Joseph McCarthy, CMTLC ? DD
Creative Communicator. Professional Speaker/Storyteller. Leadership Development Consultant. Mentor. Podcaster. Author. Musician. Graphic Designer. Branding+Marketing Sherpa //
I’ve begun to notice that when I have truly forgiven myself and/or another, the once-acute details of my grievance begin to get fuzzy and fade. To me, that is evidence that the incident, and the associated pain, no longer have a death grip on my heart.?
What a relief! What freedom! What G.R.A.C.E.
G - Grievances
R - Released
A - Authentically
C - Changes
E - Everything
The law of sowing and reaping, which some call karma, guarantees that whatever I give, I will receive in return. And not just one fruit for one seed, but a whole cornucopia of fruit… from a single, lifeless kernel!?
I also am learning to shift my mindset and motivation from “I give to get” to “I get to give!” It is indeed my pleasure, my privilege. Freely I have received, so freely I give. Not for the return on my investment, which will inevitably come, but from a grateful, cheerful heart. Not for the outcome, but for the joy and freedom of the act itself.
In those wonderful sacred moments of selflessness, I experience the profound truth that giving is living…and forGiving is For Living!
St. Francis of Assisi was on to truly transformative truth when he famously prayed, “Make me a channel of Your peace. For it is in pardoning that we are pardoned. In giving to all mankind that we receive. And in dying (to self) that we’re born to eternal life.“
Amen. So be it. So it is!
May we all continually?grow?and?go?in GRACE!