A Forgotten Veteran And A Remembered Cousin
My grandmother's son Joseph Cherwak's name was sandblasted off of his mom's tombstone. I had an inscription put on the back of this stone. I am the only one with documentation of ownership. I paid E. Arthur Gray Memorials to honor him.It was symbolic. I did not bury anyone. I had both of my parents cremated. My mom is in a cherry wood box on my desk. This gives me the incentive to continue writing about this horror.
This was a federal crime. It happened in St. Mary's cemetery in Port Jervis, N.Y. The lead detective Mike Myers stopped my investigation because he knew the perpetrators. There in no justice for all; Only justice for some.
I paid Shaun Parker to have this engraving done. He checked the grave deed before he proceeded. He knew that my grandfather had left the plot and tombstone from him to only one person. That person was his daughter; My mother Mrs. William Prohira, I even have a copy of the check that Shaun Parker cashed.
He has done this job all of his life. He has a lot in common with James Rohner they both deal with working with dead things. Can you imagine sitting all day and waiting for someone to die to do for a living? Mr. Rohner likes to cut down trees and build new houses instead of refurbishing old houses that are already built. The town of Port Jervis needs the homes already there to be redone. Why is he doing something that is detrimental to his hometown? Shaun made sure to call St. Mary's church to see who the grave deed belonged to. He was told that only I was the owner after my mother died.
After she died I went to Surrogate Court and was granted the C.O.A papers. After I moved to Florida my disgruntled relatives went to Mr. Parker and pleaded with with him to have my beautiful symbol of love erased for eternity. I have the original contract as proof of payment. He thought that I would never discover about this desecration, but I did. My relatives were upset that this mysterious uncle had left more money to my mom. That is just an excuse they can use to never bother with us.
They never bothered with us before. Donna even ignored Mary Ann at our cousin Brutt's first wedding. My mom noticed this and told me that they had been close as children. I think Donna was just embarrassed by her husband's antics in trying to chase every girl in sight. She stayed in this marriage until the day he died. Aunt Kay kept my mom up to date on her family.
She wrote that Donna had to attend Al-Anon meetings because her husband had a problem with his drinking. I don't know why he did not seek help. That is something he should have done for his family. He and Donna had 2 sons named Brian and Christopher. Her sister Kathy got married and had a son named Zack. She told my mom that she was getting married because all of her friends were. That marriage did not last long. Even though Barry seemed like a nice person. She never got married again.
My mom said that when Sue heard Kathy talking at a funeral about all of the work she did working on her house(like putting on roofs,paving her driveway among other things.) Sue whispered that she thought Kathy was a dyke! Brutt's first marriage did not last long and resulted in no children. She was from Puerto Rico but my Aunt Kay always told people that no one held a candle to Betsy and that she was Spanish.
When my sister Marsha was going to move to Florida. I asked her to say a prayer at our grandparent's tombstone. She was told by the caretaker that he had never seen my engraving. His name was Richard Quick and did not even own a cell phone. The church seems to pick a special sort to tend to the cemetery. That is what makes the world a interesting and beautiful place. It is that no 2 people are alike. If everyone was the same, we might as well be robots.
My sister is the best person I ever met. None of you know what you have missed by not trying to get to know her. Just as an example. Yesterday I mentioned that there was a leak in my watering can. She came back later with a new one for me. She is so kind and generous. I try to treat people like she does. She has never hurt anyone in her life and she never will. I know how blessed I am to have her as my sister. I love her each day more than the day before. I can't wait for us to move into our new house. It has everything and I think that it will be where we spend the rest of our lives together.
When I heard about what Marsha had been told, I immediately called Shaun Parker. He quickly told me that nothing was wrong and that he would send me a picture to prove it. I felt relieved and trusted him. On the contract he had even written his cell phone number on it in case I wanted to talk him. I never did. We had something in common; His father Donald Parker (who was a decent man) had died of the same disease that killed my mom. Diverticulitis.I watched her waste away from it. I don't think it helped her health when her sister started sending her hate mail. She died soon after my mom did, They said from heart disease. How strange and ironic! That woman was heartless.
