The Brazilian market for outdoor public lighting is very large, there is a potential of 18 million points of public lighting in a country that has 5570 municipalities, with many industries and outdoor applications.
Important the technology supplier, observes certain characteristics of the Brazilian market, of the Brazilian customer, which is different from other countries that are only importers.
In Brazil, there are currently technical regulations of INMETRO (National Institute of Metrology), which establishes minimum technical requirements for luminaires, such as minimum efficiency (Lm /W), IP 66 , IK08.... and local tests to be carried out and approved, through Rule 20/2017. be applied in the park of lighting.
The supply chain has been, MANUFACTURERS sell to INSTALLERS and installers sell to the CITIES, ie manufacturers need to have their products approved by cities or State and thus provide installers within minimum technical quality requirements.
Of these 18 million points of public illumination, it can be quantified that 800-900 thousand points, 5% were installed using LEDS, of this quantitative few points have the full use of the intelligence of a point of light, such as the use of dimming, security cameras, cable TV network or parking control, Brazil is still far from reaching the required levels of a Smart Citiy, however there is a wide discussion of technical specifications within legal analyzes and forums with technical debates , for the future products to be offered, what can be concluded is that companies and manufacturers of luminaires with high technology may in the short term be major suppliers for large customers, such as cellular telephone operators and dealers / contractors / builders responsible for the operation of accessory services by providing a comprehensive package of services to the cities
The supplier should prepare to comply with the strong mechanical requirements for the application of products subjected to high humidity and salinity of the long Brazilian coast, but also to meet the high efficiency luminaires of Lm /W, also have a product that can technically be applied providing TV cameras, broadband signal for cellular operators.
The Brazilian customer today is serviced by suppliers who have manufacturers that import components and have local assembly lines to assemble the luminaires and thus offer the final customer the security of a quick sale service and attentive to any type of demand for operating faults.
The Brazilian market requires that the luminaire supplier be prepared to comply with the minimum requirements of "Portaria 20/2017" and thus be able to respond to the quality of its products by conducting local tests in the Country
There is a clear weakening of suppliers that only import luminaires, such importers do not have the capacity to respond quickly to the different powers, types of products required for each application, where edicts and specifications require for each type of street, different photometric curves (IES), with specifications type I, II, III cut off, being determinant to reach the minimum levels of illuminance and uniformity required
Brazil at this moment, with a new government (Bolsonaro) with a liberal ideas and market economy bias, is preparing itself and needs a new leap in efficiency development, with tax simplification, interest rate reduction and thus to meet its huge public market which today is literally scrapped, with an extensive road network, ports needing modernization, airports, soccer stadiums, where the electric sector must certainly reorganize in order to prepare the country for a leap of technology and efficiency, where only companies with greater technology and capital to face the future cycle of Smart Cities
Organizing the electric lighting sector means reducing huge generation and transmission costs and thus have available energy for other areas with GDP growth that already signals to 2019 more promising numbers, avoid greater environmental costs with the construction of hydroelectric plants, in short term, Brazil has a huge government opportunity to streamline its lighting park by reducing the current and huge consumption of the approximate 30,000MW / day to something around 12,000MW / day
The moment is excellent for the implantation of local industrial/ assembly operations in Brazil, where it has been shown the HUB for LATAM serving through its production plataform the other MERCOSUR countries and other countries of the southern cone