Let Go of Your Stress Burdens
Sara Regester, RN, BSN, NBC-HWC
Stress Mastery Expert, Health and Wellness Coach
Encode Life Experiences as Wisdom
When are you ready to drop your burdens? When are you ready to appreciate what you learned and how life experiences shaped you? Can you let go of how the lesson came to you? It doesn’t matter how long it takes in this lifetime to understand but what really matters is that you finally “get it.” You are awake, aware, and alert. What you now see as truth you can no longer unsee.
The more we wake up to see reality as it is, the more we become aware of our inner light resilient side as well as our dark side. When we explore the truth deeper, we wake up our memory of how our light side was repressed or hidden and how our dark side coped through unskilled behaviors. Our skills and strategies in life focused on how to feel included, loved, liked, and safe.
We are not true to ourselves when we are trying to fit in and this creates internal stress.
Once we see the truth, we are invited to take responsibility to choose the high road and change our behavior or shift our perspective. We can also choose to put down the burdens we have carried through our lives as not belonging to us. We may be carrying burdens that were our parents, our grandparents or other key people we were raised with. We inherited their pain stories as our truth and took them on as belonging to us.
We heal and evolve when we “Erase Personal History” which is about remembering the truth of what happened or how we were impacted and not about forgetting the events that happened. Erasing personal history happens when we rewrite the pain story into the empowerment or lesson we grew from. Gaining an understanding of how that memory was a test of our strength or courage as an expression of our true nature. The new perspective is encoded as wisdom we grew from.
We were born into our families and had diverse experiences depending on where we grew up, the social economics we were raised in, and what spiritual or religious upbringing we experienced from our family, friends, schooling, image makers and so many factors influencing how we lived.
There is current research and multiple resources about trauma and factors that lead to PTSD or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Trauma relates to those adverse events experienced that impact the nervous system, and the mind-body-spirit as shock points that encode pain and personal wounding. Many of us are still carrying these memories that poke at us and trigger stress patterns. Some will benefit from counseling or therapeutic modalities for healing. Integrative Health Coaching supports healing of the mind-body-spirit and rewiring our stress patterns. We can all lean into our Spiritual practices and connection to keep us on track with our personal healing and connection with something greater as we continue to gain wisdom from our old pain stories, release our burdens, and rewrite our personal history to illuminate our courage and dedication to our inner light.????