Forest Fire Prevention Season | ZIYAN UAVs assist fire fighting departments in forest protection battles by more than 3000 flight hours.
ZIYAN Technology
A Leading Drone System and Solution Provider for Marine, Surverying&Mapping, Public Safety and Enterprise applications.
Zhuhai Meteorological Station issued a forest?fire warning signal. The dry and rainy weather in winter will continue in some parts of the south, and the forest fire prevention departement?will face a challenging period, for a long time and possibilities that anything can go wrong to provoke a?high fire risk level?covering larger lands.
To?face forest fires, "prevention?before a disaster" is much?better than "rescue after the disaster".
In 2022, Ziyan unmanned aerial vehicles?participated in several mountain forest patrol missions?in Zhuhai?city,?China.?With the concept of prevention first and emergency second, to improve the efficiency of forest defense patrol?operations. So far, many violations have been found, such as fishing, and swimming in the mountain reservoir.
The advantages of using ZIYAN unmanned aerials vehicles for fire prevention:
1.?Carry danger management strategies and continuously increase the use of UAVs for?monitoring and early warning;
Ziyan unmanned helicopters?have the characteristics of high maneuverability, longer?endurance and hovering capabilities for an extended period. In the normal forest defense patrol operation, the unmanned helicopter can carry cameras with high-resolution quality during the day/night times?to monitor and record violations?that can cause a dangerous situation. The UAV can also be equipped with a loudspeaker that can be used as a warning for people causing harm to public safety.
2.?Contribute in the decision-making process for emergency and risk management operations;
Ziyan unmanned helicopter provides real-time data transmission to help make instant decisions based on the real-time situation. Also, the UAV provides the advantage of monitoring larger areas in a shorter period of time to identify accurate on-site information.
? In December 2017, Zhuhai city experienced a serious fire in the mountain covering a large distance of 20 hectares.?More than 1300 firefighters?were in a mission to fight this disaster.
ZIYAN team immediately went to the scene after receiving the notice to carry out multi-level coordinated emergency actions, using the UAV to save time and reach dangerous areas before firefighters because it’s challenging to navigate and move quicker. The UAV succeeded in transmitting real-time images of the fire scene from different altitudes to the command center to improve the efficiency of fire control.
3.?Provide an integrated solution to extend the communication range of the UAV.
The obstacles in?mountains can?affect the transmission?signal of the data link, and it can block?communication.
Ziyan provides a relay station solution?to expand the signal coverage and realize long-distance video?transmission. It enables unmanned helicopters to achieve long-range?control and monitoring range to cover beyond line-of-sight?scenarios, and efficiently realize all-weather air patrol?with integrated command functions such as video dispatching, communication, real-time image transmission, video conference, etc.
From 2017 to 2022, Ziyan UAV continuously engaged in forest protection operations to?ensure safety and protect lives and property.?It also?helped?improve emergency?&?rescue missions.