FORGIVENESS...... a heavy word, which every one discuss and teach..... but hard to accept and practice.
Our Parents, teachers and elder always try to teach us Forgiveness, but Are they able to follow that????? Question is little difficult...... We are human being and for a normal person, its not easy to forget and forgive the bad deeds happens with us, but definitely if some one just accept the meaning and the word, he started practising it.
We should not be the overloaded truck with lots of bad or negative thoughts.... to go forward or upward, we have to forgive and forget the previous step. If we want to move forward, we have to leave our previous step and if we want to move upward, we have to leave our previous stair, without leaving our previous step, we would not be able to move ahead. Matureness comes when we try to understand the others difficulty or situation instead of identifying the negative or fault in his deed.
On the occasion of "UTTAM KSHAMA", I expect forgiveness and trying my level best to forgive others (As I am also a Human Being)........
Uttam Kshama.
CS Amit Kumar Jain
Finance Consultant
Mentor Corporate Services Pvt Ltd
Cell: 09425373231