He must have grabbed the contract and handed it to my secret admirer Gerald Gray. I am being sarcastic. Did you really think I could ever like you after the way you treated my beloved sister? What an ego you have! You even went to the same beauty parlor as your sister. As a child he wore glasses and had light brown hair (so did Brigid his adopted sister.) To make them look more attractive they each became blondes and he started wearing blue contact lenses. You are such a phony! Mr.Gray couldn't wait to tell Shaun that contracts were made to be broken. That must be one of the first things you learn in law school. That and how fast you could spend your daddy's money!
Because I wanted to remember this symbol of love. I had a picture taken of it. Something must have told me that my estranged relatives might not like anything else put on my tombstone. When I received Mr. Parker's picture; It was only of the front of it. I had my engraving done on the back.They could have planted a bush to cover it instead of going to such hateful extremes.
I called someone to go to see what had been done. From them I received a picture of the back of my tombstone. My engraving had been sandblasted off. That act of hate is a federal crime. I even found out that the mother of this clod my cousin married played a hand in this crime. I know quite a few things that Maron Rohner has gotten away with that will shock you. Yes, they are documented!
She picked and chose who was going to be in her den troop very carefully along with her son Jimmy by her side. They poured over the names like these children were applying for a job. My mom had to become an assistant cub scout leader for some of the many that did not pass Mrs. Rohner's qualifications. That meant that they did not have the right connections or more accurately their parent's didn't.
I am a kind person, something that I have found is rare to be in this world. It pains me to write about or hurt people. It is very unpleasant, but it is something that I must do. A veteran who came to this country with his mother has been treated like he did nothing to be remembered for. 2 men who never had to fight for our freedom did this to him. I will not stop until I hear them say that what they did was wrong.
My engraving was simple, yet profound, All that it said was that my mother and her brother were now at peace with their parents ; With love from your family, Marsha, Nancy and Michael Prohira. Even Shaun Parker told me that it had turned out beautifully.He also told me that it was James Rohner who came into his office filled with rage.
He is not even a blood relative. Why did you listen to this nut case? Oh I forgot he threatened to never have his large family ever do any business with your funeral parlor again. It always comes back to one thing and that is money. It certainly is the root of all evil. I will take a lie detector test to prove what I am saying is true. Will they ever offer to do that? That would be a big NO!
When I called the Port Jervis police department; I was put under attack. Even though I was the victim; They treated me like a criminal. They questioned me for hours over the phone about how I should be grateful that someone was taking care of my tombstone for me. I told them that my grandfather had paid for perpetual care. I did not want someone else going near it and putting up cheap looking scalloped concrete edging around it. On the grave deed; It states that he had paid for perpetual care.
I filed a case in the state of Florida. I was told at the hearing by the judge that even though I had a good case, I would have to file in the right jurisdiction. They were both represented by an attorney named Robert Harrison. Is it just a coincidence that my cousin Tom has a wife who had that last name before she was married? I don't think so, I think that he is related to her. She played a big part in trying to help them get an attorney to help them . I represented myself. I asked for a change of venue, but was denied. That meant that I would have to go back to my hometown to file. I dreaded doing this. The thought of going there made me sick.
A cemetery should only be a place of solace and serenity. Not a place where you should have to live in fear of someone desecrating your tombstone. I hired an attorney Antoinette Caruso. She told me that my cousin Mary Ann's husband must have been emotionally distraught when he asked his friend to help him commit this crime. She took 500 dollars from me and then did not the job I hired her to do.
Much like Vern Lazaroff. My mom said we did not need an attorney when she died. My brother hired this lazy lawyer anyway. He was just supposed to close our mother's file at Surrogate court.We found out that he didn't bother o do it. He should be the one asked to do that job not me. We paid him to do it. He was fired as the attorney for the synagogue in Port Jervis. I can only assume his laziness must have been one of the reasons.
My cousin had suffered for years with cancer. Mary Ann had been heavily medicated when this act occurred. I don't blame her for this; I blame her second husband who I have never even met. I called him to ask what had happened. He screamed at me to buy my own tombstone and hung up the phone after using the phrase F.U. over and over. Instead of telling Mary Ann that I thought her husband was a pig. I should not have said that. Instead of calling him by an animal name. I should have just told her that I thought she was married to a monster. He has done many things that confirm my diagnosis.
