Forget Not The Future In What Was Passed On

Forget Not The Future In What Was Passed On

Forget Not The Future In What Has Passed On

By Joel Elveson

We grieve for those who have passed on. Our future lays in those who were so dear to us but are no longer. The legacy of their love for one another gave rise to us their children. We must not let what was once our past get lost or somehow outdated as it is now our future. The future did not die with the loss of their physical beings nor should we forget the future they forged which is now our future that is unfolding right before our now wide open eyes tinged with a never before felt skepticism.

Editor’s Note: Please look upon this as a sequel to Joel’s extraordinary Article presented below:

A Heartfelt Letter – Dear Mom & Dad

By Joel Elveson

Dear Mom and Dad;

I know it has been many years since you passed away. Despite that, I still cry when I think of the two of you. Mom, it is so hard not hearing your voice on the phone angrily lecturing me about my penchant for eating as much chocolate as I did back when you were alive and still do to this very day. Dad, I want you to know that despite our differences especially as I grew older (while my mouth got bigger) I miss you! I miss your knowing smile not to mention all the great advice you imparted to me. I wish I could say that I am as involved in as many of the causes you fought for (NAACP, New York City Housing Authority, Victory Day Care Center, Pelham Parkway Jewish Center Men’s Club, and of course the Medical Librarians Association) but sadly it is not so nor will it ever be so. I guess I must apologize to you for not being as connected as you were to the pulse of social activism.

Mom, you wore your heart on your sleeve meaning whatever was on your mind you would not hesitate to verbalize it. Debby and I failed to feel the intense emotional pain you were in after that gruesome discovery back on that sunny fall day in October of 1969. Your tears ran down your cheeks as if they were from a waterfall. Is there any worse pain a mother can feel than burying her daughter who was smitten in the prime of her life? Unfortunately, as your eyes would swell up with tears the word “why?” would fall repeatedly from your lips. Dad, you always maintained your stoic demeanor despite everything. We could not figure out how you were able to do that but that was the way we always knew you to be except when you were angry. Your temper always seemed to get the better of you. Each time you exploded the episode left you feeling worse than time previous to that.

Dad, we told you at your bedside in your hospital room that was a scant few floors down from the Medical Library you brilliantly helped to plan that you were going to be a Grandfather and that Ann was now your daughter-in-law. We will never know if you heard what we had just told you. Just one day later I received a call from mom while at work tearfully telling me that you had passed away. All I knew was that I had to get to Brooklyn from Great Neck to not only identify your body (to this day I do not know how I was able to handle seeing your body on a metal gurney with your eyes covered up) but also to retrieve your valuables. Of greatest importance was your wedding band which mom wanted me to wear on my finger. To this day it has never been taken as I have no desire to remove it. As a matter of fact, having put on weight, my finger is too fat for the band to fit over it. That is a sure sign that the band is a permanent part of my finger. On the elevator that was painstakingly slow taking us down to the morgue people got on who knew you. You were fondly remembered by your coworkers who were shocked to learn it was you under that sheet that covered you. The image of you sitting at your desk with your pipe in front of you stuck in their minds. Your ever willingness to help anybody who needed you along with your smile were your trademarks.

I will ask that you and mom forgive me for writing this letter that is long and often rambling in nature. Each line I write brings back yet another memory of the two of you as well as chapters in our family book that contained so much of life’s events that bound us up together as a family only for us to get to get to that time we all knew was coming but would not admit to being aware that the dreaded moment had arrived for myself & Debby to leave home to go our separate ways. While we did not leave home simultaneously (I was frequently unofficially living in different places while still technically living at home) it must have seemed that way to you. Looking at the empty beds in the two rooms that now lay barren took another chunk of life from each of you. The bags under dad’s eye grew more noticeable while you seemed like you had a sense death was not too far off. Each time I came to visit you implored to come more often. There was always another excuse on my part as I hurried out your door back out to what was then my life.

Prior to my moving you somehow felt that you failed me. Please, mom, do not think that way ever again as it simply is not true! I took so much from you and made it a part of me. We shared a love of chocolate which I was never aware of. The stories you gleefully told me over the phone about where you worked years ago and of course how you and dad you used to walk up and down the boardwalk in Coney Island. I miss those stories. I miss being able to pick up the phone to call you so I could hear your voice one more time. Your phone number is still on every phone in the house and on my cell phone as well. Just like the wedding band on my finger being a permanent fixture on me so to your number will always be with me. My tears are swelling up and blurring my vision making it hard to write. Just as you had a will of iron so must I have one as well. It is not always possible for me to be as stoic as you were.

