FOREST EUROPE Newsletter 1-2024
Pan-European voluntary high-level forest policy process. Criteria and indicators for Sustainable Forest Management.
Check FOREST EUROPE’s latest publications on forest biodiversity!
Exciting news from our Think Tank on Sustainable Forest Management: our latest publications are ready for you. You can read our short paper on forest biodiversity and indicators, also authored for the European Forest Alliance, and which is now available on our website. And make sure you don't miss the recently released full background report by Dr. Stefanie Linser from BOKU Vienna, offering insights into the potential development of biodiversity indicators. Check them out now!
FoRISK’s final evaluation report
Following a thorough external evaluation, it is evident that the pilot of the Forest Risk Facility (FoRISK) served as a vital, cross-border platform for information and networking. It has successfully developed valuable tools to support practitioners and policymakers while also enhancing communication with the public. This pan-European knowledge facility for forest risks has correctly identified its niche to complement and support existing national systems. The FoRISK pilot started in September 2022 and ran for 1.5 years, focusing on addressing three critical forest threats: wildfires, spruce bark beetles, and storms. Keen to explore further? The full report is available here.
FOREST EUROPE’s way forward to launch a Forest Risk Facility in 2025
The Expert Level Meeting (ELM) in Bonn at the beginning of this year was a significant milestone as FOREST EUROPE’s signatories and observers supported the plan to establish a Forest Risk Facility. The European Forest Institute proposed the option of hosting this new facility in Bonn and the German delegation announced to examine possibilities for core funding. Other signatories also expressed great interest in supporting the future facility. This collective support sets a promising course for the launch of the facility. An official support letter from Germany for financing the start of the facility is expected to be shared during the upcoming ELM in June in Freising, Germany, where the Ministerial Decision “Sustainable Forest Management as a tool to Enhance Forest Resilience” and the annex “Terms of Reference for the Forest Risk Facility” will be finalized.
Missed our webinar on forest innovation? Watch it now on FOREST EUROPE’S YouTube channel!
Our webinar The roots of innovation: setting the course for sustainable growth was our contribution to the International Day of Forests. Experts provided information on innovation networks, innovative start-ups, and the political landscape in Austria and Spain. But that's not all! This webinar wasn't just about knowledge - it was also about exchange and networking with the participants! Watch the recording now and join the discussion with us!
Youth voices united at FOREST EUROPE's Intergenerational Dialogue | Calling all future forest stewards to join FOREST EUROPE's consultation workshop
FOREST EUROPE is hosting its first-ever intergenerational dialogue, "Seeding Youth-led Opportunities for the Future of Europe’s Forests," during the 9th Ministerial Conference on October 1-2, 2024. Emerging leaders in the forest sector will present a position paper from a youth perspective on the implementation of the actions outlined in the 2024 Ministerial documents. We invite youth representatives to contribute their insights and perspectives during our upcoming online consultation workshops on April 6th and May 3rd, 2024, at 3 PM CEST. If you care about shaping the future of forests, get involved and contact us at [email protected].
FOREST EUROPE up close - TUD students gain practical insights!
Students and lecturers from the Chair of Tropical and International Forestry at Dresden University of Technology (TUD) visited Forest Europe on 23rd January 2024. The aim was to deepen their understanding of international forest-related actors and institutions. Therefore, we shed light on FOREST EUROPE's institutional structure and our efforts in addressing forestry issues at the European, Pan-European, and international levels. We emphasized our commitment to engage with youth and encouraged the students to join our upcoming youth consultation workshops scheduled for 6th April 2024 and 3rd May 2024. The results of the workshops will be summarized in a position paper to be presented at the 9th Ministerial Conference.
Upcoming events
WEBINAR ALERT! Spotlight on genetic diversity: An unseen ally in adapting forests to drought
FOREST EUROPE continues with its successful webinar series “From the roots to the canopy” this time teaming up with FORGENIUS and EUFORGEN to talk about forest adaptation to drought stress.
With our new webinar, Spotlight on genetic diversity: An unseen ally in adapting forests to drought, we aim to provide an understanding of the genetics underlying drought adaptation.
During this webinar we will learn what happens to a tree under drought and how drought is affecting European forests. How does drought stress vary among species, among populations, among individual trees and how do we understand the genetic bases of such variation? Why does it matter, and how can this knowledge be applied in practice?
Check here the official invitation, and don’t forget to follow the webinar live on April 15 from 10:00 CEST on our youtube channel.