I did have the chance to tell him that it was my tombstone. I am the only one with documentation of ownership. I even have a letter from the priest of St. Mary's church that states that I could do anything I wanted to with it. I guess I will leave it alone. To me cemeteries have always been a place of reflection and only remembering the good in people. My book will be her legacy as well as a foundation in her honor,
Mrs. Caruso did not want to represent me in court. It seemed very hard to get an attorney willing to go against their law firm. It had connections to a man who in now the judge of Surrogate court and a member of the Supreme Court of N.Y. This man was once the judge in Port Jervis, N.Y. and a former member of the law firm of Cuddeback and Onofry.His name is Robert Onofry.
My brother's wife was mad that I did not give her money from the sale of my grandmother's house. Didn't my brother tell you the things I had to do for her. He certainly never helped me. I can still see how he looked as he watched me giving her C.P.R. He leaned against the doorway and told me to let her go. He was a registered nurse when he did not help me save our mom. When the police came. I did all of the talking as he sat on the coach shaking with fear that I was going to tell the police what had happened. I could not do that to him.
You met this woman on line and now you have to lie in the bed that you made. Are you finally happy now? With your new found family. I doubt it. How can you treat Marsha like this? It shows you and your wife's true colors by turning your back on her. How dare you! When she told me she had a hysterectomy and could not have children I was shocked. We had talked many times about how we believed that having children is the only reason for getting married.
When I saw pictures of your wife's long fingernails I knew that she would be an albatross around your neck. She had been married and had 2 sons of her own. She was divorced and Marsha is the one who told me that she thought that you met her on the computer. Than everything started to add up. Marsha is much smarter than people give her credit for. I see that every day. She comes up with these thoughts and ideas that always turn out to be true. She is amazing!
Because I was once their client; This created a conflict of interest. The firm is now called Plotsky. Bavoso and Onofry. My cousin's husband James Rohner and Shaun Parker were represented by the real estate attorney David Bavoso.Why didn't the criminal attorney Glenn Plostsky want to represent them? How could anyone agree to do this? So many questions with no answers.
I sent Mr. Bavoso a copy of my grave deed. He then did something very unethical. He had my cousin Sue Suchoruki and Shaun Parker make notarized statements.Taking sentences off of my grave deed and urging her on. He got my cousin Sue to perjur herself. In my cousin's statement she says that her father (my Uncle Ted) had bought the plot and tombstone. This man did not care that he was putting her in jeopardy of being charged with perjury. Mr. Shaun Parker stated that he thought I was of unsound mind. Thanks a lot for that you little twerp! Why would you give your cell phone number to someone you thought that way about?
The only one who stayed out of it and did not make a statement was my dead cousin's husband (who owns Berthiaume's Neversink Lumber.) He knew enough not to put anything in writing. He had made plans for his future and is already remarried and had picked out a black heart tombstone with only his last name on the front and back of his late wife ugly tombstone. She will most likely be there buried alone without any acknowledgement of who her parent's were.
This shows just how little she had come to mean to him. He had his second wife already chosen long before my cousin died. This became the talk of the town. So much so that even I heard about it! I now wonder if she might have condoned this match up. Stranger things can happen and this man had her tied around his little finger. When I researched Luverne it surprised me that my cousin was listed as her closest contact. With friends like this you don't need enemies!
When I show a picture of it to people they are appalled. He really went over the top by putting facial resemblances of him and her on the front. She looks terrible, but he looks fine. My cousin was lovely. Why would he choose to have a replica of her looking like this for all of eternity? They all gasp at the choice of a black heart for a tombstone. He could just as easily have picked out one in pick quartz. That would have been so much more appropriate. I wonder if he even had to special order it in the color black?
He had his teeth fixed and lost weight after Laverne Scully's husband died first. He must have been busy making second wedding plans before my cousin's body was even cold. If anything can cause cancer this creep must be a carrier. His sister died from it too. I hope he lives a very long time just like his mother. In the end she had to stop being a cub scout leader because her looks began to frighten the young boys. I called her once and she did not even remember Mary Ann. Her nurse had to tell her that had been Jimmy's first wife. Yes. I want you to linger and linger just like your mother. I cannot think of anything worse.