Mom, while I am the subject of you I would love to know the name of that College Football Team (or was it a College Basketball Team) that you seemed so fixated on. By the way, I have that radio from your bedroom that you used to listen to the games on. There was one Sunday you told Debby and me not to call you. As it turned out one of New York Football teams was missing a key player on their defense as he was hurt. We joked that if turned on the TV to tune into the game we would see you in uniform on the sidelines ready to get into the game. Obviously, we knew you were not at any stadium but you wanted to be alone without any distractions for one reason or another. Gosh, I never realized there were so many memories to the point if I wrote about all of them I would be writing for the rest of my life.

Dad, I was just getting ready to go to bed but then I remembered I never got a chance to thank you for the advice you gave me that there is always somebody higher up than the person you are speaking with who you can and should speak to if you were not getting any satisfaction &/or problem resolution. You gave me this advice when I was having trouble signing up for the courses I wanted to take while attending college. Just last week I was having a problem with my mobile phone service provider (I cannot be sure you would have done this but I can almost hear you asking mom rhetorically what would you do with one of those things) despite call after call. You would not believe how many times I was disconnected. I could not get over their incompetence. After numerous angry e-mails that I sent their way finally I was connected to somebody who was able to put a usage plan together for me that met my needs. Had it not been for you I would not have gotten as far as I did.

The internet would have made your job so much easier. The same way as you typed on a keyboard to write a letter now you tap on the same keys and in a sense tell the computer what you need to know. Literally, within seconds the information you were looking for appears in front of you on a screen. You have no idea how much more research you could have done for the doctors who needed your help to find out about a medication or surgical procedure. Not to mention you could have taken on more malpractice lawyer clients who needed you to do research for them as well for cases they were working on. I did have occasion to speak to one of the law firms you did work for (I do not recall the reason I called them) and sure enough, they did remember you and your work.

Dad your social activism as I call it was a source of pride for you. You did manage to accomplish a lot but there was so much more than was demanded of you to do. Many times your involvement with these organizations led to family conflicts as we (your family) felt you were not there for us. To be fair when it came to Report Cards, Open School Night, and Parent Teacher Conferences not to mention the PTA (you were the only father who was on the PTA) you never missed a meeting. There were times when my report Card was not that great I wished you could not attend the conferences but you did. When it came to our education nothing took precedence over that. My mouth was left wide open while my vocal cords failed me when mom told me you did not finish High School but were going for your GED. Here is a man who was keenly aware of everything around him (you were an avid watcher of the Evening News in addition to reading many of the New York Newspapers along with the two local Bronx newspapers) yet you somehow let your education slide. Despite what may have been your failings there was a never a time you stopped pushing us to go to college. You felt that without a college education it would be impossible to succeed in life. Of course, you know I never finished college but I had successful careers in insurance, (if you recall I started working in that insurance office right after I left college) mortgage banking, staffing, and recruiting with some sales work in between. I was the exception to your rule but I cannot help but wonder what my life would be like now had I graduated college.

Mom and dad what else is there to say (even if I said it before) except that we miss you both because we loved you as much as you loved us. I hope the speeches I gave during your funerals and at your unveilings served to reinforce that fact. Without your love and guidance life would have held no meaning. We are not mad at you for leaving us as but nonetheless to this very day the pain of losing both of you has not gone away or even a little bit easier to deal with. Perhaps it never will.

Thank you again, mom and dad, for all you did, all you wanted to do, and for being there for us when we need you. May we all meet again in Heaven.

Our parents held us in their nests just as a mother bird does for her children until the time came for our wings to spread wide open allowing us to take flight into the world not yet really know to us. It came to be that time where we were led to live our lives but never to let go of or lose sight of the past. The knowledge that was neatly packed in our mental suitcases just before that critical moment came to say a final goodbye; we turned teary eyed and flew away into our own will soon be unpacked as our own chapter begin to write themselves.

As we fly deep into night passing through cotton ball clouds it all becomes so crystal clear to us that we are floating effortlessly while carrying our vows to never break the commitment we made to always be guided by their wisdom. Forget not the looking ahead to these moments even when there was no thought of them. A dream we may have had of what that day would feel like when it arrived. Already weary as our lonesome solemn journey continues on until suddenly we land in our newly found nests with innocent eyes peeking, peering, and penetrating into ours. They have arrived bringing their forms that were only a short while ago heartbeats heard through a speaker from some machine that could hear the sounds of life while amplifying them so our ears can bear witness to what they just heard.

