Forgive yourself - Fail Faster 6/20
As human beings, we all make mistakes - it is a common trait among us all. I've done it - normally, you have done it too.
Whether it's a missed deadline at work, a harsh word spoken in anger, or a wrong decision that had unforeseen consequences, we all fail at some point in our lives.
What makes the difference in successful individuals compared to the rest is their ability to forgive themselves for those mistakes and move forward. They learn from them.
They fail, and they react even faster.
Forgiving ourselves is an essential part of self-care and personal growth, it helps us keep our mental health.
Robert Downey Jr has a good example. When Mel Gibson decided to give the actor a chance Mel said that if RDJ accepted responsibility for his wrongdoings and if he embraced up that part of his soul that was ugly he would become a man of some humility and his life would change. (I believe it worked.)
We can't fully move forward when we hold onto our mistakes and beat ourselves up over them. We get stuck in a disrespectful, shameful, and negative self-talk cycle. That’s why we have to overcome them. What other option do we have?
To achieve success, we need to be able to take risks, make mistakes, and learn from them. But this is only possible if we are willing to face our mistakes when we fall short of our goals.
Personal Example
When we practice self-forgiveness, we not only benefit ourselves but those around us as well.
When we let go of our mistakes and move forward, we become better friends, colleagues, partners, and overall better people. We can better support and encourage others, and we create a more positive and uplifting environment for everyone.
I’ll leave some tips here for you:
- Be understanding with yourself, and acknowledge that you can fail.
- Take responsibility for your mistakes, and apologize if necessary.
- Learn from them – reflect on what happened, identify what you could have done differently, and change it.