Foreign Policy Opportunities and Challenges in Georgia, South-Caucasus
Gijs van Bilsen
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by Dr. Benyamin Poghosyan is the Executive Director of the Political Science Association of Armenia.
The South Caucasus is an arena for geopolitical struggle between Russia, the US, Turkey, Iran, NATO and EU. The key player in the region is Russia which has pursued a policy of regaining its influence over the region. All three internationally recognized republics of the South Caucasus are in the transitional process from the Soviet past towards the creation of capable and effective statehood. The main challenge facing all of them is the necessity to keep a delicate balance between Russia and the West. Armenia is struggling to keep its relations with the West without jeopardizing its strategic alliance with Russia. Georgia is pursuing integration with the EU and NATO, while simultaneously making efforts to improve its relations with Russia after the 2008 Russia — Georgia war. Azerbaijan is mainly relying on its energy resources, and its alliance with Turkey, while refuting the Western criticism over its human rights policy, and keeping the door open for deepening its relations with Russia.
However, the main challenge for all three is the acute necessity of systemic reforms and state modernization. Failing in this endeavor would result in the growing dependence of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia on outside powers, and would make any scenario for regional development and cooperation less likely.
Dr. Benyamin Poghosyan is the Executive Director of the Political Science Association of Armenia. Interested in the full article, download it HERE.
Scott Bilsen Travel offers full board serviced tours to Georgia-Tbilisi. Next one 20-25 March 2018. or