Forethought; Preparing for the challenges Ahead

Forethought; Preparing for the challenges Ahead

A presentation at Federal University of Technology,Minna for NAES


I will start with this popular quote from Tony Robins, “It is not what we get. But Who we become, What we Contribute…. That gives meaning to our life”

I want to draw our attention to the phrases, WHO WE BECOME & WHAT WE CONTRIBUTE.

Whatever future we are preparing for ourselves in life, to become wealthy, live a luxurious life, travel around the world, own properties etc I want us to remember that at the end, who we become is far important than what we get and, what we contribute to our society and humanity is equally far important too. So I ask you the question, Who do you want to become in future? And what do you want to contribute to your society and humanity at large?

The topic , Forethought; preparing for the challenges ahead, simply means, preparing for the tasks or life after school.

Before we continue, kindly take note: The best time to prepare for life after school is while in school.

There are so many definitions of forethought according to several dictionaries and texts but my best definition for this topic is the taken from dictionary.Cambridge which defined forethought as the ability of considering the near future in your present actions. Take note of the key words, considering the near future in your present actions. Every action we are implementing presently has a significant role in our near future because it’s indirectly preparing and equipping us on how to manage and tackle the tasks ahead.

As I said earlier, the best time to prepare for life after school is while in school. Let’s consider most of our present actions in school.

1- Making comparisons without considering individual backgrounds, strengths, priorities and ambitions.

Most students in school live by comparison without having deep reflection on what they stood for in the school. Are you among the students that compare everything they did with others or you are among those that set their priorities and remain focus? Let me make an illustration. After finishing a particular paper during exams, did you come out and start comparing answers with others or you go home straight to start preparing for the next task(paper) ahead. Or you live your life by the standards of other students ? For example, because one student in your class or hostel is using IPhone 14, you automatically start a strong comparison trying by all means to also have one without knowing the priorities of such student thereby losing focus. You can to set your priorities and remain focus & steadfast without being distracted by unnecessary comparison.

2- Missing classes and Habitual lateness to lectures

Are you that type of student that miss lectures or make it as a habit to go to lecture late ? If you lack the discipline of taking your school tasks seriously, you will find it difficult to be committed to task after school.

3- Negligence to instructions

Are you the type of student that neglect instructions from your lectures now in school? Instructions are manuals to guide you navigate your life in school, how you pay attention to them now will assist you on how you will also pay attention to the life instructions after school. If you form the habit of developing deaf ears to superior instructions now in school, it will deaf your ear to superior instructions after school & such instructions might be the one to assist you in tackling your challenges.

4-Unwillingness to take responsibility.

Most people consciously or unconsciously practice this action. Are you the type of student that always blame others for your failure? For example, if you score F in exam, you blame it on lectures but if you scored A, you praise yourself? You develop the habit of blame games, blaming others for your failures. If you practice this action, it will be difficult for you to take responsibility and it will held you down on scaling through a lot of challenges. It is only by taking responsibility of your actions that will put you in motion of fulfilling your obligations.

5- Skipping home work and assignments

Are you the type of students that skip every form of homework and assignments? If you develop the mindset and habit of skipping your assignments now, the habit will develop into laziness and you will find it difficult to also solve your life assignments as you progress.

6- Self Limitations

Most students develop mindset that held them back from doing a lot of things. Most student while in school doesn’t associate with people depriving themselves of social networks. They naturally create limitations for themselves which will form a mindset that will deprive them from achieving alot of things. For example, because you perform poorly once in a particular subject, you create a self limitation by declaring that you are not good in such subject thereby creating a self limitation which might deprive you from understanding anything from the said subject. Self limitation will restrain you from taking some actions in life that might be a stepping stone to change your life. Use the story of Tony Elumelu (the CEO of Heirs Holding) as an inspiration to always take action even when certain requirements doesn’t favor you.

7- What other present actions do you indulge on that has serious impact on your ability to tackle the challenges ahead? Left for you to reflect on.


Then let’s look at the S.I.W.E.S (student industrial work experience scheme) popularly called I.T. How are you planning to utilize your I.T?

I.T is another important component while in school that your actions towards it has great impact on your near future. While you set foot to go on I.T, what will be your first priority? Where to be paid money irrespective of the organization or where you will acquire relevant knowledge, experience and network for your near future? Your decision at this point will have a tremendous impact in your near future.

The Gateway..

Your present actions in school highlighted above is a gateway to the outside world. Will you take a minute of your time now to reflect on your present actions and consider it on your near future? Then you can picture how tacking the challenges ahead will be for you.

The common challenges ahead

1- Employment

You will all face the challenges of employment either through acquiring a job, selling your skill or building a business. Whichever, is one of the challenges ahead. Your present actions will determine how easily you will be able to overcome this challenge. Everyone will not have it on platter of gold, however it is, your present actions will play a huge impact on the success of this challenge.

2- Family pressure

There are so many family pressures that you will face after the wall of the institution. They will come in so many form. So many people will start expecting something from you and most parents will stop catering for your needs as they are doing now that you are in school. At this point, your accumulated trainings in school will greatly assist you in tackling the challenge.

3- Your personal development

This is another challenge you will face. You need to develop and improve yourself to stay updated in your industry. The resources in time and finance might be another challenge for you. The accumulated mindsets and opportunities (tied to number one above) will greatly assist you in overcoming the challenge.

What you need to do now that might assist you in overcoming the challenges ahead

1- You need a clarity of purpose

Figure out who you want to become and what towards it. Don’t blindly compare your life with others either in social media or otherwise so that you will not suffer depression with the intimidation of other people’s life while missing your own purpose. Prioritize your life and don’t chase money blindly.

2- You need access to valuable and timely information

We have abundant information flying around us every seconds, you need access to timely and valuable information that will transform your life positively. I said timely because outdated information might be valuable but not useful anymore in transforming your life. Associate with platforms and personalities with access to valuable & timely information.

3-You need a benefitting network

You remember the popular quote from one of the richest men in the world; “ your network is your net-worth”? You have to develop benefitting networks that will increase your networth in knowledge, improvement and finance. You need to associate with organizations and personalities that will transform your life positively. There are so many positive networking organizations you can join while in school that will transform your life. For example, SDG, YALI, Toast Master, Rotary etc

4- You need to develop the right perception about the society

You have to believe that there is job for everyone. You have to believe that you can sell your skills to those in need of it. You have to believe that you can start and build a business. You just have to develop a positive perception about the society so that it can work for you. You have to know that no one is owing you anything, you have to take responsibility of your own life. Your rich uncle is not owing you. Your senior brother is not owing you. Your community is not owing you anything. Break the mindset of entitlement so that you can move forward.

5- You need a mentor now, both within the school and outside the school

How do you want to become? Look for the person and seek for mentorship. Most of your lecturers in school can guide you to become whoever you want to become in life, go close to them. Seek for someone excelling in your industry that meet your future aspiration, gradually go close and seek for mentorship. They are everywhere closer to you, follow them on social media. Attend professional gatherings, they are there and if you approach them politely, they will accept your mentorship and guide you through.

In conclusion, I don’t know who you want to become in future and I don’t know the challenges ahead of you but whoever you want to become, the best time to tackle the challenges ahead is NOW. STart acting NOW.

Engr A.S Yunusa

General Manager, McDream Concepts Ltd

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