Forever and a Day
I will praise the LORD as long as I live. I will sing praises to my God all my life long.
My music is your happiness.
I am your Song when you are down and out—
inner-stances of joy transcending sad circumstances.
Dance heaven’s jig of joy; do not drag in earth’s mournful dirge.
Always be joyful.
I elevate your attitude—sing alleluia!
My might is your hope.
I am your Strength when you do not feel like going on—
Creator teaching you capability to persevere through severity.
Feel like giving up? See Jesus hanging on the cross, and get back to work.
Keep on praying.
I energize your actions—live alleluia!
My mercy is your help.
I am your Solution when you are puzzled by the next step—
Shepherd transforming your concern into peaceful contentment.
Whatever happens, maintain a grateful heart.
I encourage you by My answer—pray alleluia!
My Messiahship is your heaven.
I am your Sovereign when “good luck” eludes you.
I am orchestrating details in your best interest—
faith can dance, patience can wait, hope can sing.
Never stifle My Holy Spirit.
I exercise ultimate authority—anticipate alleluia!
Sing My praises forever and a day, including this day--say alleluia!
(c) Pastor Johnny R. Almond
Day 249, Gentle Whispers from Eternity