Forget Brand Awareness
Morgan Morrow
Freelance Marketer | Bold, Authentic Marketing | Social Media Specialist
Marketers love to talk about brand awareness like it’s the magic bullet for success. If people just know about your brand, they’ll buy, right?
Knowing about you and choosing you are two different things. Great brands don’t just fight for attention, they make buying from them the only logical choice. They become inevitable.
The Difference Between “Known” and “Chosen”
Here’s the reality:
? You know about a lot of brands.
? You don’t buy most of them.
Meanwhile, some brands don’t even cross your mind because you just buy them automatically.
When you need to search something, do you even consider Bing? When you grab a tissue, do you ask for “facial tissue” or just “a Kleenex”? When you need a ride, is Uber the first thing you check?
That’s not brand awareness. That’s brand inevitability.
So How Do YOU Become Inevitable?
Forget chasing awareness. Here’s what actually matters:
1?? Be the Easiest Option
Customers are lazy. They don’t want to compare options. They want the simplest, most frictionless choice.
Amazon isn’t the cheapest, but it’s the easiest. Apple isn’t the most innovative, but it just works. Google isn’t the only search engine, but it’s default.
The less effort people need to make a decision, the more inevitable you become.
2?? Own a Category, Not Just a Product
Nike doesn’t just sell shoes, they sell winning. Coca-Cola doesn’t just sell soda, they sell nostalgia. Q-Tip doesn’t sell cotton swabs, they are cotton swabs.
The brands that dominate don’t just sell products. They own the decision-making process.
If you’re a marketing agency, don’t sell “social media management.” Sell “the last agency you’ll ever need.” If you’re a coffee brand, don’t sell “great-tasting coffee.” Sell “the fuel of ambitious people.”
Make people see your brand as the only real choice.
3?? Make Switching Feel Like a Pain
Why do people stick with Gmail, Spotify, or iPhones? Not because they’re the best, but because switching is annoying.
If moving to a competitor feels like effort, confusion, or risk, people won’t do it. That’s why Apple locks people into its ecosystem. That’s why Amazon makes reordering effortless. That’s why Starbucks rewards keep people coming back.
Make your brand easier to stay with than to leave.
Brand Awareness Is a Step... Brand Inevitability Is the Goal ??
Marketers spend too much time trying to get people to notice them. The smartest brands make themselves impossible to ignore.
Ask yourself:
? Are you just making noise, or are you making your brand the default?
? If your competitor disappeared tomorrow, would people care?
Stop chasing attention. Start making your brand inevitable.