Forget About Your Weaknesses - Amplify Your Strengths
Brian R. Smith-PLD
Transforming today's managers into tomorrow's leaders by helping them communicate and interact more effectively, build collaborative teams, resolve conflict and motivate others to perform at their best.
We are who we are and act the way we act because that's who we are. We are born with a particular style - a certain way of behaving that is engrained in us at a very young age. You can't take the stripes off a tiger or remove the spots on the leopard. It's in their DNA. We must embrace who we are and amplify our strengths instead of wasting time trying to improve our weaknesses. It's only a weakness if it is getting in the way of accomplishing your goals.
Research conducted by Dr. Carl Jung and Dr. William Marston shows that we have a natural personality - a natural way of behaving determined by our genetic makeup and environment. We prefer to communicate and interact with others in a certain way, and we like to manage and be managed by others in a certain way. It's in our DNA.
'The task of an executive is not to change human beings. The task is to multiply the performance capacity of the whole by putting to good use whatever strength, whatever aspirations there are in individuals.' - Peter F. Drucker.
We are all good at something. I used an assessment tool based on Dr. William Marston's findings to help identify my strengths and determine what I'm good at. I think you should do the same. DISC is easy to administer, and you don't need a PhD to interpret the results.
D—Dominant personalities are direct and decisive. They make quick decisions when others cannot. They confront challenging issues or situations head-on and keep the team focused.
I - Influence / interpersonal personalities are optimistic and outgoing. They love being around people and making themselves available to others. They are great communicators and have an innate ability to build collaborative teams.
S—Steadiness personalities are sympathetic and cooperative. They are sensitive to others' needs, meet agendas methodically, and are great listeners. They will maintain the status quo.
C - Conscientious personalities are concerned and correct. They like things done the right way. They are very thorough and will maintain standards. They are your very best planners.
'Whatever the circumstances of your life, the understanding of type can make your perceptions clearer, your judgements sounder, and your life closer to your heart's desire.' - Isabel Briggs Myers - Myers Briggs Indicator.
There are occupations that best suit our personalities. Choose a career path that complements your strengths. Don't waste time trying to improve on your weaknesses. Forget about your weaknesses—amplify your strengths.
Copyright 2025. Brian Smith - Power Link Dynamics. Not to be reproduced without permission. To learn more about DISC and how it will make you a better team member, manager, or leader, visit our website and download a FREE DISC assessment. Are you searching for a keynote speaker or planning a training session at your location? Brian specializes in soft skills training and leadership development.