To be Forewarned
Once homeless: perhaps best to 'remain' as so,
For Popular Opinion -- as earned by his/her right;
Sharing with those who -- also -- hone
Needing a home [...]
All for one, one for all:
We are -- all -- for these many qualifiers,
As Tight-fitted as briefs by Red's Johnnie
Walker -- inner Black Label warning [...]
Pouring [...]
Is your wine waiting for pouring [???]
Shall we pour ourselves into your bottle;
that's if you really must have this Darkie.
Your Fore-man
But this wasn't me [...]
[ In dedication to People with homes employed -- straight off the bat, who
switch jobs, and can fund trips, still finding hearts and mouths entitled and
expantant enough -- of me; this is dedicated to you -- too, for many horse
glass shoe, as may be required]
Seeing you strut on camel toes -- for a living -- is scenic
Do you practise your strucking at work -- also [???]
You deserve everything coming your way [...] CC