve earned a bit of experimentation and a well-deserved weekend break!

#GitHubBranches #VersionControl #TicTec #Collaboration #LearningJourney #FridayFeels

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