If forever single and 50+ – are you a woman who emasculates men?
Adele Theron
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In a article for the Daily Mail, Kate Mulvey bemoans the fact that as she approaches 50, she is not yet married, putting this down to the fact that men are unable to cope with a woman ‘outshining’ them. She refers to recent research confirming this, saying ‘I have lost count of the times men have rejected and insulted me simply because I was brighter, wittier or cleverer than they are.’
In her article, Kate talks about several occasions when her partners (for she seems to have had many), have reacted negatively when she has demonstrated her superior knowledge or intellect. She is ‘convinced that the reason I am still booking a table for one..[is] because men are so threatened by my intelligence.’
Kate outlines her academic prowess, including having breezed through university, stressing how she continues to enjoy learning, and how she is keen to flex [her] intellectual muscles, and to never let a man get the last word just because of his sex. Kate concludes that it’s necessary to become a giggly man-pleaser in order to have a successful relationship, and is unwilling to sell-out by doing so.
Fair enough Kate, but I am not sure if your assessment of why you are single is accurate…
I don’t think men are threatened by you, I think men feel emasculated around you so they don’t like the way they feel about themselves when with you, so they leave you…
I agree that it’s not necessary to conform to some stereotypical view of a submissive doormat, who flutters her eyelashes and simpers, because it’s impossible to attract a man otherwise BUT I also think shoving your superior knowledge or intellect in their faces is not going to win any relationship points.
Consider what makes a fulfilling and positive relationship. What do most people, male or female, look for in a relationship? Of course, there are many answers to this, and what makes one person happy in a relationship may not make another person feel the same. However, at the heart of any strong relationship is the concept of mutual love, support and respect, and the idea of your partner wanting the best for you, and helping you to be the best that you can be. No-one feels happy in a relationship where one partner is so concerned to demonstrate their capability or strengths, that they don’t take their partner’s feelings into consideration.
The sad thing is I SEE SO MANY WOMEN LIKE KATE WHO DO THIS. They then blame the men for being threatened!! Ladies: showing a constant need to be the best, or always wanting the last word, is not a good way to communicate care and respect for your man. For a relationship to deepen and strengthen over time, it needs to be carefully nurtured and nourished, by letting him know that he is the most important person in the world to you, and that you care about how he feels. Continually undermining him, or competing with him, will exhaust him and damage and end your relationship.
Here are some sure fire signs that you emasculate men:
- Ask him for help, then either criticise what he did, redo it or do it your way
- Fight and shout and scream in public
- Call him names in front of other people or mock him in public in ANY way, shape or form
- Belittle what he does for a living
- Mother him
- Flirt with his friends in front of him
- Tell him another guy could do it better
- Straighten his tie or preen his clothes for him in public (like his mother used to do)
- Pat him on the head in public
- Never praise anything he does, just criticise
- Nag and nag ang nag him shouting instructions at him to do x,y or z
- Belittle his manhood
- Micromanage his every move
- Tell him you will pay for things all the time or ASSUME that he cannot pay his own way
- Embaress him by giving him bigger presents than he gives you
- Nothing he does is ever good enough
- Go on and on about how clever you are
- Laugh at him mockingly often
- Make his salary an issue
What makes a great relationship? When both of you feel like the best person of yourselves when together. Most men I know have no problem with a highly intelligent woman – on the contrary: they look for them. BUT when a highly intelligent woman is also arrogant, haughty or emasculating to be around – most men will run a mile.
If a couple lays a foundation of mutual support, encouragement and respect, this builds confidence in the relationship. True love is demonstrated by the willingness to compromise occasionally, and a genuine concern to act with their best interests at heart. You will not want to hurt or embarrass your fella, especially in public. Choosing not to outshine your man on occasions, (even if you could), is not selling out. You simply recognise that consideration for his feelings is far more important to the health of your relationship. A man who truly feels loved and valued will not want to leave.
SO, if you are forever single, serially dating and being dumped and 50+ and have been telling yourself that you are just too smart and intelligent for all the men out there – stop. Take a look at yourself. Has your positive sense of self turned your arrogant and do you emasculate the men around you?
If so, then come and do the Naked Divorce program and get to the source of why you keep pushing great guys away and sending most men running a mile. As you are the common equation in each relationship you have ever been in, it might be time to look deeper at what you can be responsible for.
Till next time
Director and co-Owner at Lotus Benefit Consultants Ltd
9 年Brilliant article Adele. Take a slightly different perspective and a lot of can be extrapolated to men born to very dominant women. Particularly Asian men who are placed on a pedestal from a young age and worshipped by all the women in the family. They can't accept that the woman in their life whom they were attracted to in the first place because they're intelligent, confident and smart... Fail to turn into the dutiful, submissive wife at home. Many of the Asian women I've coached do not emasculate their husbands. They try very hard to maintain a split personality between high profile corporate jobs and culturally suffocating practices at home.
Business Growth Expert, Coach & Leadership & Management Trainer, Published Author
9 年Most of the traits you mention are actually abusive..name calling, putting someone down, bragging, flirting in front of someone, micromanaging, mocking, belittling, criticising, shouting and screaming.... I would hope that neither male nor female would indulge them in any relationship...
Your creative link - actress, artist, nude model, writer and composer. Add some pizzazz to your business!
9 年True 'nuf. I personally love powerful women, but I'd have something to squeak about it if she had my spuds in a vice. But then it seems to me that truly powerful women don't need to miniaturise anyone else to look bigger themselves. There's power in magnanimity, and vice versa.
Bridging the Gap: Youth Talent and Business Success
9 年Adele Theron, this is a brilliant article. Thank you for sharing. I've got to repost this to my FB followers and my relationship list.
ADR Consultant and Counsellor at Dispute Resolution Consultancy T/a 'Contact Matters'
9 年Great article, Adele! 'What makes a great relationship? When both of you feel like the best person of yourselves when together.' Spot on!