The Forces That Impact Teaching In Dentistry and Most Specifically Endodontics

The Forces That Impact Teaching In Dentistry and Most Specifically Endodontics

Dentistry is a discipline that requires many tools to diagnose and perform the tasks necessary to alleviate the problems that arise. For endodontics, that includes x-rays, CBCT’s, cold and heat tests, percussion tests, period probes, electric pulp testers, bite sticks, transilluminators, microscopes, an array of instruments to find, shape and cleanse canals, irrigation systems, the irrigants used, obturation systems, various forms of obturation materials as well as a variety of sealers. All these products are made by private manufacturers and each company within its means attempt to maximize their exposure so they have the best chance of being purchased by the schools that teach the students and then purchased by them after graduation.

So, we clearly understand the motivations of all the companies that want to sell their wares. The other side of the equation are the schools whose stated goal is to educate the students in a way that increases the skill of critical thinking, a generalized form of education that can be applied to analyzing what works best as new products are developed for their appraisal. That, indeed, is a worthwhile goal and critical thinking skills are encouraged in those areas of education that do not involve the eventual purchase of a product.

The defect in the dental education establishment is that the schools, whether private or state run have the typical needs to control their overhead and in the case of private institutions to adopt steps that are consistent with increasing their profits. Under these circumstances the manufacturing corporations and the dental schools find common ground, an emphasis on a combination of decreased overhead and sources of monetary enhancement. This combination of incentives on the part of both the corporations and the dental schools have led to to policies that compromise the development of critical thinking skills that the schools claim to be their goal. The facts confirm this.

The instrumentation systems employed by the students are not determined by an exercise in critical thinking into what systems are safest, most efficient and effective. Rather, the determination is based on which company offers the schools the most attractive financial deal. The schools are leveraging the exclusive access to the student body to the corporation that is most generous in their financial rewards. The companies making the most generous offers now have leverage over the school administrators who are eager to attain these rewards and are ready to accept conditions of exclusivity. The schools accede to the corporation’s demand that yes we offer these generous rewards, but the price excludes the students from hearing anything about alternative systems on school grounds. This obvious betrayal of a committment to teaching critical thinking skills comes about because the schools have determined that the economic rewards they receive outweigh in importance the obligation of an open educational approach that would expose the student body to the full range of options available with an assessment of the pluses and minuses of these alternative approaches.

In an attempt to constrict the educational process where a product purchase results from what is being taught, the corporations in cooperation with those who run the major dental meetings throughout the world attach a fee for these presentations that are paid by the corporations that sponsor the lecturers. With such a setup it is no surprise that the data presented under these circumstances will be cherry-picked studies that confirm the benefits of the product being discussed while ignoring those studies that conflict with what is being presented. The same motivations that are present at the level of the dental schools are exercised in the venues of continuing education, the goal of maximizing exposure of competitive products. With money being the final arbiter determining the degree of exposure, it is no surprise that the wealthiest corporations have the most exposure that in turn maximizes their sales and profits.

For the myriad small companies that cannot compete along these lines, they must compete in the exact opposite way of wealthy corporations. Where the powerful corporations seek the restriction of alternative points of view, the small companies believing they have superior technology seek as open educational environment as possible knowing the only chance they have for competing with the major manufacturers is to disperse their alternative options wherever possible openings are still present. The schools are not accessible. The major meetings are dominated by the major corporations. The internet on various social sites is still available and offers those dispersing alternative points of view one of the few locations not controlled by the powerful corporations;.

Linkedin is an excellent example of an open forum. To date, the best the major corporations can do to undermine those offering alternative information is to enlist an individual whose greatest efforts involve attacking the character of the person that supports the utilization of alternative means of instrumentation. He will present data that supports the major corporations’ means of instrumentation compared to the alternatives recommended by his rival while ignoring or degrading the data that supports his rival’s claims. The strategy is one that concentrates on demeaning the individual where an honest attempt being made to determine the pluses and minuses of opposing systems would preclude any such abusive remarks. He would be conducting a collegial debate free of degrading remarks and a willingness to engage in a discussion of the weaknesses of the systems he so strongly advocates for. This, however, is not the case.

So, we go on offering clinical examples of the strengths of the instrumentation systems we claim are superior in safety and effectiveness. We offer workshops where the participants can test for themselves the validity of the claims we make. What I have noticed over the past year or so is the increasing number of dentists and endodontists that appear from their reactions, to approve of the efforts I make in at least entertaining alternative methods that do away with the weaknesses of rotary NiTi that are so familiar to those who employ these techniques. While I would love everyone to agree with, my expectations are far more modest, to simply direct at least some of our efforts to thinking critically in the area of endodontic instrumentation, a task that was contraindicated for the students in their dental education. That so many dentists approve of what I write on this subject is encouraging and I believe is a telling refutation of the corporate/academic complex that has come to dominate the present state of dental academia.

Interestingly, the critic who seems assigned to undermining my efforts, stated that he gave a lecture at the AAE that irrefutably presented evidence that laser irrigation does not lead to the apical extrusion of debris. Questioning that definitive statement, I did a quick google search lasting no more than 15 minutes and immediately came up with 4 studies that refuted the one referenced claim he provided. Assuming as an expert presenter for the technology of which he is an advocate, it would be logical to assume that he is familiar with these studies and in an honest effort to respond to the results of these studies, he would offer some recognition that they exist and then make a convincing rebuttal on why they have no significance, if that, indeed, is the case.

We see a pattern that is most obviously present in the dental schools, the continuing education pattern at the major meetings and the presence of an individual on social sites that all have the same purpose to one degree or another, to limit the dispersal of alternative information. It has worked well for the major corporations to date. So, why not continue? I hope my efforts thwart that mentality or to quote a famous news columnist from years ago whose name I can no longer remember, I want to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

Regards, Barry


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