We proudly retrace our steps to where it all began to show our parents we are continuing their lineage all the while knowing someday our offspring will do the same. The wonder of this moment is one we will hold captive for all of our time. The gift of the times our parents spent nurturing us to grow into what their values, hopes, and dreams willed us to be. There would be no counterbalance without them giving us support when we needed it most.

How I wish I could reach to hold your hand. How I wish you could place one of your kisses upon my cheek or forehead. How I wish I could pick up the phone just to say hello. How I wish this future which is now my present would have you alive and well in it. Neither of you nor Fran could ever be forgotten for all three of you now loom larger than life to me. I wish I had known back then how to show you the affection I felt. Fran can you ever forgive me for all of those vulgar words and thoughts I verbally threw at you from behind the bathroom door the night before your life was brought to an abrupt halt in the stairwells of that building we lived in. How I wish all these years later I could grab those words and shove them down my throat so they would never have come out. This too is an exercise in not forgetting the future from what was passed on.

Could I ever begin to fathom what was lying ahead for me in a world that did not have you in it? How could I expect myself to be prepared for all of these challenges, struggles, emotional highs, and lows that were waiting for me in the shadows of each new change in direction without the strength of courage I drew from you. Please somehow draw me closer to you so our eyes can meet again. If ever I needed you it was back then when life was coming apart at the seams with all the fingers of blame being pointed at me. If I ever needed you it is now as I just need you. Hug me tightly in your arms but do not ever let go of me again. We need each other in the here and now.

The long twisted rope that kept us all within grasp of each other slowly disintegrated until there was nothing left to try to recreate or recapture. What is or was past has not passed me by and never will it be so. With each breath, I am blessed to be able to take I will use it to ensure the we that still lives inside of us is never allowed to become compartmentalized. Not now, not then, not ever shall it come to be again. We may never have known what was secretly stored inside of us but we do know we must reveal what was buried so we can reveal along with reintroducing ourselves to one another. Our connection to what will be while being the will of G-d is rooted in the need to reconnect with each other. Can we just once more sit at that long table with the white linen table cloth to be a whole family again? Please, may it be so one more time.

Can I see mom in her lavender dress sitting side by side with her sisters and brothers just on the other side of the room from where the cousins were conversing? Can I see dad in one his suits whose color I somehow forgot smiling with his faint smile even though he had brought with him his fierce convictions passed onto him by his parents to fervently fight for irrespective of the occasion. From the name of my father along with the name of his father (the grandfather I felt fear of) would years later join together to form the name of my son.

My son is a part of me. My son is a part of my wife. My son is a part of his grandfathers. My son is a part of the grandmothers who loved him. My mother wept as she pleaded with G-d for my father and my sister to see, know, and love him. His part in his future that he is shaping at some point will be minus his parents. Does he know we love him? I think he does. My wife and will not soon forget the sight of our son taking hold of his grandmother’s hand telling her he loved her as life was leaving her body. He had to leave her bedroom where she lay dying as it was just too much for him. He could not bring himself close to the headstone on her grave as he knew the emotions he would be overcome by. In doing so he remained true to the Elveson mantra of trying to hide what he felt inside so it would not show on the outside.

Fran, I must apologize to you for not writing enough about you. You did not make it into the bright future that was only beginning to take shape. Only we, your family knew of the tremendous challenges you had to overcome and did so. In so many ways your formerly foul mouthed brother who knew even less than he thought he did owes you a deep debt of gratitude. Watching you win every struggle with the power of your iron will gave me the impetus to strive to be the best that I could. You pushed me and challenged me in a way that dad never could. DAMMIT, why was it you and not me whose life was cut down? Why did it have to be you? Just as mom kept asking why through her tears I must now be the one to ask why not that mom has passed. Sadly, no matter how many times we ask why the answer will never be forthcoming.

What good does the future do or what meaning could it possibly have if we leave behind the past? The past that was all a part of us must not be allowed to wither away and die never to be thought about again. Each one of us widened the inner circle of our family unit. From becoming a husband to becoming a father, for you Fran bringing the children that you taught the gift of your life, for you Debby becoming a wife, a mother, a model parent, most of all for taking on the role of caregiver to an aging parent. Lest we not forget the pets (birds, cats, and dogs) that graced our lives with their love for us for which we can never adequately say thank you for. It was their unconditional love that was such an integral part of us the depth of which we never once could have imagined.

Joel Elveson

My successes as a recruiter are intertwined with the achievements of those I have helped.

7 年

Joseph, I cannot thank you enough for your very kind words in addition to your prayers and support. All my best to yourself and your wife.

Joel Elveson

My successes as a recruiter are intertwined with the achievements of those I have helped.

7 年

Thank you Joseph!



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