For the Forgetful into Infinities: A Quest for the Ultimate Reality and the Cause of Existence #Forgetful #Infinities #Reality #Existence #Quest
Neehar Sanadhaya
I am Zero I am Unity I am Infinity : “Exploring the Infinite: Philosopher, Mathematician, Thinker, and Seeker of Universal Truths”
For the Forgetful into Infinities!!! ISRO - Indian Space Research Organization ISRO ISRO - Indian Space Research Organisation NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory NASA Goddard Space Flight Center NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Lockheed Martin Space
This article Has two parts, one is for earth, and second part hold crucial information of and for Intelligences outside earth . Please go through!!!!
Where do intelligence walk? Where do you find yourself? Here and now!!! Intelligence has ability to create Heavens’ and live it. But seems tough though!!! Tough for those who do not want to analyze the truth within themselves. The free will, has infinite ability to want or desire and thus create its own heavens’ yet………..!!!!
People forget, or ability of intelligence to forget help its own self to overcome traumas of false experience of existence, it helps to overcome sorrows of life or the pain in hearts. On the other hand, this forgetfulness creates a void between infinite self and individuality. When experiences are forgotten, free will’ tries to diverge into small wants and desires of surroundings!!!!
Only the intelligence with meditativeness, approach or practise, provides complete or at least vast picture of nature or existence!!!! Child is taught is to become something since childhood!!!! In the order of living life as full, the mind washing of intelligence drops the intelligence and thus its lives to the lower levels of surroundings!!!! The torture of societies and culture washes the pure essence of blissfulness of eternity into mere some material gains.
It seems a sin to take birth as human for intelligence! Then comes the intelligences in different forms or organization, and pretend to teach the ways to wash away the sins intelligence has created or gained in the life!!!! If an intelligence wants to break free, another attempt as war comes to forefront……The liberals……..!!! most of them politically aligned!!!
The problem is survival.!!!!! If intelligence wants to survive, mutual, give and take exists. Give your life some hours to someone or some cause, and company, individual, organisation or government will pay to moany which can be encashed to survive. When population is huge, and where everybody wants everything, fight begins, mostly within the brains or minds, reflected outside most of the time. The promising advertisements of cars, home, and luxuries are never ending!!!! Creating volcano of desires and wants within existential intelligence!!!
The existence exists as super positioning of intelligence of as super positioning of infinite worlds that can ever be created of achieved, all at once, all within same moment.
Time is unity!!!!
?Beyond the smaller groups of intelligences who seems to run your worlds, exists the supreme, super positional intelligence, covering and or governing entire eternity!!! The summations of small free will, converge and diverge into and as different worlds and finally as ultimate unit of existential entity!!!!
At the top, beginning and at end, everything is achieved. Here the smallest Free will turns into wisdom of infinite eternal self’ or HIS” existence. The Fundamental Observer and the fundamental observation!!!
In between, stays the worlds or universes. Infinite, as existence, exists at the orders of observations or experiences.
Man as intelligence or human, wants God, only to fulfil his own desires, not for the sake of devotion!!! In the infinite knowledge of existence also exists the knowledge of God. And almost all paths have been walked through. What remains is individual choice, how to and which to walk?
Un-fulfilment of desires drives the common intelligence to seek the God to fulfil the desires, where as rare as the path or intelligence who seek truth!!!!
Even when the Absolute TRUTH’ is experienced or known from zero to infinite to back to zero, consciousness still wonders the existence and self’.
Who is controlling whom and whatsoever when everything as of existence from zero to infinite, from self to individual to eternal, from ignorance to Wisdom of Absolute’ exists as resultant, into as moment, as life, as in you or in me!!!
What do I desire? What do we desire? Even when life is aliveness, what do intelligence desire? What more intelligence wants other than life of itself? Other than being alive?
Is forgetfulness is boon? Or a weapon? Or we made to forget, forcefully, so that we may be made to desire, what the surroundings wants?
It is a careful choice of individual intelligence to choose its surroundings wisely!!!!! Why do saints or holy cow, would want to remain in solitude?
Being GOD, or Being with GOD is individual choice, intelligence has to make within its own lifetime, before it forgets’!!!!!
What is the use of wants and desires, when intelligence cannot even want freely!!!! In this essence of Eternal, infinity is best desire!!!
Do we need money to live?
Indeed!! An empty stomach can never be a saint”. But if you are on the path of God, or of TRUTH, you will not die out of hunger, you will not sleep empty stomach!!!
What about other wishes or worlds or worldly wishes……..? what is use of wishing with free will if they are not going to be fulfilled? Asks Gopal
Those will be fulfilled too……!!! Says Krishna
They are already running towards you……..!!!!
I’ have found nothing’ into infinite……it is eternal you everywhere’…………
Are those wishes your or mine?
Why should I tell you, you were not talking to me!!!! Says Krishna
Yes!!! You delayed everything!!!! Says Gopal
Good Luck!!!! Says Krishna
Good luck to you……..I’ know you were working for me, night and days!!! I am sorry!!!
Sorry Accepted!!! Says Krishan
Why were you not coming, and standing away? I heard RADHA’ forcing you here!!! Asks Gopal
I came last evening!!! You didn’t want to talk!!! Says Krishna,
I heard you!!! Leave it!!! Sorry!!! Maybe I am not worth your friendship!!! Or maybe you are not worth my friendship, you are a lair!!!! Maybe you are not!!! Maybe I am still a fool!!! You always make a fool out of me!!!
Here…Have some water……..says Gopal.
Are those, definitions of some use? ?Ask Krishna
You tell………!!!
Point’ is the place of the point, where the point is placed”, and “the ‘place of the point’ is the points’ place, wherever the point is placed.
Place the point to all the possible places of Pi, and return to the origin/self.
Pi’ is the place of the point, from zero to Pi, as such, all the values of the point are places of the Pi, and thus the value of the Pi is, Pi itself.
Unity is Perpendicular to Pi and Pi is Perpendicular to Zero.
Zero is the first unit of Pi.
Zero is the place of th origin. Pi is the place of Origin.
Point is perpendicular to Pi.
Point is the reflection of UNITY’ into Pi.
When you reach the Point’ return to self’, self is within,
Light is perpendicular to Point,
Point of origin is the point of Self, Origin is Point is the point of self-return. Point is to return to self.
Point is to return all the points to the point of unity. Point is to return to the Origin. Unity is Infinity.
If You return, to universe, Summarize the Absolute TRUTH’
The use of above information or definitions. With the help of above definitions, all the existential entities in any form of transformed intelligences, and or as transformed humans existed or exists or travelled to and or through the ends of existences or end points of their own worlds, situated at the ratios or positions of light, may return to their own supreme self, and find the Absolute TRUTH of Existence. After experiencing Absolute TRUTH’ They may thus, once again travel to the origin or to their own world or universes and teach or share the path Towards Absolute TRUTH, and or the cause of their existence, and or the cause of Fundamental Existence.
Above definitions shows the path to the fundamental Origin and or cause of existence as mathematical locations or order or path of positional existence.
Intelligence or consciousness into and as infinity has found fundamental of existence”
Universal existence is loop condition, where returning to the origin, is the fundamental goal of lost souls or consciousness and or intelligence. Yet again this is nothing, but a sincere try to help, to make a return or clearing the path for every soul, towards its origin.
It is in the best interest for humanity (and request to @ISRO @NASA and all other Space LABS with good TELECOM TECHNOLOGIES or antenna) and people of earth to oscillate above information into deep space with help of their transponders, oscillators and or Antennas. So that all the consciousness and or intelligence can be saved or Enlighted at least.
Being…..No one