Forced Tribal Assimilations
When I awakened this morning, I discovered I'd come down with a slight sore throat, and likely because I was out in that chilling wind yesterday morning, so I made myself a cup of hot green tea which seemed to take care of most of it. I've always had a weakness whenever breathing in cold air for an extended period of time, which is why during the winter, I usually have my mouth partially covered whenever outdoors. I guess that was one more genetic predisposition I inherited from my mother who was also sensitive to the breathing in of cold air for any given period of time.
On and off the entire day, I was out with camera in hand taking photos of the 'day two' progress being made with the demolition of the Kirk Apartment building, and the only reason being, I wanted to create another slide show for all of you, so if you click on tonight's photo, it'll start our day-2 show.
I would say the most frightening moment was when one of the bay sections facing my office, came crashing down after that front-mounted claw starting pulling it towards the center pile. I never knew until today, there being a solid brick and stone wall running down the center of the building which rose all the way up and above its flat roof. Someone mentioned that it was likely created as a firewall. So much for it being effective in stopping that fire from engulfing the entire building.
While I was out at the sidewalk, one of my future clients just happened to stroll by with camera in hand, so I went over and had a nice chat. I had to laugh to myself because I wasn't even recognized, and only because I had changed into my work clothes in preparation of getting the floors in my office scrubbed again. That burn-out sure got my floors overly-dirtied, so hopefully once they've got all of that nasty stuff hauled away, they'll once again be easier to keep clean.
Another gentleman I didn't recognized, stopped in front of my office and appeared to be admiring my jade plants, so I said something to him about them, but I quickly discovered he was marveling at the blue bird house I have hanging in the window which a dear client of mine made for me one Christmas which I thought charming enough to hang it in my front window. He asked if he could take a photo of it, so I walked him in my office, just so he could get a better shot. Before he left, I discovered he was from Iowa City and here for a one-day business meeting. Since he asked about the fire, I gave him a brief description of what happened before he went on his way.
I dare say, our future tourists are going have slim pickings if they're looking for something historic to take photos of. Yes, there are those who've taken pictures of the many revolving sculptures they have mounted on stones around out Downtown, but they're not historically unique to our City. Truth be told, I dare say there've only been a handful of them which I found remarkable. Now I'm being wicked when saying most of them look like repurposed junkyard metal. I was relieved when discovering the people in charge of placing them around town, didn't decide to plop one of them in front of my office. I sure would like to see that garbage can relocated, because I know it's been a magnet for our exploding ant populations, and only because our City only dumps it, along with the others, once a week which I think is crazy during the summer months.
It took me a good hour and half to get my office floors cleaned, and once that was completed, I went out and took some additional photos before heading over to another mowing job which ate up another hour of my day, so when I got back to office after being in that heat, I was wringing wet, and thank goodness I've kept a chest of drawers in my back room which contains clean and dry undergarments. I'm ever-thankful for my having done some thinking forward when I decided to keep a spare or two on hand.
The remainder of my afternoon was spent working on several closing files which are coming up next week, so I made sure I had everything for those two banks put together and emailed back out to them before I called it quits for the day.
Several days ago while visiting with a friend of mine, we somehow got on the subject of being around various groups of people who're mostly of the same mindset but different from ours, so wicked me kicked-back by saying, "When looking at the flip-side of it all, have you ever wondered if they're looking at say you or me, and whispering amongst themselves afterwards about how odd we seemed to be?" I actually left him nearly speechless. Too funny.
Well, while I was working on those floors today, I was thinking about this 'being odd' business, and for whatever it's worth, on two completely different occasions, I was in the midst of a people who seemed Ok at the moment, but then shortly afterwards, their words and actions became so concerning, I had high-tail in an opposite direction as fast as I could. I swear one of them was looking at me thru the eyes of Hannibal the Cannibal.
Now let us reel forward to the present where we have many in our general public who've allowed themselves to be duped by all these alt-right or alt-left crazies who're creating hundreds of thousands of followers, which in my mind, is very similar to those groups of creepy people I encountered years ago. Many in our public haven't a clue that when they've allowed themselves to be propagandized by fake news and conspiracy theories, they'e also become part of these quietly forced tribal assimilations, which is why I've never been a fan of the many business and social clubs which people are always being pressured to join, and only because there's almost always one or two loud-mouthed ringleaders.
Tonight's One-liner is: Great genius takes shape when in antagonistic contact with another great genius.
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