Forget Facebook, I Have The Real 10 Year Challenge
If, like me, you’ve been living under a rock and haven’t heard of this until today apparently there’s something on social media called The 10 Year Challenge.
The 10 Year Challenge is essentially a Facebook game where you simply post two photos side by side — an early profile photo from 2009 and a current one in 2019. (Side note: They really should’ve just called it what it really is, the How Hard Did Aging Hit You Challenge.)
As opposed to that ridiculous viral sensation which I believe was really a data collection ruse by Facebook to train its facial recognition algorithm. I’ve got a more meaningful, significant 10 Year Challenge for you.
Compare this…
1. Your health in 2009 vs. your health in 2019
2. Your happiness in 2009 vs. your happiness in 2019
3. Your wealth in 2009 vs. your wealth in 2019
4. Your leadership ability in 2009 vs. your leadership in 2019
Unlike Facebook’s Ten Year Challenge, which is designed to get you to feel bad about yourself because it causes you to compare yourself to other people’s posts,
MY Ten Year Challenge is a healthy one for you…
Comparing YOU yesterday to YOU today.
Or in the case of ten years that would be YOU 3,650 yesterdays ago to YOU today.
Not happy with your “ten year results”? I’ve got a simple but effective solution for you… hire a coach.
The best decision I ever made was hiring my coach, coincidentally ten years ago back in 2009.
And speaking of coaching, if you’re ready to take a deeper dive, I’d be happy to speak with you and even send you a complimentary copy of my Consumer Awareness Guide To Hiring An Executive Coach.
Join the waiting list here if you’d like to receive a copy and schedule a call.