FORK and Elisava organized the Third Participatory Forum on the National Food Strategy of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.
On November 25, Barcelona hosted the Third Participatory Forum on the National Food Strategy (ENA) of the Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación , organized by The Fork Organization and Elisava School of Design and Engineering . The meeting, held at the Fundació Joan Miró , was attended by political authorities such as the Spanish Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Luis Planas, and the Minister of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food of the Generalitat, òscar Ordeig , as well as experts in health sciences and prominent personalities from the health, scientific, and business fields linked to the agri-food sector.
New global policies to boost the food industry
Two round tables structured the meeting, which focused on the analysis of the Mediterranean and Atlantic diets and policies aimed at promoting the food industry. The first one, Diets in Spain: Mediterranean and Atlantic, counted with the interventions of the cardiologist of the University Hospital Complex of La Coru?a, Guillermo Aldama ; the president of the scientific committee of the Mediterranean Diet Foundation and also president of the XVI International Diet Congress, Ramon Estruch ; the vice president of the FUNDACIóN DIETA ATLáNTICA , María Rosaura Trabazo; and the founder of Gastronomic+34 and co-executive director of The Culinary Institute of America (CIA), Santi Mas de Xaxàs Faus .
The second-panel discussion, Driving the Food Industry of the Future: Policies for Growth and Innovation, was attended by the Head of Studies of the Bachelor in Design for Food Systems at Elisava, director of the Barcelona Food Design Lab of the same university, and co-founder of The FORK Organization, Mariana Eidler. Ph.D ; the director of Agrifood Companies, Quality, and Gastronomy of the Generalitat de Catalunya, Joan Gòdia; the vice president of the Spanish Federation of Food and Beverage Industries (FIAB), Judith Viader; and the general director of Carinsa, Vanesa Martínez.
Food Design and the sustainable transformation of food systems
Mariana Eidler explained that “design can read and understand the social context to find applications, so food design brings together design and food to help the sustainable transformation of food systems, creating innovation, transformation, and modification. It can redesign services, systems, experiences, and products.”
This is the last of three forums organized by the ministry to advance a comprehensive, cross-cutting, and valuable strategy for all links in the food chain and the public. The ministry is currently preparing a strategic document that will incorporate the contributions of experts from all the links involved in the agri-food sector and mark the future of sustainable, healthy, and profitable agri-food by formulating global public policies.
Video of the forum: