Forging Your Leadership Story
John Haslam
Marketing & Communications consultant developing innovative, data driven strategies, solving problems and optimizing results to give my clients a competitive advantage.
How Leaders Inspire Followers
Leaders, especially in large organizations, aren’t really people. They’re mental images.
They may be flesh and blood to the senior team and the assistants in the C-suite, but to people in accounting or sales, the operational departments and business units, they are imaginary constructs.
This surprising conclusion emerged from a 2017 study conducted jointly by Utah State University’s Professor Nathan Washburn and Brigham Young University’s Professor Benjamin Galvin.
Their study sought to indentify the way employees form opinions of leaders. Why some leaders were admired and followed while others were dispised or dismissed.
Paint a Picture
As a leader your number one priority is getting others to follow you. The simple fact is that the function of a leader is to achieve results through others.
This simple yet powerful touchstone can get lost when leaders get along in their careers and become insulated from those they are there to lead.
After all we know how motivating a great leader can be and on the flip side how uninspiring and even demotivating a bad boss is. But how are those opinions formed? What goes into the image of a leader that gets formed in the minds of the people they are supposed to lead?
It turns out that we rely on a surprisingly small amount of information when it comes to forming our opinion of those who lead us.
Impressions Matter
Washburn and Galvin’s research found that as followers we create pictures of what leaders seem to be, based on the bosses’ accumulated emails, tweets, speeches, and videos, plus whatever tidbits are picked up here and there.
Can we assume, or perhaps simply hope, that people will somehow derive inspiration from these mental images of the leader?
Employees are judgy; a perceived shortcoming in a leader can easily undermine the image. That mental process of building an imaginary picture is complex, and certain weaknesses in a leader can be interpreted as strengths, lending the image an aura of authenticity.
Understanding the process of how we form these images can be highly advantageous for leaders who hope to motivate and inspire.
Four Ways We Form Opinions of Leaders
Professor’s Galvin and Washburn’s research found that there are four rules governing how people create and respond to the image of their leaders that live in their minds.
Rule 1: Employees tend to judge a book by its cover. We are typically content to base our assessment of a leader’s ability, and therefore appeal, on very little information. In fact, most people prefer to have skimpy information, since it’s easier to digest. Not to disparage the anyone’s intellect or judgement; everyone does this.
Rule 2: Employees look for answers to a few very specific questions: Does the leader care about me personally? Do they have high standards? Can they offer an appealing vision of the future? Does the leader seem human in a way I can relate to?
Rule 3: People prefer to get answers to these questions in the form of stories, which have a huge influence over the mental image they have of that leader. The image created lets people decide whether to believe in and follow the leader.
Rule 4: In assessing stories, people pay most attention to those they perceive to be trustworthy, and they disregard the rest. In assessing trustworthiness, people look for unexpected moments of candor and unbiased third-party accounts, communicated through unscripted and informal channels.
Formal, planned interactions like speeches or meetings don’t provide these types of moments. As trustworthy stories are retold, they take on a life of their own, becoming more powerful and affecting people, positively and negatively, throughout the organization.
Leadership Mythology
We can all think of stories we’ve heard of leaders and how they evolve into a sort of mythology about that particular leader.
Steve Jobs unrelenting drive to re-imagine the way computers integrated into our lives. Or the founder of Toyota, Kiichiro Toyoda, who used the spirit of innovation and the business base inherited from his father to expand into the automotive business and build the foundation of today’s Toyota Group.
The interviews conducted with employees found numerous examples of this process we all go through forming an opinion of our leaders.
Employee’s of Haier, the Chinese manufacturer, recounted that CEO Zhang Ruimin once shut down production after he found minor dents and scratches on appliances that were coming off a manufacturing line. He instructed employees to take hammers in hand — not to fix the flaws but to destroy the imperfect products.
The employees were astonished and quickly shared the story with their colleagues. The anecdote was short, but it answered the question about what their leader stood for; high standards.
It was also dramatic while its word-of-mouth transmission gave it credibility.
Moments in which a leader did something unexpected or dramatic cling to that leader and define their leadership, and their mythology.
Here’s another example of this from Microsoft. An employee’s young son had reached his lifetime medical coverage for leukemia, the employee sent an email to Bill Gates, who was CEO at the time. After being summoned to Gates’s office, the employee watched as Gates phoned the insurer’s chief executive — calling him out of a meeting — and “ripped the CEO apart,” as a Microsoft manager told us.
When the employee left Gates’s office, his son had insurance coverage. The astonished and grateful employee share this experience with colleagues and the story soon spread throughout the organization.
Here again, the story was short, informative and demonstrated the leader’s feelings for employees and what he stood for. It was also dramatic, and credible.
What is Your Leadership Mythology?
As a leader you might wonder what your employees mental picture is of you. This can be hard to assess as employees are typically unwilling to give candid and personal feedback directly to the boss.
But the research does suggest things leaders can do to feed the positive side of this process. You can use this knowledge to positively influence the CEO avatars embedded in employees’ minds to build a reputation as benevolent and inspiring, rather than negative and demotivating.
Certain aspects are inherently uncontrollable though; and once you start trying to stage-manage incidents for employees’ benefit, you’re drifting into tricky, manipulative territory.
But leaders do have choices about how they answer the four questions floating around in employees’ heads. Keeping the questions about whether the leader cares about them, has high standards, offers an appealing vision, and seems human can help leaders not only seem like they are good but actually be good.
Four Ways to Build Your Reputation as a Leader
Now lets look at ways you can address the four areas that followers assess your leadership. I will offer some suggestions on how you can do a better job in each area and build your own leadership mythology.
Caring. As a leader, an important part of your job is to know who in your organization is struggling or going through difficult times and find ways to help those employees.
A personal note to someone who is on leave for a serious medical issue, or an in-person thank you to an employee who worked extended hours during a particularly crucial period are examples that show you care. Such small but impactful actions help to convey your concern.
Look for opportunities to learn about and show concern for employees. But a word of caution; make sure it’s genuine and show your interest quietly — don’t focus on how such an action might ultimately benefit you.
Standards. Employees want independence and autonomy, but most of them want to exercise their independence in service of the company mission.
Most also want a work environment that adhere’s to high standards. Those standards come from the leader. Low standards lead to low commitment, even for the most self-motivated employees; high standards established at the top are energizing.
To make use of high standards, choose your arenas carefully. Standards must be consistent, but slavish consistency is counterproductive: Don’t demand perfection in every aspect of performance or you’ll come across as a micro manager.
The research showed that leaders with the most positive and inspiring mythology were known for just one or two things, such as always being prepared for meetings, insisting on product quality, or supporting excellent customer service.
Whatever the standard was, the leader consistently upheld it and demanded it of others. They demonstrated it again and again.
When you are setting standards for your organization, remember to always praise in public but coach or admonish in private. Public reprimands almost always backfire. That’s because other employees sympathize with the subject of your reprimand or because it turns out the leader spoke too soon, without a full awareness of the circumstances.
That’s not the kind of story you want circulating in your company.
I had a former boss who had a skillful way of handling this. If he sensed that the team was unprepared for a quarterly product meeting he would tell everyone he thought we had more work to do, he stood up and calmly left the room.
No one was singled out, but the message was powerful nonetheless.
Vision. Generating stories that suggest you are a visionary can be challenging. And just like the other areas you must be cautious not to manufacture such evidence.
However what the research found is that it is usually stories about the past that lead others to believe a leader will be visionary in the future. A compelling story about how a company got started can serve this purpose.
Starbucks employees shared stories about founder Howard Schultz’s well-known “Aha!” moment at an espresso bar in Italy. Netflix employee’s recounted Reed Hastings’s story of being annoyed by late charges on his video rental.
Sometimes an origin story can take the form of a leaders journey to the company. YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki has talked about her experiments with entrepreneurship as a child; eventually renting her garage to Google’s founders; becoming one of the early Google employees; and pushing Google to make smart strategic decisions that have paid off (such as purchasing YouTube).
Remember, however, that for these stories to affect your leadership mythology they need to be shared and emerge through informal channels. Creating a “My Vision, and I Do Have One” video isn’t the best way to create this sort of positive mental image.
Humanness. Humaness is essential in leadership. It’s what makes you seem accessible — and it’s what makes it possible for others to identify with you and bond with you.
If you are one of the world’s relentlessly success-oriented leaders, remember that failures, setbacks, and even weaknesses are at the heart of stories that communicate your humanness.
In the research, stories about executives with physical disabilities, illness, and repeated rejections or failures were commonly recounted by inspired employees. The challenges overcome by company leaders allowed employees to see them as human.
I know a General Manager who suffers from Multiple Sclerosis. He struggles to maintain his mobility in the workplace. Rather than sitting behind a desk and remaining insulated from employees he purchased a Segway. He uses the device to get all around the office each day attending meetings and other duties.
Employee at that organization consistently express admiration for their leader stating how inspiring it is that he has found ways to overcome his physical limitations and be visible despite the challenges.
Another aspect of humanness is knowing that you are no better than anyone else. Yvon Chouinard, founder and owner of Patagonia, makes it a point to eat lunch with his employees when he is at headquarters, and he always pays for his meals in the company cafeteria.
This story has circulated throughout the company. That simple act sends a clear message that he sees himself just like everyone else at the company. It shows his humaness and is relatable to the rest of the employees.
A Word of Caution
It’s worth repeating again that the way to get your story out there is through surrogates, employees who have had inspiring interactions with you and then spread those stories throughout the organization. These individuals amplify the four cornerstones of your leadership mythology; concern, standards, vision, and humanity.
Telling stories about yourself or manufacturing ways to curate and disseminate such stories will not have the desired affect. In fact it will very likely backfire causing others to see you as manipulating your image.
But what if you lack surrogates or are not sure the good things you do are getting noticed? Rest assured that if you keep doing the right things, people are smart and they are watching. They will eventually notice the good things you do and the leadership style you bring to the table.
If the things you do as a leader are positive then positive stories will be told about you. And those stories will form themselves into an army of mental images that will mobilize people to follow you to accomplish your goals.