The Forgotten History of Internet
Today, Aug 1st, is the World Wide Web Day – the ubiquitous www, which was developed by Tim Berner-Lee in 1989 at CERN to create a seamless interface among different net protocols which existed at that time. This architecture which combined three different ideas – hypertext, TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) and Domain Name – was designed to promote collaboration and sharing of ideas.
…and that is when the Internet exploded and over the years shaped the world as we know (and take for granted now).
But now that the internet has become utility, much of its exciting, radical/ anti-establishment/ magical roots have faded from the living memories.
Few people know/ remember that those who built the internet were driven by a passion to expand and enhance human potential and consciousness (including through LSD, Yoga, music etc.); that at one time, the "hackers" were the good guys, and the "nerds" represented the dark forces of commerce; or that they were exploring a new mythical terrain, not building an efficient functional tool.
So here are a few interesting random tit-bits of The Forgotten/ Untold History of Internet – and it magical/ mythical roots of this terrain which they discovered/ crafted:
- Marshall McLuhan - who is equated with "Medium is the Message" and the term “Global Village†- wrote in 1968: "Civilization is entirely the product of phonetic literacy and as it dissolves with the electronic revolution, we discover a tribal, integral awareness that manifests in a complete shift in our sensory awareness... (electronic society is) a resonating world akin to the old tribal echo chamber where magic will live again."
- Mark Pesce, the inventor of VRML (Virtual Reality Modeling Language) was a drop out from MIT, which he found to be a "profoundly dehumanising place" (but then, "if you get thrown out of MIT, that's your first step in your career as a programmer.") In an interview in 1994, he said: "Both cyberspace and magical space are purely manifestation in imagination. Both spaces are constructed by your thoughts and beliefs. Korzybski says that the map is not the territory. Well, in magic, the map is the territory. And the same is true in cyberspace. There's nothing in that space you didn't bring in."
- In 1989, T M Luhrmann published a survey study on pagan culture in modern society (Persuasions of the Witch's Craft), in which he found that a disproportionately large percentage of those who practiced paganism (in its various forms) were techies from IT field. Based on his interviews, he concluded: "both magic and computer science involve creating a world defined by chosen rules, and playing within their limits."
- The term "Cyberspace" originated from a book by William Gibson, Neuromancer, published in 1986. Gibson described cyberspace as "consensual hallucination". For Gibson, cyberspace was "the point at which media (flow) together and surround us. It's the ultimate extension of the exclusion of daily life. With cyberspace as I describe it you can literally wrap yourself in media and not have to see what's really going on around you."
- JRR Tolkien (Lord of the ring) was a cult figure among the counterculture techies of the 60s and 70s. The first computer game, Dungeons and Dragons, was developed by two students in 1973, the year Tolkien died. Many of imageries and personalities were directly influenced by Tolkien's character, and obviously the plot was similar to Lord of the Rings
Behind this magical nature of the internet was also the basic DNA of internet... the activism, the original spirit of "digital culture" (based on the norm of sharing and collaboration) - till it got usurped by the "digital economy" (based on the rule of private property rights and competition)...
Not many people remember now, that when Paul Baran, back in 1962 designed ARPAnet - the predecessor of Internet - the framework was to create a system for "distributed communication" which had no central control (which is what Internet is – though now various governments (Singapore, China, India, etc.) do try to, and sometimes succeed in controlling the use of Internet. (I still remember when in my BLO course in '95, when Kuruvilla Kurian had made on the then nascent Internet, which had just become accessible to public, one major query/ confusion in the class was "but who owns it?!!")
Not many people know/remember, either, that long back being a "Hacker" was the way to be. In 1984, Steven Levy had described the "Hacker Ethic" in his book "Hackers, Heros of the Computer Revolution":
- Access to computers should be unlimited and total.
- Always yield to the Hands-on Imperative!
- All information should be free.
- Mistrust authority — promote decentralization.
- Hackers should be judged by their hacking, not bogus criteria such as degrees, age, race or position.
- You can create art and beauty on a computer.
- Computers can change your life for the better.
Some examples of this "activism":
- Ted Nelson, who invented "Hypertext" also wrote a book/manifesto titled "Computer Lib" in 1974.
- the first invention of Steve Job and Wozneik - founders of Apple - was the "blue box" which you could use to make long distance calls at local rates
- many members of Ken Kesey's "Merry Pranksters" (the guys who used to organise acid-trip festivals in the 60s) were actually techies - such as Stewart Brand (who actually coined the term "personal computer" in an article published in The Esquire in 1972)
Jim Warren - a pioneer in micro-computing and the recipient of Electronic Frontier Foundation Pioneer Award - perhaps summarised the digital age the best:
"It had its genetic coding in the '60s ... Anti-establishment, antiwar, pro-freedom, anti-discipline attitudes."