I realize now what a living hell her life was with him. Just his stern family and rules to follow and always changing the way her house looked. No more dancing and laughing at nothing like she used to. She even made a point to tell us that she had to start calling him Jim. You became another person. Someone we did not want to be around anymore.You did that until the day that you died. It was like you were afraid to take it easy sometimes. Now another woman lives in what you created. How brazen they are!
Veterans are all supposed to be remembered. To sandblast his name is an affront to all of the people who have fought for your freedom. Both you and Mr. Shaun Parker were handed down jobs and never served your country. It is like you both live in a plastic bubble.You could not last an hour in my sister's shoes, but she fits in them easily. She never complains. All I have to do is look at her and I can tell how she feels.
To them jobs like putting up dry wall and being a funeral assistant that they e mailed me as things she could do was outrageous. You both are letting the hard working people that you both pay salaries know how little you respect them. The only things that you both have ever had to worry about is lifting a fork and the silver spoons that you were born with in your mouths.
I even had to write to your attorney when you both sent me harassing e mails. When he got the letter the PJ Job Bucket e mails stopped.The jobs that were listed that you thought of for my sister Marsha. How men that was to do and it also showed how much time you had to waste. I tried to get her on disability and I wrote an article about it when she was denied. At least no one in my family has ever had to go on welfare! She has suffered form bullies like you her whole life. You both have too much time on your soft hands!
To make fun of someone who never did anything to you and could not defend herself is reprehensible.For anyone to agree to defend you is someone who really must be vicious. I have recently read about a man in Spain who brought a bag full of cockroaches into court. Someone yelled to get those awful things out of there. All of the attorneys left.
Don't forget that when you met my cousin she had the only job she ever had and that was as a waitress. Is this how you get your kicks? Putting down hard working people! By doing this you are showing a lack of respect for your own employees and slapping my cousin in the face postmortem.
You both read my article about how my sister had been denied disability.She worked at her job for over 40 years and developed carpel tunnel syndrome. She has to wear braces on her wrists. She is in pain. What is wrong with you? Do you just enjoy bullying someone who can't defend themselves? You are the type of people who like to kick puppies for fun!
Mr. David Bavoso even sent me a letter about the book I had to start writing to get some kind of justice. He told me that I had better have all of what I wrote documented. Is this some kind of a joke? My documentation of ownership meant nothing to the Port Jervis Police Department. Even though I struggle to write this book. I have gotten incentive by having mom's remains in a beautiful box on my desk.
Both of my parents were cremated as well as our Uncle Joe. Ironically my Aunt Kay and her husband were also cremated. I was told by my cousin Kathy that their father wanted his ashes scattered on his favorite race track; My selfish drag racing cousin (her brother Tommy) thought it might slow his time. So he refused to heed his dad's last wishes! He is the one who taught him everything he ever learned about cars.
The police in Port Jervis don't arrest their friends or relatives. Just people that they do not know. Police corruption is alive and well in my hometown. Someone is suing the city of Port Jervis and a policeman there. I hope he wins. Who knows what kind of thing they did to him to take such an action against them, but I kind of understand.
I hope you remember the man who fought for 4 years during W.W.2 for you and your freedom. A man who you wanted to erase off the face of the earth; Joseph Cherwak.A man who Harry Truman sent a letter to thank him for fighting for this country. Something both of you never had to do. Remember the man who you tried to make a forgotten veteran. I will do everything I can to see that this man and my mom both are remembered. Everyone deserves to be not just people that meet your approval.
I think your mama even helped after she heard that I had called her baby a pig(the saintly Marion Rohner )who you have a historical plaque of everywhere you turn in that small city. After she died at the age of 95 her son Jimmy had the corner where she lived called Marion Rohner Way. You got that one right! It was always her way or hit the highway. I found out that one plague that states she was the longest serving cub scout leader was a lie. I have documented proof about that too Mr. Bavoso.
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