Forgetting My Maughm
Dave Dutton-Fraser
President, Founder at Fraser's Edge Wordsmithing and EROS,Writer, Lecturer, Occultist, Wizard, Former Bad Guy.
As I fade from her heart
So like a spectre brought to light
And all her thoughts go elsewhere
In her quest for Mr. Right
I realize with greatest sorrow
Yet no bitterness or regret
There never was a best of times
No memories I dare not forget
Her love placed me in danger
Those moments remain so clear
So, the best memories are troubled
Fraught with violence and fear
In our tale I was the hero
Of that I am no way wrong
Still I am a hero unrewarded
No damsel’s heart or name in song
In fact, who is there to thank me
For all the times I saved her life?
Who to graciously shake my hand
Without the other holding a knife?
For this is what lies in store for those
Who become Fate’s agents and Love’s tools
Left to a lonely journey down Heart’s road
A victor to none and champion of fools