The Forgotten

The Forgotten

After many years of launching over twenty mobile apps since the birth of touch in 2007, it is apparent that UX is still a forgotten component. Having worked with at least 10 startups in the last three years, the obsession and focus on the CTO and engineering team eclipses this important role, which often is not budgeted in a use of proceeds.

User experience (UX) has become an essential aspect of product design in recent years. UX encompasses all aspects of a user's interaction with a product, from the initial research and discovery phase through to the use and maintenance of the product. A good user experience is crucial to the success of any product, and designers who prioritize UX in their work will create products that users love and use regularly.

There are several reasons why UX is important to product design:

1.????User Satisfaction: The primary goal of UX is to create products that meet the needs of users. A good user experience ensures that users are satisfied with a product and enjoy using it. When users are happy with a product, they are more likely to recommend it to others, which can lead to increased sales and revenue for the company.

2.????User Retention: Users are more likely to continue using a product that they find easy and enjoyable to use. By prioritizing UX in product design, companies can retain users and reduce churn rates. This leads to increased revenue and customer loyalty, as users who have a positive experience with a product are more likely to become repeat customers.

3.????Competitive Advantage: In today's market, where consumers have many options to choose from, companies must differentiate themselves from their competitors. One way to do this is by creating products that offer a superior user experience. By prioritizing UX in product design, companies can gain a competitive advantage over their rivals and increase their market share.

4.????Increased Efficiency: A well-designed product is one that is easy to use and understand. When a product is easy to use, users can complete tasks quickly and efficiently. This not only improves their experience but also saves them time and effort. Additionally, a well-designed product can reduce the need for customer support, as users are less likely to encounter issues and errors while using the product.

5.????Cost Savings: A poorly designed product can be costly to maintain and update. By prioritizing UX in product design, companies can reduce the need for costly updates and maintenance. A well-designed product is also less likely to encounter issues and errors, which can save companies time and money in customer support and bug fixing.

6.???? Brand as UX: User experience (UX) design plays a critical role in building brand loyalty. A positive user experience helps to build trust and credibility with customers, while a negative experience can erode trust and result in customers seeking out alternative brands. Here are some ways that UX impacts brand loyalty:

1.????First Impressions: The first experience a user has with a brand is crucial. If they have a positive experience, they are more likely to continue using the brand and recommend it to others. A well-designed and intuitive user interface, clear messaging, and easy navigation can create a positive first impression.

2.????Consistency: Consistency in UX design across all touchpoints and channels helps to build trust with customers. When users can predict what will happen when they interact with a brand, they feel confident and comfortable using it. Inconsistent experiences can lead to confusion, frustration, and a lack of trust in the brand.

3.????Personalization: Personalized experiences can make customers feel valued and increase their loyalty to a brand. By collecting data on user behavior and preferences, brands can tailor their UX to meet individual needs and preferences. This can create a sense of familiarity and comfort for the user, which can increase brand loyalty.

4.????Emotional Connection: A well-designed UX can create an emotional connection between the user and the brand.


In conclusion, the importance of UX to product design cannot be overstated. A good user experience is crucial to the success of any product, and companies who prioritize UX in their product design will create products that users love and use regularly. By focusing on user satisfaction, retention, competitive advantage, increased efficiency, and cost savings, companies likelihood of success increases dramatically.

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? 2023 Curt Doty Company LLC. All rights reserved.

At, we have a holistic UX process that starts with branding and ends with marketing. Having one company focus on the entire launch is ideal for speed to market, efficient cross team communication and Client collaboration. If you have a new project, call us.

MediaSlam is a podcast and publication of that discusses the intersection of design, content and technology. Follow Curt Doty on Linkedin and Follow MediaSlam on Clubhouse. To learn more, go to

Stacy Jolna

Co-Founder/Chief Marketing Officer at ClixTV

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Two brands exemplify these great points from Curt: Apple & TiVo. I’m a devoted Apple ecosystem user. The products are beautifully designed and the attention to UX is the best bar none. TiVo: I had the wonderful opportunity to join the founding management team as we devised a Hollywood-style video user interface, a unique ergonomic “peanut” remote and “be-boop” sound effects that emotionally amplified every button push. The end result on both the original TiVo and every Apple device is an addictive experience that engenders “love” and changes your life. Here’s the best marketing focus group response from a TiVo respondent: “I won’t let you pry my TiVo from my fingers until I’m cold and dead.” Now that’s UX-driven lifetime value. And product devotion!!


