Forest Bathing: High Impact on your Teams Wellbeing but low impact on your Companies Wallet!
Allow Hawk and Heath to show you how Forest Bathing can impact on the wellbeing of your team.

Forest Bathing: High Impact on your Teams Wellbeing but low impact on your Companies Wallet!

Contact Hawk and Heath to discuss our Company Training programme.

We will meet your HR/Wellbeing team at a Green Space you all know and like for a full 3 hour Forest Bathing session.

If you prefer we have a PowerPoint presentation that can be delivered at your office!

We will show you how Forest Bathing will help your wellbeing and how you can use Forest Bathing for your own self care. We will plan with your team how it can be introduced to your company effectively and efficiently.

Hawk and Heath will demonstrate our Forest Bathing Mobile App and discuss a wholesale purchase of the App.

Our App is available for review now on your App store. Download it, review and contact us to purchase.


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