Fork in the Road
Mr. Tyre never gets tired.
He rolls on the road, goes off-road, and keeps spinning whether in the heat or in the cold. Only a sharp object stands a chance to stop him... and just before getting to a "fork in the road"... an actual fork basking her prongs pokes right through Mr Tyre's rotating rubber...
...hard to understand how that can cause a damage enough to cause a flat tyre, but Mr. Tyre never gets tired. His metal rim rolls on till a point where he can change the deflated rubber clothing. He knows that tough decisions have to be made.
Mr. Tyre never gets tired. The only time when he emotionally gets tired, is during necklace lynching. When his rubber clothing is fitted on a suspect criminal who is then moisturized with petrol. A person who is facing an angry jury administering mob justice. A person set ablaze because he got tired of seeking to make a living legally and opted to steal. It makes him feel just as culpable while he watches as much as the mob actually participating in the inhumane act.
In a world of second chances, the person about to be lynched is honored his plea to be set free. That is when he realizes that he too has a strong backbone in comparison to Mr. Tyre's metallic rim. He too can make tough choices when he is deflated. He too can keep rolling to his destination till he gets there.
That is when he realizes that being tired is not an option.